Preventing solid distillate accumulation during steam distillation

chemistry laboratory at Alfred University, accumulation of solid distillate in the condenser can he prevented without in- terruption of the distillati...
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Preventing Solid Distillate Accumulation during Steam Distillation When a solid is steam distilled, as in the bromination of the various aromatics we use for unknowns in the organic chemistry laboratory at Alfred University, accumulation of solid distillate in the condenser can he prevented without interruption of the distillation by installing a "pusher" in the system.




After reaction is comnlete.. water is added to the reaction mixture. and steam distillation is b e a n . With the usual glassware, the still head leading from the reaction vessel to the condenser is oriented about 90' from irr normal position. It iu then pwtilrle to run a lung glass rod through the thermometer adapter and into the rondrnser.'l'lm glass rod is kept in plare thruughuur rhr distillation and is slid back and forth as needed to push any solid out of the uundenser into the receiver Rlchard D. Sands Alfred VniversiV Alfred. NY 14802


Journal of Chemical Education