Princeton Gamma-Tech. Ge(Li) detector will pop out like this. Optical crystals now available from Optovac: NaCI, KBr, KCI, NaF, LiF, CaFz, BaFz, SrFz,...
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Data from a Princeton Gamma-Tech Ge(Li) detector will pop out like this

Optical crystals now available from Optovac: NaCI, KBr, KCI, NaF, LiF, CaF2, BaFz, SrF2, MgF2, Laser and Research Crystals Cell Windows—Optovac's cell w i n d o w blanks are semi-finished . . . p r e c i s e l y dimensioned and rough ground, ready for polishing. For many uses, a quick cloth buffing is sufficient. The technique is similar to that for restoring fogged w i n d o w s , and is readily learned w i t h practice. The savings w i l l surprise you. Spectroscopists can n o w meet a budget as w e l l as maintain a larger inventory of sampling accessories to help get the most from their instruments. A l s o , difficult or messy analyses can be performed w i t h little w o r r y about the cost of cell damage. Every piece is inspected to maintain strict quality standards. Service is quicker, too. Common sizes are stocked. Since Optovac grows its o w n optical crystals, unusual pieces can be promptly fabricated from bulk material on hand. The Optovac Sodium Chloride Brochure contains price information and techniques for w o r k i n g rocksalt crystals. Lens and Prism Blanks—Close tolerances on diameter and thickness can be maintained to facilitate optical finishing. Optovac's 1 0 0 % inspection is your guarantee of uniformly high quality.

0 t o 1.0 M e V p o r t i o n of s p e c t r u m f r o m n a t u r a l t h o r i u m n i t r a t e s a m p l e ( b a l a n c e of s p e c t r u m , not s h o w n , e x t e n d s t o 2.6 M e V ) .

at surprisingly low activity levels. Photopeaks stand out clearly. Y o u

can easily


weak gamma-rays from background that you can't possibly see with any other type of detector. Y o u can get a q u i c k r e a d i n g on c o n t a m i n a t i o n of fission p r o d u c t s or of

Lasers and Research Crystals—Emphasis on crystal quality and careful study of g r o w i n g conditions have led to an unusual O p t o v a c competence in its field of halide crystal preparation. A new O p t i c a l Maser and Doped Crystal Brochure by O p t o v a c contains information on polished and coated rods, laser blanks, and d o p e d research crystals. In addition to the Sodium Chloride and Optical Maser Brochures, a 56-page General Catalog is available. Transmission curves, index of refraction data, and other physical properties are included for all Optovac crystals. Write for your free literature, today.



Dept. L NORTH BROOKFIELD, MASS. 01535 Tel: (617)867-3767 Circle No. 70 on Readers' Service Card

reactor systems. Y o u simplify the analysis of neutron activ a t i o n . D e t e c t o r r e s o l u t i o n is b e t t e r t h a n 5 k e V ( F W H M ) . Generally

speaking, the






component time-dependent spectra from the decay radionuclides

is m a d e






Y o u ought to look into Princeton G a m m a - T e c h ' s


d e t e c t o r - c r y o s t a t systems. Sensitive volumes t o 30 c m 3 ; one-year full-use warranty. Send for Bulletin A-6.

PRINCETON GAMMA-TECH Box 641, Princeton, N. J., U.S.A. · (609) 924-7310 Circle No. 105 on Readers' Service Card VOL 38, NO. 6, MAY 1966


145 A