Princeton Applied Research Corporation - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 31, 2012 - Princeton Applied Research Corporation. Anal. Chem. , 1978, 50 (6), pp 539A–539A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50027a728. Publication Date: May 197...
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In Polarography-We're Number O n e . . .

Here's The Reason W h y . . . uorpuf tOTIMM

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And Here's W h a t It Means To You . . . MORE APPLICATIONS PUBLISHED A N D PROVEN Polarography, especially differential pulse polarography, is being used at an unprecedented rate everywhere for all kinds of analyses. Scan the table of contents of almost any analytical journal and you'll find papers describing the use of the 174A for analysis of metals, organics and anions. The papers are coming out so fast we're hard pressed to keep our bibliography and applications index TN-110 up to date (write for a free copy today).

MORE CUSTOMER SUPPORT Our expert staff of applications chemists and field support special­ ists is always available to help solve your difficult problems. Our wide assortment of application notes, briefs and shorts can help get you started without fuss and bother. Our staff can provide suggestions, if you need them, on how to prep your sample for faster throughput. Of course there's no charge for any of this support or, for that matter, for detailed training at the factory.

For complete information or a demonstration, write or call:

Princeton Applied Research Corporation AN EG&G COMPANY Telephone: 609/452-2111 P. O. Box 2565 · Princeton, New Jersey 0 8 5 4 0 · U.S.A.

MORE E X C E L L E N C E IN INSTRUMENT DESIGN The Model 174A Polarographic Analyzer provides differential pulse polarographic capability at low cost. It's simple to operate and gives large, noise-free peaks for sub-ppm and even sub-ppb concentrations. For greatest analytical sensitivity use the 174A with our new Model 303 SMDE (Static Mercury Drop Electrode). Incorporating a totally new approach to electrode design, the 303 provides both polarograph­ ic and stripping voltammetric capa­ bility in a single package. For dif­ ferential pulse polarography, the 303 electrode produces higher ana­ lytical sensitivity through lowered baseline distortion and increased electrode area. ««s

Circle #171 on Reader Service Card for a d d i t i o n a l information onlv.