Present Capacity Meets Needs Future Growth Seen - ACS Publications

Jun 30, 2015 - T HE 8~~10118 deficiencies in supply of many inorganic chemicals, uncovered by defense needs during the Korean. War, have been largely ...
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lnoraanic Chemicals




Present Capacity Meets Needs Future Growth Seen FRANK TALBOT, Chemicals and Rubber Division,

Oftice of Defense Mobilization, Woshington, D. C

. T

HE 8~~10118 deficienciesin supply of many inorganic chemicals, uncovered by defense needs during the Korean War, have been largely provided for by increased capacity built during the past 3 years. With the main part of the bnsic inorganic chemicah expansion for defense and w n t i a l civilian requirements completed, then? is likely to be a change in emphasis on the part of industry during the next few years, from the building of new plants to the modernieation of older facilities. Where domestic capacity for an inorganic chemical may still be inadequate, industry will be encouraged to expand, 80 that the essential requirements of u fully provided for as possible. In evaluthe nation will be t atiug such a situation, an estimate of future supply and requirements under conditions of partid and full mobilization is important. An expansion goal is then established and steps are taken to provide capacity to meet thii goal at the a s signed time. The practice of establishing expansion goals resulted from a provision in the Internal Revenue Code, introduced following the outbregk of the Korean War. This provided for tax amortization over a Syear period for that portion of capital investment in production facilities certi6ed as essentisl for national defense. In August 1951 it waa decided that tax certificates in the future would be kued only for facilities included within expansion goals. By the end of Januaryl954, over 200 expansion goals for aU types of products had been set up and exemptions were granted in the c&48 of many plants which were too specialized in character to come under a general expansion goal. About 30 to 40 such exemptions were granted for inorganic chemicals. By the close of 1953 the bulk of the uecesBBry expansion had been covered by tax certilicates. At that time products for which expansion goals had been established were divided into closed, suspended, and open goals and it was provided that applicationsin the future would be received and proceased only for products on the open goals lit. In some instances there is much certi6ed capacity on which actual construction has not been started. B e c a w of their unusual importance. for full mobilization, goals for some products have been left open. FACTS A N FIGURE FOR T H CHEMICA PROCES INDUSTRIE

. L


Although defeose needs have been generally well provided for, it will be necessary from time to time to review the mpply and requirements picture for individual inorganic chenucab. Expansion goals for most products have been b d on estimated requirements only thmugh 1955. Following a further review and when the need appesm, a closed goal may be reopenedoranexistinggoalrevid.



No large expansions for the immediate future are contemplated, but tax amortization can continue to be used E&+ tively where increased capacity ia needed and tax amo& tion encouragement -is desirable. Of the 20 inorganic chemicals for which expansion goals were established, 19 have now besn closed, while onelithium compounds--is still open. For each inorganic chemical the estimated annual capacity for a bam period is shown in the hble, as well aa the production goal required, the completion date, and the percentage increw? in capacity over the base period that will result. B'fimafed

Ca ne Producfion Repuird, %In~m.l,l951 Jan.I.1955 crease 385.0. 375.3 81.0



Argon, millioncu. a. Calcium carbide. thousand short 1,230.0~ 57.7 780.0 ton. ......................... 3,430.0" 56.0 2,200.01 Chlorlne,thouund short tons W.6 45.4 23.1 4 h g s n peroxide. millianlb. Imn oxide.. v_ ellor ( thouund .s .m .. .). 92.3 25.0 13.0 shorttona ..................... 58.7 Ox~.en,highgurib.milliOnCu.ft.. . 21,800.0 34,600.0 Phosdmte fertilizers. thouund 65.6 2,144.0. 3.550.0J shorttons ..................... Phosphatic feed supplments. thou36.1 245.01 180.0. u n d short tons................. Phosphorus, elemental, thouund 70.8 275.0 161.0 short tons.. ................... 42.8 2.0. 1.4 Potash million short tons.. ........ 5.200.0 0 5,699.0 So&~sh~,thouundshorttons Sodium bichronutr, thouaand short 1 3 . 6 154.0 132.0 tons .......................... 145.0 113.2 68.0 Sodium ohlorate, million Ib.. ....... i 91.6 Bodinm oymide, million Ib.. 30.6 17.5 13.4 Sulfuric acid, million short tons. ... 26.6 7.700.0. 6,082.01 Sulfori,thousand long tons. ....... Titanium dioxide pigment, thouund 370.0k 31.2 282.0 shorttons ..................... 130.0 38.3 94.0 Hydrofluoricadd. million Ib.. . . . . . . 3,540.01 113.5 nikogenk. thonund short tons. .... 1.639.01 162.1 3,815.0 I0,wo.O Lithium compounds, thousmd Ib.. ~






