Probing the Anisotropic Distortion of Photoexcited Spin Crossover

Jan 21, 2014 - ... for Analysis and Synthesis, Department of Chemistry, and §Department of Chemical Physics, Lund University, Box 124, 22100 Lund, Sw...
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Probing the Anisotropic Distortion of Photoexcited Spin Crossover Complexes with Picosecond X‑ray Absorption Spectroscopy Sophie E. Canton,*,† Xiaoyi Zhang,*,∥ Latévi M. Lawson Daku,▽ Amanda L. Smeigh,△ Jianxin Zhang,‡ Yizhu Liu,‡ Carl-Johan Wallentin,‡ Klaus Attenkofer,¶ Guy Jennings,∥ Charles A. Kurtz,∥ David Gosztola,⊥ Kenneth War̈ nmark,‡ Andreas Hauser,▽ and Villy Sundström*,§ †

Department of Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, ‡Centre for Analysis and Synthesis, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Chemical Physics, Lund University, Box 124, 22100 Lund, Sweden ∥ X-ray Sciences Division, and ⊥Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439, United States ▽ Département de Chimie Physique, Université de Genève, Quai E. Ansermet 30, CH-1211 Genève 4, Switzerland △ Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, Illinois 60208-3113, United States ¶ Photon Science Directorate, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973-5000, United States §

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: For numerous spin crossover complexes, the anisotropic distortion of the first coordination shell around the transition metal center governs the dynamics of the high-spin/lowspin interconversion. However, this structural parameter remains elusive for samples that cannot be investigated with crystallography. The present work demonstrates how picosecond X-ray absorption spectroscopy is able to capture this specific deformation in the photoinduced high-spin state of solvated [Fe(terpy)2]2+, a complex which belongs to the prominent family of spin crossover building blocks with nonequivalent metal−ligand bonds. The correlated changes in Fe− NAxial, Fe−NDistal, and bite angle NDistal−Fe−NAxial extracted from the measurements are in very good agreement with those predicted by DFT calculations in D2d symmetry. The outlined methodology is generally applicable to the characterization of ultrafast nuclear rearrangements around metal centers in photoactive molecular complexes and nanomaterials, including those that do not display long-range order.

INTRODUCTION When investigated at the molecular level, functionality is often related to a bistability induced by the interconversion between two states with distinct physicochemical properties. Discovered in the 1930s through the unexpected temperature-dependent magnetism of FeIII dithiocarbamate derivatives,1 the thermal equilibrium between the low-spin (LS) and the high-spin (HS) states of d4−d7 transition metal complexes, nowadays known as spin crossover (SCO), is a fundamental display of bistability widely encountered in material science, chemistry, and biology.2 Functionalization based on this process requires manipulating selectively one of the two spin-states; therefore, controlling the dynamics of their interconversion is essential.3,4 Following breakthrough experiments establishing that SCO can be impulsively triggered by Raman laser temperature jump, ultrasonic absorption, or light excitation,5−7 decisive advances have been made in the identification of the key factors that govern the unimolecular rates.8 The ligand-field splitting energy and the average metal−ligand (M−L) bond length RAv are two such parameters. They correlate energetics and structure in the theoretical treatments of SCO as a nonadiabatic radiationless multiphonon process in the strong coupling limit.9 From recent observations, there is increasing evidence that the anisotropic distortion of the first coordination shell (FCS) plays a determining role as well.10−14 Put forth to explain the © 2014 American Chemical Society

occurrence of an exceptionally long-lived light-induced excited state spin trapping (LIESST),15−17 this effect has now been integrated into synthetic protocols targeting molecular electronics,18−22 host−guest interactions,23−25 and self-assembly.26 Optimizing the design strategies would generally require a detailed characterization of the anisotropy. For [FeN6] and [CoN6] SCO complexes, the deformation of the polyhedron subtended by the FCS has been gauged by crystallography through global structural parameters, such as dG, the distance between the metal atom and the center of gravity of the six N atoms, ∑ = ∑i 12= 1|90 − ϕi|, the sum of the angular deviations from 90° for the 12 cis angles ϕi, or v = 100·(1 − π(VP/VS)), the deviation of the octahedron from its ideal shape, where VP and VS are respectively the volumes of the octahedron and circumscribed sphere. However, the evaluation of these descriptors tends to be strongly affected by incomplete spinstate conversion.27 Moreover, this particular approach is not applicable to SCO materials lacking long-range order, such as biomolecules,28−30 polymers,31 metallomesogens,32 or small nanoparticles.33 Being an element-specific probe of the local bonding environment in any physical phase, X-ray absorption Received: January 13, 2014 Revised: January 16, 2014 Published: January 21, 2014 4536 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 4536−4545

