ist, ccurate pipetting push-button lea^e^^ no glassware to wash
the Journal of Chemical Physics and Chemical Reviews. Dr. Parr has been a member of ACS since 1947. He is also a fellow of the American Physical Society and a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Association of University Professors, and Phi Beta Kappa. His research interests have centered on the kinetics of propellant burning, molecular vibrations, and the elec tronic structure of molecules. He has written more than 80 papers in these fields. The ACS Monograph series was established in 1921 to provide com plete and critical reference works in relatively restricted areas of chemical science and technology. Thus far 162 volumes have been published.
PRF Type G grants fattened The size and duration of the 1966 ACS-Petroleum Research Fund Grants for Individual Fundamental Research in the Petroleum Field (Type G) have been increased. This recommendation of the PRF Advisory Board was approved by the Society's Board of Directors at Pittsburgh last month.
The new Warner-Chilcott AutoSpenser®allows you to make repeti tive pipettings without visual check ing, several times faster than by manual methods. It provides preci sion comparable to expensive, pow ered devices. Reagent pick-up, sample pick-up, delivery and wash take only 15 sec onds in all. The Auto-Spenser ac cepts a range of sample and diluent volumes equivalent to a whole drawer of pipettes. It can be oper ated on sample mode only. Besides greatly reducing variations in per sonal pipetting technique, the AutoSpenser eliminates variations from one pipette to another. The manually-operated AutoSpenser is silent, portable, rugged, versatile and safe for use with flam mable solvents. It is self-washing — reagents can be changed in seconds. Brief specifications: sampie volumes — 20 to 250 μ\ ; reagent volumes — 0.5 to 5.0 ml. sampling accuracy - rt 0.5 μϊ or ± 1% (whichever is greater] ; reagent delivery accuracy — ± 0.5% or ± 0.005 ml (whichever is greater). Price: $195.00, immediate delivery. Available from your authorized Warner-Chilcott instruments distributor. Write for product bulletin AP. Warner-Chilcott Laboratories Instruments Division « T ^ Morris Plains, New Jersey WL/SJ 80 C&EN APRIL 18, 1966
Each new Type G grant will pro vide a total of $o000 for two years and is intended to assist a new faculty member to establish a sound research program. Of the amount awarded, up to $1500 may be allocated each year for part of the principal investiga tor's salary during the two summer periods when he does not receive a salary from his institution or another source. Previously, Type G grants were for $2000 and were made for one year. Eligibility requirements for Type G grants remain essentially the same. The applicant must be within the first three years of his appointment as a regular faculty member of a college or university within the United States or Canada. At the time the grant is ac cepted, he must not have received sup port for his research work, current or expired, other than that provided by funds from his own institution. An application may be submitted before the Ph.D. has been awarded provided the applicant has completed all re quirements and will have the degree and a regular academic appointment by the time a grant would be awarded. Since the ACS-PRF Type G grant program is designed to help young faculty members start research pro grams, new faculty members with ex tensive postdoctoral research experi-
Short course in Beacon A fifth stop has been added to the route of the short course on Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds to be given in June. Already scheduled for Fullerton, Calif., Chicago, III., Hoboken, N.J., and Binghamton, N.Y., the course will also now be given in the Beacon, N.Y., area under the sponsorship of the Mid-Hudson
Section, starting June 29 and ending at noon Friday, July 1. Registration fee for the course is $42.50 and registration is limited to 75 at each location. Those who wish to enroll for any of the courses must ρ re register by completing the form below and sending it to Dr. Moses Passer, ACS Educational Secretary.
American Chemical Society ACS Educational Secretary 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 2 0 0 3 6 Please enroll me in the ACS short course on "Spectrometry Identifica tion of Organic Compounds," registration fee $ 4 2 . 5 0 . I wish to attend the course in the following city: Π
Fullerton, Calif.—June 1 1 - 1 3
Hoboken, N.J.—June 2 2 - 2 4
Chicago, III.—June 1 8 - 2 0
Binghamton, N.Y.—June 2 6 - 2 8
Beacon, N.Y., area—June 2 9 - J u l y 1
Name Affiliation Address
Check or money order should be made payable to the American Chemical
_ZIP_ Society
ence in a university, industrial, or gov ernment laboratory are encouraged to compete for other types of PRF grants. Deadline for receipt of research pro posals for ACS-PRF Type G grants is June 1. Evaluation and selection by the PRF Advisory Board is scheduled for mid-summer and announcement of grants awarded for late August. Ap plication forms and additional infor mation about eligibility and areas of fundamental research of interest to PRF can be obtained from Dr. Robert E. Henze, PRF Program Administra tor, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Wash ington, D.C. 20036.
CAS plans polymer publication Chemical Abstracts Service will launch a user-oriented, computer-based pub lication covering polymer science and broad segments of polymer technology in January 1967. The new service, according to Philip K. Reily, director of CAS's marketing division, will con tain 12,000 to 15,000 digests per year, and will be available in both hard copy and tape versions. Catalyst systems, certain equipment parameters, and various areas of proc essing and processing characteristics of plastics will be included. Data will come from patents, government reports, and other technology-oriented sources as well as the usual research publications. The biweekly publication, yet to be given a name, will be in the same general price range as CAS's Chemi cal-Biological Activities. As part of the service, CAS will prepare tapes and provide search programs.
New local section officers MEMPHIS. Brother J. Edward Doody, chairman of the chemistry department at Christian Broth ers College, is the 1966 chairman of the Memphis Sec tion. Serving with Dr. Doody are Dr. Charles C. Irving, chairman - elect; Brother Ignatius Leo, Christian Brothers College, 650 E. Parkway South, Memphis. Tenn. 38104, secretary; and Dr. Alkis J. Sophianopoulos, treasurer.
Correction The 1966 chairman-elect of the Pan handle Plains Section is John W. Balentine, not John Wesly, as listed in C&EN, Feb. 28, page 62.
makes K E L Z 3 N thickened products easy to live with When high concentrations of salts, acids and alkalies are encountered ( w e have a list T P H - I - S long), it's great to know that KELZaN® solutions tolerate them. What else? KELZaN* solutions... • put up with from 10% hydrochloric acid to 12% sodium hydroxide • assure nearly constant viscosity, from freezing to boiling • If frozen, will not weep or lose viscosity on thawing Generically called xanthan gum, KELZaN Is a high molecular weight linear polysaccharide—soluble in hot and cold water to form viscous, non-foaming solutions. It's worth checking into. *XANTHAN GUM KELCO CO.. 75 Terminal Avenue. Clark, N.J. 0 7 0 6 6 . 2 0 North W a c k e r Drive. Chicago. III. 6 0 6 0 6 . 5 3 0 W . Sixth Street. Los Angeles. C a l . 9 0 0 1 4 . C a b l e : K E L C O A L G I N C L A R K N E W J E R S E Y
Evans 2 Mereaptaethfiamine HCI (Cysteamine HCI) C H 2 C H 2 - N H 2 · HCI
Bi-functional Reactive Intermediate — also — High Physiological Activity
Min. Assay 96%—Price 5.50/ltiT Bibliography on physiological effects available — may give hint for including mercaptoethylamine or a derivative, in your drug-development program. *ton lot price SEND FOR SAMPLES AND DATA SHEET
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A P R I L 18, 1966 C & E N