Jan.1.1856. b Jan. 1.1854. e 1950. d 1855. a Fisoalyear1951. I Filcal year 1855. V July 1 18M. I Eatimbd m~ui.ramsnta1/1/55 1tban existent ClPBIitY 1/1 /51. i Not for publication. i Includes sulfvr wntent of im ortad pyrites and blende. k Placed on olwed goal b t u)o?APd 8.18M. I Jan. 1,1857.

Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid

When the third biennial "Facts and Fignrea for the Chemical Process Industries" was k u e 3 in June 1952, the world shortage of sulfur waa still serious. This shortage wna due to the decreaee in stock during World War I1 and thereafter, the lare, increase in demand by many countries in the restoration period following World War 11, and the large increase in demand caused by the Korean War. By the close of 1952 a marked improvement waa apparent in the world supply and demand position. Controls on domestic consumption were removed in November 1952. Improvement resulted from increases in production and a reduction indemand resulting from the fact that the level of consumption in many countries in the latter half of 1952 was lower than anticipated, from the efforts of a number of countries in converting from the use of sulfur to sulfurbearing materials, and from various conservation meamma. By March 1,1953, the position had improved sufficiently to terminate the international allocation of sulfur. As of January 1, 1954, U. 8. sulfur exports, although still licensed, were not reatricted as to quantity to countries in the free world. The United States has been incraasing its production of lhaach mlfur, its output of recovered sulfur, and its use of


June 1954


INORGANIC CHEMICALS Production of Selected Compounds, 1952 CNantiIy in hart IMI except ms noted. Value In Ihourands ef dollan Source

Total Production Quantitu

Bureau of Ihe c.lau,

shipments Vd"r e n 1.0.6. tit# Plant

Aluminum compounds Chlndd.

L i q u i d a n d ~ m t d . 3 2 ~ B 6 .. Advdroui, !00% AlCb . . . . Hydroxide mhydnts, 100% AhOa.3&0


17.122 29,015

16,838 24.049

829 7,043


61,430 1,867,292

3,783 98,093

Oxide, except natural alumins 1,881.672 StllfltS Commercial. 17% &O1 .... 668.079 Iron-fne. 17% AlrOi 38,229 Ammonium chloride. gray and rhite. 100% NH.CI. ... 28,588 h t i m o n.i comnoudw . . . . . m uldib.. ......... itc, precipitated,



._ ......... Subnitrate. 100%

Chloride Solid and flake. 73-75% C.CL Liquid, -5% CaCh.. . . . . Cubon, achvated. decolorizing m d water purillcition~.. . . . . . Chlorine b l e s o b g compounds, tow... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calcium hppochloritc, 70% available Cb., ............ Bleaching powder and liquid, lime bleach, 35-37% available Ch.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sodium hypochlorite and other bleaching compounds. ..... Chrome colors Chrome green (chrome yeuow andiron blue). ............ Chrome o d d s green,C.P.. .... Chmme yellor m d orange. C.P.. .................... Molybdate chrome orange. C.P ...................... Zinc yellon (zinc chromate) C.P.. .................... Copper sulfate. 100% CuSO+.-




Hydrogen gernxide, 100% by weight.. ................... Iodine,resublimed 100% I,. ....

Iron compounds

Berriccbloride, 100%FeCb.. . Ferrous sulfate, 100% FeSO,.-

7 E O . . ..................

Lead aIseMte, acid m d basic.. . Lithium compounds CuboMte. 100% Li*COa.. .... Hydroxide, 100% L1OE. , . . , . Magnesium compounds.. . . . . . . Mmguisse compoonds. ....... Merctup and compomds blemtup,rediatilled.. . . . . . . . M e d c chloride. 100% HgCL Mercums chloride. 100%

649,771 29,338

20,299 1,639


3,164 5.227 723








13,587 8,902

1,599 1,133

127 103 54,548

150 123 50,803 3.180

905 656 5,570 1,262

3,817 703,241

5,179 408.318

909 34,422




427,398 I43,35oe

421,995 139.476

9,856 970





Total tion

Quantitu Phosphomm m d comprmnds Phosphms, elemental whiteyeUow,.andred, tcchhical.. . Oxychlomdc 100% POCL.. .. Phosphoms'trichloride (chloride), 100% PCL... . . . . . . . Potassium compounds, n.e.c. Chlorate, 100?7KCIOI.. ..... Iodide, 100% %. ........... Perchlorate, 100% KCIO'. , . . Silver compoundd de, 100% n ........