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(XA) spectroscopy has often been employed to follow RAv across SCO transitions.2 After reaching the picosecond and, recently, the femtosecond temporal resolution, it has successfully complemented optical and Raman ultrafast spectroscopies34 in tracking the HS state of several [FeIIN6] compounds, which undergo isotropic M−L bond lengthening upon excitation, e.g., [Fe(bpy)3]2+ (bpy: 2,2′-bipyridine),35−40 [Fe(phen)3]2+ (phen: 1,10-phenanthroline),41 and [Fe(tren(py)3)]2+ (tren(py)3: tris(2-pyridin-2-ylmethanimino)ethyl) amine).42 By applying this technique to photoexcited [Fe(terpy)2]2+ (terpy: 2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine), the present work demonstrates how the analysis of the XA spectral line shape can differentiate between isotropic and anisotropic bond length elongations, thereby monitoring directly the ultrafast dynamical distortion around the metal center.

employed to monitor the intensity of the incident X-ray beam. The outputs of the APDs were sent to two fast analyzer cards (Agilent) that were triggered by a signal at 1.6 kHz from the scattered laser light onto a photodiode. The card digitized the X-ray fluorescence signals as a function of time at 1 ns/ point after each trigger. The fluorescence signals from the synchronized X-ray pulse at a 200 ps delay after the laser pump pulse excitation were accumulated to build the XA trace μ(laserON). The fluorescence signals from the same X-ray pulse averaged over 50 round trips in the storage ring prior to the laser pulse were recorded to build the corresponding XA trace μ(laserOFF). With this collection scheme, the μ(laserON) and μ(laserOFF) data were taken under the exact same experimental conditions for sample, laser, and beamline, with the shot-toshot normalization of the X-ray pulse intensities performed by the acquisition software. This allowed canceling out any error associated with drifts. Analyzing the difference signal Δμ = [μ(laserON) − μ(laserOFF)] originating from the fraction α of molecules in the excited state delivers the XA spectrum of the photoinduced HS state of [Fe(terpy)2]2+. The integrity of the sample over time was checked by comparing from scan to scan the line shapes of the XA trace μ(laserOFF) in the XANES region. No change due to radiation damage could be detected throughout the duration of the experiment Fitting Procedure for the Transient X-ray Absorption Spectra. The general procedure for extracting photoinduced structural changes by fitting directly the transient difference XA spectrum Δμ = [μ(laserON) − μ(laserOFF)] has been previously presented.47−49 For the [FeIIN6] complexes under study, the excited state fraction of photoinduced HS state (α) was first determined independently by minimizing the difference D

MATERIALS AND METHODS Samples. [Fe(terpy)2](PF6)243 and [Fe(bpy)3](PF6)244 were synthesized according to the published protocols. All reagents were used as received from commercial sources without further purification. Femtosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy. The femtosecond laser setup used for transient absorption spectroscopy has been previously described.45 The excitation beam was depolarized and set to 527 nm. For these optical measurements, the time-dependent signals were fitted to a multiexponential function, f(t) = ∑iAi exp(−t/τi), convoluted with a Gaussian instrument response function of 120 fs fwhm. Picosecond X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. The timeresolved XA spectroscopy measurements were carried out at beamline 11-ID-D of the APS (Argonne National Laboratory).46 The optical pump pulse consisted of the second harmonic output of a Nd:YLF regenerative amplified laser at 1.6 kHz repetition rate, giving 527 nm laser pulses with 5 ps fwhm. The X-ray probe pulses with 80 ps fwhm and 6.5 MHz repetition rate were derived from the electron bunches stored in the APS ring. [Fe(terpy)2](PF6) 2 was dissolved in acetonitrile (MeCN) to reach 1.7 mM. This concentration ensured that the signal was not distorted by self-absorption effects (see X-ray detection below). The liquid sample was flowed through a stainless steel tube and formed a free jet of 550 μm diameter inside an airtight aluminum chamber. The sample was degassed by bubbling nitrogen. The X-ray spot size was 50 μm (V) × 450 μm (H), and the laser spot was 850 μm in diameter. The X-ray and optical beams were overlapped spatially on the replenishing sample. The time delay Δt between the laser and X-ray pulses was fixed by a programmable delay line (PDL-100A-20NS, Colby Instruments) that adjusted the phase shift of the mode-lock driver for the seed laser relative to that of the RF signal of the storage ring with a precision of 500 fs. The incident X-ray energy was stepped through the Fe K edge (7112 eV) up to 700 eV above the 1s threshold. A Fe metal foil placed between two conventional ionization chambers downstream was used for X-ray energy calibration and flux monitoring purposes in transmission mode. Two avalanche photodiodes (APDs) were positioned at 90° angle on both sides of the incident X-ray beam to collect the emitted X-ray fluorescence signals. A [Soller slits/(Z-1) Mn filter] combination, which was custom-designed for the specific sample chamber configuration and the distance between the sample and the detector, was inserted between the sample jet and the APD detectors. This greatly reduced the background due to elastic X-ray scattering. An additional APD was



