Preparation of gold derivatives of nitrido clusters. Structural

Preparation of gold derivatives of nitrido clusters. Structural characterization of Ph3PAuFeRu3N(CO)12. Margaret L. Blohm, and Wayne L. Gladfelter. In...
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Inorg. Chem. 1987, 26, 459-463


Table 11. Selected Bond Distances (A) and Angles (deg) for [(CO)5Mn]3Bi(1) Bi-Mn 1 Mnl-CI Mn 1-C2 Mnl-C3 Mn 1-C4 Mnl-C5


Mn 1-Bi-Mn2 Bi-Mn 1-C 1 Bi-Mnl -C2 Bi-Mnl -C3 Bi-Mnl-C4 Bi-MnI-C5

2.884 (1) 1.866 (8) 1.846 (8) 1.864 (7) 1.858 (7) 1.821 (7) 110.3 (1) 85.0 (3) 83.4 (2) 84.7 (2) 90.8 (2) 176.5 (2)

(a) Distances Bi-Mn2 2.916 (1) Mn2-C6 1.843 (7) Mn2-C7 1.848 (8) Mn2-C8 1.855 (8) Mn2-C9 1.814 (7) Mn2-C 10 1.826 (7)

Bi-Mn3 Mn3-Cl1 Mn3-Cl2 Mn3-Cl3 Mn3-Cl4 Mn3-C15

(b) Angles Mn2-Bi-Mn3 Bi-Mn2-C6 Bi-Mn2-C7 Bi-Mn2-C8 Bi-Mn2-C9 Bi-Mn2-C 10

Mn3-Bi-Mnl Bi-Mn3-CI I Bi-Mn3-CI2 Bi-Mn3-CI 3 Bi-Mn3-Cl4 Bi-Mn3-Cl5

undertook a crystallographic investigation of 1. The determination of the structure of 1 would also provide valuable structural data for this scarcely investigated class of compounds.]' Diffraction-quality crystals were obtained from a saturated benzene solution of 1, and the result of the analysis is shown in Figure 1. The atomic coordinates and equivalent isotropic thermal parameters are listed in Table I. Table I1 contains selected intramolecular bond distances and angles for 1. The monomeric 1 maintains a pyramidal geometry about the central bismuth atom, with each Mn atom having an approximate octahedral environment. The molecule relieves the possible steric interactions between the carbonyl groups of the Mn(CO)S units through conrotation about the three Mn-Bi vectors, such that the carbonyl ligands are interleaved. The average twist angleI3 of the four equatorial carbonyl ligands is 22.7'. The attainment of this relief results in the Mn-Bi-Mn' angles being close to tetrahedral and only slightly greater than those found in [(C0)4Co]3Bi7 (Co-Bi