Principles of clinical chemistry (Blick, Kenneth, E ... - ACS Publications

Principles of clinical chemistry (Blick, Kenneth, E.; Liles, Suzanne M.) Steven H. Grossman. J. Chem. Educ. , 1986, 63 (12), p A304. DOI: 10.1021/ed06...
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the most useful introductory text available for an introductory course in clinical chemistry.

Steven H. Grossman University of South Florida Tampa, FL 33620

Handbook of Laboratory Waste DIsposaI Manin J. Pin and Eva Pin Wiley, New York, NY. 1985. 360 pp. Figs. and tables. 17 X 24.6 cm. "This book is about all types of laboratory wastes and their practical management. I t is intended to provide sensible advice and infcrmation culled from a wide range of sources, which may assist those who have to deal with laboratory wastes in any way. Such waste may include paper, drainage, and fume extraction, as well as materials considered special t o the laboratory. These wastes are important because of their volume and because they are often overlooked. Waste paper can start a major fire as easily as flammable solvents. A simole flood may often do as much damage as'an explosion. Faulty ventilation may remove a hazard from the laboratory and present it t o people who have no connection with the work." The above opening paragraph sets the eminently practical tone of this useful hook. I t holds that wastes can and should he managed, and i t quotes the key laws on both sides of the Atlantic which must be considered. These legal measures by regulators have been aimed a t controllingv laree-volume " producers of wastes rather than laboratories

and often are inappropriate but cannot he ignored. Ignorance of the law is a poor defense. This book selectivelv identifies the most important regulations and provides counsel for laboratory managers on how to cope with ambiguities. The hazards covered include not just toxic and explosive chemicals hut also biological materials and radioactive substances. There is useful commentary on design and special equipment. The section on fume h o d s centers on current British practice (rather than U. S.) hut with much helpful information on laboratory ventilation. The book ranks high in readability and qualifies as a self-teaching text. There are many photographs, and special cautionary notes are set in boldface type. Actually the book advocates educating students in good disposal practices as part of their professional training. A special chapter is devoted to educational institutions. Several typographical slips need earrection in the next printing, but these do not detract from the message. The book clearly makes a superior contribution t o our international literature on chemical health and safety.

Malcolm M. Renfrew University of Idaho Moscow. ID 83843

American Library Association. Chicago 1985. pp. xi 153. 21.5 X 27.5 cm. $9.75.


The Museum of Science and Industry: Basic List of Children's Science Rooks 1973-1984 is a retrospective edition of the bibliography compiled by the library staff for the Museum's Children's Science Book Fair. Spanning the Last 12 years of children's publishing, the Basic List critically reviews some 1400 books for erades K-12. with soecia1 rmpha-ison elementary and junior hizh reddiny.'l'he hiblw~raphgisa joint puhl~sh. inr. pnliert of the Museum and t h Ameri~ mn I.~l,rarvAswci.>tion and s,ill he updated re+darly with annuni supplementi This new edition of the ropir illy arranged and vritirallv annotated hiblkaraphv rontains a special section of approx&&ely 100 adult resource books designed to help parents and teachers interpret science material to children. Two additional resource lists are provided t o assist with the ordering process: a directory of publishers' addresses and a list of children's science magazines, science education publications and review journals

Title of Interest ~h~ meurn of ~~f~~~~ and industry: Basic List of Children's Science Books 1973-1984 Bernice Richter and Duane Wenzel (Eds.),

Volume 63 Number 12

December 1986