%%, 100% AYOa.. ......

silica gal. ....................

Sodim Eompounds. U.C.E. B i d a t e . niter u k e , 100%


Borate (borax teehnicll.. , , . chlorate. look xac10,. . . . . . Fluoride, 100%ma... . . . . . . HydrosulUde dhydrate, 100% I d E ............. ~ ~ d r o d t100% e , rsso,.. Phosphates Monobasic. 100% lWX,PO, Dibasic. 100V Ha,HPO.. .. Tribasic. 100% Ila,P04..... Tegabadc (pyre), 100% nl*pIoI.. Met.,100% UaPOa.. ...... Acid PFO, 100% I(lrEPtOr. Tripol~,100% XuROa.. ..















7,145 8.894

6,467 8,331

4,pM 5,981













13.308 56

11.598 80

12,615 218




155,142 7,143

98,299 8,052

731 3,831

n... 11.1.

577 1.385 n . ~ . 17,142 n... 4 . w

354 353

269 73


22 142* 745 6.795

20 51,040 6,055

141 2,751 2,860

592 n...

352 518


Shipments Vd"r Quanf.0.b. tit" blont


195,157 11.252

158,324 9,008

49,838 2.024




7.510 456

7,478 390

1.469 1,625 54,093'

2.668 59,620

2,667 57,380

1.385 29,7m 29,894

38,275 331,756 40,434 3,992

38.131 151,432 23,180 3.781

1,599 5,807 3,987 849

19,680 24.574

18,110 24,227

1,948 12,301

19,365 175,871 50,654

6,464 23,382 49.910

1,043 3,372 8,946

84,824 49,742 10,644 370.790

95,361 49.944 10,762 362,746

10,720 8,837 2.019 55.836

.... ..



Water dass (soluble silicates glass), solid m d liquid (an-

hydrous) . . rdet.siuute, 01.5E0..

ii& .............


n.9.c. including sodium cyanide). .................... Sulfur compounds Dioxide. 100% SO, Chloride, technical. . Sulfurand other sulfur cornpoundah. ........ Tin compounds Chloride, stamou~,100% SnCll Oxide. stmnlc, 100% SnOt.. . s o d i m tungstate, 100% ~SWO~.ZEO.. Sulfate. 100% Z n S 0 ~ 7 H ~ o, . .




117,635 27,753

99,347 28,011

6,896 2.938

7,672 12,m

7,534 10,104

668 1,304

202.813 662,373

206,371 653,258

4,Mo 9,840







17.187 43,483

5,204 44.237

376 2.603





. . U


36,306' 7,089

35,933 5,570

2,960 365




352 468

348 455

674 1,122

557 314,442

152 276,820

944 124.m

27,155 41,115

21,116 24,483

3.373 3,316








5 0








millions of rhwl




millions of shwl lois

shirt lam

Vol. 46, No. 6

























pyrites and other aultur-bearing materisls. In other conntries of the free world eiT0rt.s wen? made to utilize their own resources of sulfurbearing materisls as well as to increase the use of imported pyritea aud other sulfur-beahg materisls. In certain countries them have bem incressas in the output of native sulfur; however, except in the United Statea and Mexico,native d u r is not produced by the h c h proteas and is, therefore, available only at much higher cost. Fmm the standpoint of the domestic and oversess consumer, an important question is: How long will sufiicient quantities of Frasch sulfur be available? Tt is di5icult at thk time to answer thii question bemuse of the lack of information as to how long the present sulfur domes will continue in operation, and how many new sulfur domes and of what Bime will be developed. Over the next decade output of F ~ a ~ osulfur h may decline, while production of high-cost native sulfur will increase. At the eame time the consumption of pyrites and other sulfur-bearing materiala is expected to advance to higher levels. The present expansion goal for sulfur in all forms is 7,700,000 long tons by Janusry 1,1956. 8ulfur in all forms includes native or h c h sulfur, recovered d u r , and sulfur-bearing materids such as pyrites and zinc blende, utilized primarily for producing sulfuricacid. In 1953 the United States produced 5,155,300 long tons of hwcb d u r and 337,100 long tons of recovered sulfur, a total of 5,492,400long tons. Total 1953 exports of sulfur from the United Staka were 1,241,536long tons, of which 317,630 long tons were to Canada. producars’ stacks of fiasch and recovered sulfur in 1953 declined about 34,000 long tom It is therefore estimated that in 1953 domestic consumption of ~ulfuraa such, includii some increase in consumer~’stacke, was about 4,251,000long tons. It appears likely that domestic production of Frasch sulfur will incresse subta~~tially in 1954becsuae of the o p t i o n of the new sulfur domes at Garden Ielsnd Bay, La., and the