1 [Δμ(i) − α × ref(i)] σi

∑ i=1

where N is the number of data points, σi are the variances estimated from the experimental error bars, and ref is the reference trace constructed in the Supporting Information. The Fe−NAxial and Fe−NDistal bond distances noted RAxial and RDistal and the bite angle NDistal −Fe−NAxial noted β were taken as the sole varying structural parameters. Different model-dependent constraints were imposed between their variations as described in the main text. A molecular editor was used to generate the corresponding x, y, z coordinates for all the geometries. FEFF 9.050−52 calculations of the XA profile for the DFT-optimized LS ground state were performed to adjust the nonstructural parameters to match the experimental spectrum. The simulations of the profiles for each of the molecules with a modified Fe coordination sphere were then run, giving the sim traces. The experimental and simulated profiles were interpolated on a grid equally spaced in k, as for steady-state XA data collection, although no FFT was later on applied. This ensured that the spectra of the references and the reconstructed excited state could be processed using the conventional XA softwares Athena and Artemis.52 The pseudo chi-square function 9

chi 2 =

∑ k=2

k2 [Δμ(k) − α × sim(k)] σk

was calculated as a function of ΔRAv. The statistically correct estimation of all the variances from the experimental error bars is not straightforward and had to be omitted at this stage of the 4537 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 4536−4545

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analysis. This awaits for benchmarking very systematically and carefully the combined influence of not only the detection systems on the time-resolved signal but also the effect of sampling and resampling schemes in E and k space necessarily introduced for fitting. Such work is currently in progress. Nevertheless, renormalizing the chi2 values to the minimum value reached for the best ΔRAv allows using this indicator as a conventional chi-square χ2 estimate.53 The values for which chi2 = 2 are the limits of the 1 − σ confidence interval. DFT Optimization. The DFT calculations were performed with the ADF program package,54,55 using the RPBE functional56 and the Slater-type TZP basis set of triple-ζ polarized quality57,58 from the ADF basis set database. Solvent effects were taken into account using the conductor-like screening model (COSMO)59−61 as implemented in ADF.62 The parameters of the COSMO solvation model were left to their default values.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Establishing the origin of SCO in the coupling between electronic and geometric structures has been one of the striking successes of ligand field theory in generalizing molecular orbital theory to describe d4−d7 transition metal complexes. As a first approximation, an octahedral (Oh) ligand field (LF) lifts the degeneracy of the d levels, which are split into t2g and eg levels. The balance between the ligand field splitting energy (LFSE) and the mean spin pairing energy determines the orbital occupation numbers, hence the term multiplicity of the ground state. In [FeIIN6] systems, a strong LF stabilizes the (t2g)6 1A1 LS state, while a weak LF favors the (t2g)4(eg)2 5T2 HS state. At intermediate LS strength, the energetic gap separating the two manifolds becomes comparable to kT so that an entropy-driven transition yields an equilibrated Boltzmann distribution of the two spin states. Single crystal X-ray diffraction shows that the [Fe(terpy)2]2+ cation possesses D2d symmetry in the (t2g)6 1A1 low-spin (LS) ground state.63 The axial distortion from ideal Oh symmetry arises from steric and electronic constraints imposed by the meridional coordination of the planar tridentate ligand. As illustrated in Figure 1, the preferential covalent back-donation

Figure 2. (a) Normalized X-ray absorption (XA) spectrum μ without (gray) and with (black) laser illumination for [Fe(terpy)2]2+ in MeCN, at a pump−probe time delay of 200 ps. The inset zooms on the nearedge region. (b) Difference XA (DXA) spectrum Δμ. The inset zooms on the pre-edge region.

