Preparation and X-ray Study of Some Tantalum Halides - Journal of

Solution chemistry of the electrochemical machining of titanium, niobium and tantalum. R. F. Rolsten. Journal of Applied Chemistry 1968 18 (10), 292-2...
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1 ;i" smaller. while if the observations were indeed i n error due to contamination by TeOz, tlie tem~ " ~ ~ t should u r e be 2' higher. Hence the hiliiig j j o i i i t of tellurium map be stated as 991 3". The IIW of (2) to compute the heat of x aporizatioii is iiiaccurate a t the loucit teniperatures beC:I,IIW of ~ ~ r i r c ~ t a i t(II i t y1 1 ~ (I