Nash Dome at Freeport, Tex. Domestic production of Fmwh and m o v e d sulfur in 1954 is estimated at about 6,000,000long tons,of which Frasch sulfur is expected to total about 5,600,000long tons,and recovered sulfur about 400,000 long tons. Exports in 1954 will pmbably rise; if estimated at 1,400,000long tons, there would be available about 4,600,000 long tons for domestic consumption and for incregses in producers’and consumers’ stocks. Sulfuric Acid

During most of 1953 United Statea producers of sulfuric acid were looking to an increasing extent to n o n - k c h sources for their raw material. Sulfur consumption in domestic and imported pyrites may increase to 650,000tons in 1954,and sulfur from smelter gases may rim to 300,000tons. In recent yeara subahtial gains have been made in the use of spent acid. Total capacity to pmduce sulfuric acid at the beginning of 1954was estimated at 16,250,000short tons of 100% HBO, compared with 13,238,000short tons at the beginning of 1950, an i n c of~about 22.7y0. By the end of 1954 it is estimated that capacity will expand to about 17,700,000short tons. Practicdly all expmsious have been in contact acid facilities. Production of sulfuric acid in 1953 (not including government planta) was about 14,187,000short tons,of which about 10,300,000tons waa contact acid, 2,885,000tons was chamber acid, and 1,003,000tons waa spent acid fortified in pmducing plank. The 1953 production was about 6.6% greater than in 1952,when production was 13,309,000short tons. A recent Commerce Department study showed total net consumptionof sulfuric acid in 1952was 12,075,000short tons, compared with 12,220,000shorttom in 1951 and 11,981,000 short tons in 1950. In 1952 the ten largest u8es in net tons of 100% sulfuric acid were estiited as foUows:



Jum 1954



T h a d ; of Short Tom 40%. 1199 1174






333 275

274 25s

It is signi6cant that in 1952 about 44% of the sulfuric acid was used for the manufactw of agricultural chemicals (phoe pbatic f e r t i h m and ammonium sulfate). The next largeat consumer is the chemical indwhy, where sulfuric acid is used in the production of a wide number of inorganic and organic abemi&.

Chlorine and Alkalies

Estimates for 1953 indicate a modest increase in the output of chlorine and electrolytic caustic sods,, a digbt decline in lime?eOds. caustic, approximately an 8% inin ammonia soda ash, and a 30% increase in natural sods, ash, over the 1952production. There sema to be ample capacity for chlorine and alkalifor the next few years. It is now estimated that l i m d a caustic operations will decline, although favorable factors in some loeations will continue some lime-soda plants in operation for an indefinite period. The lime-soda.caustic plants at present have about 20% of the total capacity of eleetrolytic and l i m d a plants. Tots1 caustic soda capacity is now estimsted at about 4,400,000 tons a year; 1953 production ww about 3,262,000tons. By the end of 1953 about 1% of the chlorine capacity in the United States waa in 10 plants wing mercnry cells. The 6rst large scale installation of mercury cells at Muscle Shoals, Ala., was d e in 1952

