Prevent fuel oil clogging...avoid customer complaints - ACS Publications

Nov 12, 2010 - Prevent fuel oil clogging...avoid customer complaints. Chem. Eng. News , 1963, 41 (28), p 28. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v041n028.p028. Publicati...
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Prevent fuel oil clogging...avoid customer complaints Nothing will sour customers on your brand of fuel oil faster than the in­ convenience and added expense of clearing clogged filters and nozzles. Today's severe cracking conditions and blending practices are usually the direct causes of poorer storage stabil­ ity of fuel oils. But now there's a way to combat this problem. A r m o u r ' s Armolad® additives s i m u l t a n e o u s l y p r o v i d e these six advantages for fuel oils:

• • • • •

Improve filterability Inhibit sludging Stabilize color Inhibit corrosion Prevent emulsincation of any water present • Minimize water hazing Armolad additives disrupt the normal chain reaction of oxidation and poly­ merization that forms gums. Fuel oils can be stabilized for as long as a year at a cost as low as 0.8^/bbl. Armolads

are effective with a variety of crude stocks, including Venezuelan, MidEast, Mid-Continent, West Texas. Used in conjunction with Armolad additives, Arquad® 2HT, T-2C, or 2S, will peptize sludge already present in a system and pass it harmlessly through the burner system without clogging filters and nozzles. For more information on these p r o d u c t s (or o t h e r A r m o u r Idea Chemicals), write to Dept. CEX-14.

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