Prize essay state chairmen for 1925 - ACS Publications

Chemical Society's Prize Essay Contest to whom school authorities ... Dr. Townes R. Leigh, Department cf Chemistry, University cf Florida, Gaines- vil...
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QOL.2. No. 1

P R I ESSAY ~ S m r s CHAIRMAN w n 1925


PRIZE ESSAY STATE CHAJRMEN FOR 1925 Names and addresses of Chairmen of State Committees for American Chemical Society's Prize Essay Contest to whom school authorities should send essays for High and Secondary School Contest on or before March 1, 1925. Victor H. Hanson, Birmingham News, Birmingham, Ala. Dr. Cloyd H. Marvin, President, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. G. W. Roark, Jr., 910 West 3rd St., Little Rock, Ark. Will C. Wood, State Suot. of Public Instruction, Deoartment of Education, Sacramento, Calif. Dr. Wilhnr D. Enple, Vice Chancellor, University of Denver, Denver, Colo. Professor Treat B. Johnson, Department of Chemistry, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Chas. L. Reese, E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del. Wm. Knowles Cwper, General Secretary, The Young Men's Christian Association, 1736 G Street. Washington. D. C. Dr. Tomes R. Leigh, Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. Dr. J. L. McGhee, Department of Chemistry, Emory University. Emory University, Ga. Elizabeth Russum, State Supt. of Public Instruction, Department 01 Education, Boise, Idaho. Thomas E. Wilson, President, Wilson & Co., Chicago, Ill. Dr. C. B. Jordan, School of Pharmacy, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Dr. W. F. Coover, Department of Chemistry, Iowa State College, Ames, la. Henry J. Allen, c / o "The Wichita Beamn," Wichita, Kans. Dr. F. E. Tuttle, Department of Chemistry, University of. Kentucky, Lexington, KY. Dr. H. W. Moselev. .. Denartment of Chemistrv. . . The Tulane Universitv of Louisiana, New Orleans, La. Dr. C. A. Brautlecht.. Deoartment of Chemistrv. University of Maine, Orono, . Maine Carl Haner, Supt., United States Industrial Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. Franklin W. Hobbs, President, Arlington Mills, 78 Chauncy St., Boston, Mass. Frank 0.Taylor, c / o Parke, Davis & Co.. Detroit, Mich. Dr. J. J. Willaman, Assoc. Professor of Agricultural Biochemistry, The University of Minnesota, University Farm, St. Paul, Minn. Dr. John N. Swan, Department of Chemistry, University of Mississippi, University. Miss. Edwwd Mallinckwdt, Jr., Vice Pres., Mallin&odt Chemical Works., St. Louis,


Dr. W. M. Cobleigh, Department of Chemistry, The University of Montana. Bozeman, Mont. Wm. M. Barr, Union Pacific System, Omaha, Neb. Dr. Maxwell Adams, Vice President, University of Nevada, Reno, Nev. Dr. Hugh K. Moore, Technical Director, Brown Company, Berlin, N. H. Prof. R. G. Wright, Rntgers College and the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, N. J. Dr. John D. Clark, Department of Chemistry, The State University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. N. Mex. Dr. Nicholas Mumay Butler, President, Columbia University, New York City and EneiProfessor I,. F. Williams. North Carolina State Co1lec.z - of Aericulture neering, Raleigh, N. C. Dr. G. A. Abbott. Department of Chemistry, The University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. D. M. E. Danford, Work.. Mgr., The American Rolling Mill Co., Middletown, Ohio E. E. Tourtellotte, President, Oklahoma School of Mines and Metallurgy, Wilburton, Okla. J. A. Churchill, State Supt. of Public Instruction, Department o l Education, Salem, Ore. Miiton Campbell. Pres. H. K. Mulfard Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. W. H. P. Faunce, President, Brawn University, Providence, R. I. Dr. R. N. Brackett. Director, Department of Chemistry, The Clemson Agricultural College, Clemson College, S. C. Dr. B. A. Dunbar, Department of Chemistry, South Dakota State College, Brookings, S. D. Dr. H. A. Morgan, President. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Tenn. Professor Harty B. Weiser, Department of Chemistry, The Rice Institute, Houston, Ten. Dr. George Thomas, President, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah Dr. Paul D. Moody. President, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt. Dr. Edwin A. Alderman, President, University of Virginia, University. Virginia Worral Wilson, President, Seattle Title Trust Co., 114 Columbia St., Seattle, Wash. George M. Ford, State Supt. of Free Schools. Department of Education, Charleston.


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Dr. 1. H. Mathews.. Denartment of Chemistrv.. The Universitv of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. of Education. Lewis C. Tidball. Tr.. Commissioner of Education.. Deoartment . Cheyenne. Wyo.