SODIUM CARBONATE millimns d sk& lm

The expansion goal for nitrogenin all forms by January 1, 1957, is 3,500,000 short tons of contained nitrogen. A8 of April 1, 1954, it was estimated that rated capacity for pmducing synthetic ammonia was 2,881,700 short tom of nitrogen, either in production (2,223,600 tons) or under. comtmction ( W J 0 0 tons), and that nitrogen from by-product coke ovem and organic waates was 265,000 tons. The total BB sured supply of nitrogen when constructionnow under way is completed is therefore 3,146,700short tans. outstandingoertificates of necemity for an additional 190,300 short tons of nitrogen hsd been issued as of April l, 1954, on which construe tion of facilitieswas not yet startsd. With a goal of 3,500,000 short tons there was, therefore, a gap of 163,000short tons of nitrogen available for certification. As applicatiom received were more than adequate to cover the gap, the expansion goal for nitrogen w w closed w of April 9, 1954. As of that date 30 applications were pending for synthetic ammonia facilities with a total capacity of about 1,000,000tom of nitrogen to cost over $270,000,000. The 1953 production of about 2,286,500short tons of synthetic ammonia was more than double the 1948 production, more than thw t i m e the output of 1946, and more than four timw that of 1941. In recent years ammonium nitrate bas become the most important m u r e of fertilizer nitrogen. Other important pmdncts include ammonium sulfate (by-product and synthetic), compound ammoniating mlutions, anhydmus ammonia for direct application and for ammoniation, ammonium nitratelimestone mixture, sodium nitrate, ammonium phwpbate, and m. A very important development has been the direct addition of a n h y h n e ammonia to the soil or in irrigation waters. In 1952-54, it is estimated by the Department of Agriculture, about 325,000short tons of nitrogen as ammonia out of 1,916,000short tons available for fertilieer will be for direct application. The following table shorn the estimated 1953-54supply of nitrogen for fertilizer purposes in the United States and poe;

SODIUM HYDROXIDE aillila d short MI



sassions, as compared with similar figures for 1952-53, as reported by the Department of Agriculture. Short Tons of Nitrosen

Vol. 46, No. 6

tion of fluorspar for hydrofluoric acid during 1949-53 is shown below; The estimated production of hydrofluoric acid, if it is aeaumd that 2.4 tons of acid spar ia required for 1 ton of 100% hydrofluoric acid, was as follows:



I95143 8UPlaU

ritimted SUPPlU 464,000

Ammonium nitrate. aU ides 428.a w o n i u m i u ~ a t mfammonium e sulfate401,500 375,000 nitrate* 250,700 255,000 Other solids5 4 0 . m 39,000 IWurd or anicre CompoUnt.;mmoni.ting solutionsr 361.900 385,000 83,500 73,000 BEL for ammoniation* 237,800 325.000 N E for direct ~pplie.tiod TOW 1,804,000 1.916.000

By-product ammonium sulfate production in 1953 wa8 a b u t 960,oOO short tons compared with 802,412 short tons in 1952, when production was off because of the steel strike. Synthetic ammonium sulfate produced from sulfuric acid aud synthetic ammonia declined in 1953 to about 544,000 short tons, compared with 812,795 tons in 195.2. The 1953 production of synthetic ammonium sulfate was less than half the 1950 production of 1,137,721 short tons. Supplies of nitric acid, prcduced from synthetic ammonia, increased in 1953 to reach a total output of 1,764,400 short tons compared with 1,639,014 short tons in 1952, 1,512,609 in 1951, and 1,335,718 in 1950. Production of ammonium nitrate (100% NHPOs) in 1953 NWI 1,561,000 short tons, compared with 1,467,341 in 1952 and 1,346,443 in 1951. Phosphorus

At the close of 1953 it is estimated there were 31 furnaces available with an estimated capacity of ahout 247,000 short tons of elemental phospborus. It is expected that a new furnace will come into operation in 1954 and capicity by the close of the year will probahly be over 260,000 short tons. Production of elemental phosphorus in 1953 was probably about 225,000 short tons, compared with 195,157 short tons in 1952, 184,693 in 1951, and 153,233 in 1950. In normal peacetime years abont 90 to 95% of the elemental phosphorus produced is burned to the oxide, which is then hydrated to phosphoric acid. In 1953 the production of phosphoric acid fmm phospborus (1,264,000 short tons, 50% L i s ) was 55% larger than in 1950 and about 27% larger than in 1952. Wet process phosphoric acid production in 1953 (1,222,000 short tons,50% basis) was about 48% larger than in 1950 and about 14% larger than in 1952. Among the sodium phosphates the production of tripolyphosphate bas been outstanding, increasing from 233,034 short tons in 1950 to 468,000 short tons in 1953. Tribasic sdium phosphate has shown a decline in production from 68,801 short tons in 1950 to 60,500 short tons in 1953. Tetrabasic (pyro) phosphate, metaphosphate, and acid pyrophosphate have shown modest expansions in output during the m e period. Hydrofluoric Acid

Consumption of fluorspar for production of hydrofluoric mid has been expunding rapidly in recent years. Consump

* Short Tons

Conrumjfion of Fluorrmrfor HF


Production, HF 100%

On January 1,1951, the estimated capacity for hydrofluoric 94,000,000 pounds. The expansion goal for acid as such w a ~ this material estahlished for January 1, 1955, was 130,000,000 pounds. Hydrofluoric acid was removed from the BUSpended l i t to the closed list as of March 18,1954, when it was indicated that existing capacity plus fwilities whose construction is virtually complete is sufEcient to meet estimated requirementsfor hydrofluoric acid. Hydrofluoric acid finds urn in the production of aviation gasoline, for pickling stbless steel, production of fluorinated hydrocarbons, prepamtion of aluminum fluoride, artificial cryolite, fluoride salts, and other usea. A few years ago it was believed that a shortage of fluorspar might be developing, but the discovery of new deposits of this ore in the United Statea, Mexico, and other countries has assured a good supply for many y m . Present decreased use of ffuorspar for metallurgical purposes and increased availability of imported fluorspar have resulted in a decline in operations by some domstic producers of fluorspar. Technological developments indicate that fluorspar could be augmented by fluorides recovered from phosphate rock if necw sary. Helium and Argon

Helium is a minor constituent of natural gas, and only a limited numher of deposits of natural gas contain enough helium to warrant ita economic recovery. The Buresu of Mines operates four helium plants and shipped a total of 157,700,000 cubic feet of helium in the calendar year 1953, of which about 58,000,000 cubic feet went to industrial consumem. The demand for helium is increasing and in 1954 anticipated demand is expected to be ahout 175,000,000 cubic feet. Present annual capacity of the four government plants is estimsted at approximately 200,000,OOo cubic feet. The principal u r n of helium, as a lifting gas in airships and balloons and as an inert gss for arc welding of metala such as aluminum, magnesium, stsinlea steel, and titanium, am aing increasing quantities of helium. At the present time considmhle additional quantities of helium could be movered from some of the natural gas that is being utilized for commercial purposes. Recovery of helium from such commercial gas would help to c o r n e helium now being produced from natural gas deposits that were acquired by the Government primarily as r e s e m for fnture w. There are no commercial plants producing helium, although nuder the Helium Act there are no legal obstacles, as the act daes not prohibit the private production and d e of helium in thia country. Because of increasing commercial w of helium, it might be expected that private industry would give wious considerstionto its production. Argon, which is manufactured entirely by private industry, is used in large quantities for shielded arc welding, and to a lesser extent for titsnium production, and for electrouics, electric h p s , and other minor uses. Argon is now obtained as a by-product from liquid oxygen plants. It is believed that considerable quautities of argon could be produced in con-




June 1954



Production by Chemical Compound Sovrcei

Bureau of lhe Csnwur. Quontih in h h o t r Ions unleu ofhewire indicated






310,822 l,ll4,000 1,777,074 2,052,114 2,206,454

All other &des. ........... A m m o n i u m d a t e , syn. tech.b. C a l d u m ummte, mmmsreial.. . . Calcium urbide, commercial.. ... Calcium PhOSQhate, dibasic. 100%



n... n...

1,086.869 1.346.443 1,467,341 1,561,434 928,161 1,139,815 1,258,565 1,331,136 158,708 206,628 208,776 230.298 . L 195,848 622,084 812,795 544,578 20,675 23,452 20,450 3.817 3.630 ma. 607,113 775,284 703,241 793,335






Hydrogen. million cubic fee!d .... Lead usemte, acid m d b s u c . . . . Nitric acid, 100% HNOa.. ....... oxygen (high purity) million C". ft. PhosQhOriC acid Total, 50% &PO'. . . . . . . . . . . . From phosphorous. . . . . . . . . . Fmmpho.phatemck . . . . . . . . Silver nitrate. 100% AgNOa,


27,933 43,660 41,512 51,048 11.1. 21,185 26,442 26,732 26,050 29,785 15,503 12,708 7,143 7,098 167,740 1,189,411 1,512,609 1,639,014 1,764,363 n.a. 14,429 22,282 22,872 25,279

n.a. n.a. n.a.

1,012.971 1,845,727 2,061,099 2.486.439 529,848 911,364 987,361 1,263,518 483,123 934,363 1,073,738 1,222,921

n.~. 38,336 60,452 59,620 633,151 1M)OOE... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sodium cubonate (M& a b ) , 58% N*O Ammonia M& procew TOW=rude bicarbonate' .... 2,826,000 4,524.668 5,093,927 4,442 450 4 879 408 Finished light1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . n.a. 2,206,590 2,575,677 2,316:508 2:571:651 Finished dense. . . . . . . . . . . . . n . ~ . 1.629.406 1,802,022 1,591,177 1,770,589 121,858 276,428 363,951 321.131 423.7W 5 ~ na,o.. 7 ~ ................. Sodium bichromate and chmmpte. Sodium hydroxide (caustic no&),

100% HiOH Electmlytic pmce88 Lipaid' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solid.. .................... Lime M& process Liquid0 .................... Solid ...................... Sodium phosphate

150,913 58,164

172,640 127,634

138,558 88,905

155,54C 108,245

512,914 1,353,429 2,437,997 2,523,893 2,757,817 n... 247.054 254,968 354,257 283.365 532,914

n.a. 11.1.

n.~. 48,691 Q.L.


749,721 246,303

668,310 57,282

507,537 144,606

14.690 78;806 88,568 30.56,641 15.180

18.478 182;649 67,607 52,398 06,384 11.434 a31;475

19.365 175;871 50,654 49,742 84,824 10.844 370;790

50,W 52,04a 95,286 12.579 m;034


504,537 139,786 20.670 ~~,~~~ 11.1.














m e n production which is published by the Bureau of Minca in the Monthly

Includes quuantitiea UMd to manufaoture aawtio sod.,d i u m bicarbonate and finished and dense soda

I Eraiudesquantitiaraonsertedtodensadrurh. 0

Liquid production 68"-

cawtic and raportad m euoh.





I952 1753














illions If shirt Ions



mm OXYOm

billions If cubic b o t


Na~S04.10H10.. ........... n.a. 202,285 219,942 177.929 204,159 Salt d e , cmde. commercial.. . me.. 693,517 707,388 662,373 734,024 Sulfuric acid, 100% HzSO. GtM. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,795,003 10,780,166 13,372,300 13,308,558 14,187,880 Cha ............ 2,120,963 3,274,753 2.885.672 2,709,279 2,884,936 Can G 2,674,040 7,505,413 10,486,628 10,599,279 11,302.944 Contact QIDEeBS (new). .. n.a. 6,828.640 9,503,196 9,634,618 10,299,259 Spent acid, -sed in fortiecation... . . . . . . . n.a. 676,773 983,432 964,661 1,003,685

^ b.Preliminary. ErdvdF by-Droduct mk:



32.382 116.731

Tetra, 100% I(.1ptOl.. . . . . . . . . Acid pno, 100% NazH~PzO,.. . . Trimly. 100% RUP~OIO.. ...... Sodium .iliute (mluble silicate slass, liquid m d mhydmus solid1 sodium d * t e Anhydrous, retined. 100%

180.5% 90,285



C u b o n dioxide Liquid and gasc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n.a. 117.600 161,784 159,444 179,150 Solid (dry ice). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178,447 360,201 482,462 536,944 533.906 514,4001 1,443,219 2,517,913 2,608,690 2,796,070 chlorine g*s.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydrochloric acid TOW,100% HCI .............. 123.831 442,558 695,591 683,742 771,241 Fmm u l t m d acid.. . . . . . . . . n.a. 173,541 174,994 612.411 180.076 Fmm chlorine m d hydrogen. n... 87.112 123.063 140.5% 151,859 By-product and other.. ...... n... 181,905 397,534 380,735 439,306 Hgdroeuoric acid. W .Et tech., 100% HYF, ...................


tow pmduction including quanti& later evaporated to d i d



HYDROOUI billions If wbk bel





Vol. 46. No. 6



nection with the nroduction of svnthetic ammonia. although %he production of'argon &E increased very rapidly since 1947, largely as a result of the increased d b n d for this gaa for shielded arc welding. Consumption of helium for commercial use ( a h largely for shielded arc welding) has aL40 expanded, but at a slower rate than argon. The following table shows the yearly production of armn since 1947 and the shbments of helium for commer cia use: so far this has not been done.

Consumpution for Fertilizer Purposes Quanlily In rhwt t n a Based on N. Cmp year ended Jun. 30 Soureei Apricullvml Research Sewlce, US. Deparlment of Aoriculture Region 1939. 1947) 1951s 195P 1953 21.919 24.983 25,000 NewEngland 16.369 24.818 76,026 88,302 101,000 Middle Atlmtic.. 33,873 63,175 80tlthAtlantic 163,525 241,605 311,756 335,948 368,000 SouthCentnl..... 88.263 193,658 339.694 390,180 4M,000 East North Central. 17,505 65,358 123,276 171,905 234,000 Wamt North Csntnl 1,819 25,153 84,966 122.036 179,000 Western . . _ _ . _ . _30,005 . . 131,110 212,525 233,147 251.000 ContinentdU.8. .. , 351,359 744,877 1,170,162 1,366.401 1.562.000 T d t o r i e s ......._ 33,065 38,711 66,816 58,379 ToWU. 8.. , . . . , 384,424 783,588 1.236.978 1.424.780 1,616,000

...... .. ...__ .

* ~


Helium Shipments for Commercial Use

Argon Production Millions

* Government diatributionnot inoluded.


Consumption for Fertilizer Purposes &anlily

in short tom.

l a r d on arailoble Pros.

Crop year ended

June 30

U. S. Depwlmenl of Agricullvn 1951k 195P 1953 NewEngland 31,581 54.587 51,958 52,138 49.000 MiddleMentlc.. 135,276 228,599 249,594 249,629 250,000 &nth Atlmtic.. . 261,503 512,157 513,865 515,167 489.000 SouthCentrd....114,246 344,692 473,332 483,854 444,000 East North Central 101.736 342.247 436.862 486.419 530.000 A g h l t u r d Remarch S.rvice, Region 1939. 1947)



. ........

TotdU.S ...._. 7, a

Government distributionnot inoluded.

1 Inolvdai Covernmant dbtribution.

Consumption for Fertilizer Purposes Quonlily in shwt Ions.


Baud on KzO. Crop year md.d June 30 U.S. Department of Aprkullvn


Agr!dlvml Research Se&,

Reaion igw i9m 1951~ 1952) 1953 New E&d.. . .. . 27,424 44,013 43,126 50,665 52,000 Middle Atlantic.. . . 61,717 106,168 136,691 156.849 171,000 SouthMentic..... 168,628 301,958 405.730 439,911 4551,000 south centnl.. . .. . 50,878 121.965 246.6~5 289,159 284.000 East North Central.. . , , . . . . 54,476 193,624 393,855 479,654 556,000 wsit north Cenkd.. . . . , , , . 3.930 36,206 83,610 102,084 132,000 Westem 8.407 22,657 27.674 27,076 31,000 ContinentdU. s... 375,160 826,591 1,337,311 1,545,398 1,677,000 Territories.. . .. .. 23,588 31.883 42,472 36.069 36.000 Totd 0. S.. . 399.M 858.474 1379.813 131.467 1,713.000

. .......... .. ... .

* Government didxibution not inahdad. b Indud- Government dmtribution.






of Cubic Feet 16.5 17.2 17.2 26.1 33.7 47.9 57.9

1 Includes Government distribution.


If larger quantitiea of helium had been available in recent years, the increase in shipments for commercial use would no doubt have been much greater. Other Products

The growth of production of hydrochloric acid, 100% basis, in recent years shows an increase from 618,784 short tons in 1950 to about 771,000 short tons in 1953. In 1950 about 55% was by-product, 27% w88 from salt, and 18% was from chlorine. In 1953 about 57% was by-product, 23% from salt, and 20% from chlorine. Calcium carbide production in 1953 was about 793,000 short tom compared with 671,492 short tons in 1950, 775,284 in 1951, and 703,241 in 1952. Increased demand for calcium carbide was indicated for vinyl acetate and acrylonitrile. Sodium chlorate production almost doubled from 1950, when it waa 22,085 short tons, to 1952, when produetion was 40,434 short tons. Sodium chlorate is findingincreased use 88 a herbicide which took h o s t one half of the 1952 outDut. Other u8es include the m u f a c t u r e of potassiUm perehlo&e, ,.&ton defobtion, and pulp bleachg. Cotton defobtion is a relatively new use for sodium chlorate and for this use cyanamideJ as we' &8 Other has been utilieed' Potash (K@) capacity as of June 30, 1958, was about at the level of the expansion goal of 2 , ~ tons , scheduled ~ to


be reached bY 1, 1954. new shaft be& S u n k in the Carlsbad, N. M.,area and other developmente am planned. Dometic capacity plus imports should be sufficient to meet requirements of agriculture and industry.

Because of demand for previous editions of IBEC's Facts and Figures, a combined reprint of pages 1081-1 144 from the issue has been made up with an attractive cover. Copies, at $1.50 each, are avdilable from the-



SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C.