of the LS ground state. The intensity of P is attributed to the quadrupole-allowed 1s → 3d transition,64 which usually gains additional oscillator strength with 3d−4p mixing (i.e., loss of centrosymmetry). Between ∼5 and ∼100 eV above the absorption edge, the distinctive spectral features of LS [FeIIN6] complexes are observed.35−42 They can be assigned using a simple expression of the molecular orbitals (MO) as linear combinations of atomic orbitals (LCAO),65 and more precisely, through ab initio multiple scattering calculations42 or time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT) modeling.66,67 In the nearedge (XANES) region, features W1 (∼7125 eV) and W2 (∼7130 eV) are ascribed to the promotion of the core electron to the lowest unoccupied states derived from Fe(4s,4p) and N(2p) hybridization. Features CS (∼7178 eV) and CM (∼7145 eV) can be traced back to single and multiple scattering of the outgoing photoelectron within the FCS. Upon pulsed laser excitation at λ = 527 nm, the 1MLCT Franck−Condon state is formed instantaneously and the complex relaxes to the (t2g)4(eg)2 5T2 high-spin (HS) state on the subpicosecond time scale.68 Displayed in Figure 2a (black trace), the transient signal recorded for an optical pump−X-ray probe time delay of 200 ps reflects the coupled electronic and nuclear rearrangements that take place in the HS state. This lowest-energy excited state does not have a charge-transfer character.69 The amplitude of the difference XA (DXA) spectrum Δμ =

Figure 1. Schematic illustrating the preferential π back-bonding of the central Fe atom with the Naxial atoms.

from the metal dyz and dxz to the π* terpy orbitals renders Fe− NAxial (1.89 Å) significantly shorter than Fe−NDistal (1.98 Å), with cis bond angles of 75−80° and trans bond angles of 165°. The uneven repartition of π electronic density is detected via a large Mössbauer quadrupole splitting.16 Figure 2a displays the normalized Fe K edge XA spectrum μ of [Fe(terpy)2]2+ in acetonitrile (MeCN) (gray trace), which remains in the LS state upon solvation. Despite the tetragonal distortion of the FCS, the weak pre-edge signal appears as a single peak (P), in close similarity to the one observed for the tris-chelate ferrous complexes, validating a quasi-Oh description 4538 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 4536−4545

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[μ(laserON) − μ(laserOFF)] is shown in Figure 2b. Charge depletion from the t2g slightly bonding orbitals and population of the eg antibonding orbitals concurrently trigger a marked expansion of the FCS revealed by the evolution of features CS and CM into CS′ (∼7168 eV) and CM′ (∼7142 eV). The associated reduction in spatial overlap with N(2p) induces a stabilization of Fe(4s,4p), which is evidenced by the slight energy downshift of the rising edge W1′ (∼7124 eV). It also causes an increase in unoccupied p-density of states manifested by a more intense white line W2′ (∼7130 eV). Figure 3a displays the kinetics acquired at W1′, CM, and C′S. A global fit including the convolution with the machine

Figure 4. X-ray kinetics acquired at 7124 eV for [Fe(bpy)3]2+ (data, red dots; single exponential fit, orange line) and [Fe(terpy)2]2+ (data, violet dots; single exponential fit, purple line). The extinction coefficients of [Fe(bpy)3]2+ (red) and [Fe(terpy)2]2+ (purple) in MeCN are given in the inset. The arrow indicates the wavelength of the excitation used in the XA pump−probe measurements.

Figure 3. (a) X-ray kinetics acquired at photon energies W1′ (blue), CM (orange), and Cs′ (green). The inset zooms on the rise at early times, with the Gaussian X-ray pulse used for the convolution of the single-exponential fit. (b) Ground state bleach recovery monitored with transient optical spectroscopy. The UV−vis spectrum is given in the inset, where the wavelengths of the pump (527 nm) and the probe (600 nm) are indicated by arrows.

response function (80 ps fwhm) retrieves a single-exponential time constant of 4.21 ± 0.04 ns. This value is in agreement with the 4.50 ± 0.16 ns obtained by monitoring the ground state bleach recovery HS → LS using transient optical absorption spectroscopy (Figure 3b). Being roughly proportional to 1/Rav6 for neutral ligands,70,71 the LFSE of [Fe(bpy)3 ]2+, [Fe(phen)3]2+ , and [Fe(terpy)2]2+ are comparable (12 650, 12 700, and 12 350 cm−1, respectively).72,73 However, the zero-point energy gap between the LS and HS states is also affected by the nature of the ligands and the surrounding.70,71 Since this parameter modulates the second-order spin orbit coupling involved in the net ΔS = 2 conversion,9 the nonradiative ground state recovery dynamics are influenced by conformational reorganization, and the HS lifetimes across this class of compounds significantly differ by up to an order of magnitude depending on the solvent.74,75 This fact is illustrated by Figure 4, which displays the normalized X-ray kinetics taken at W1′ for equimolar solutions (1.7 mMol) of [Fe(bpy)3]2+ and [Fe(terpy]2]2+ in MeCN (see the Supporting Information). Under the same experimental conditions, the lifetime of [Fe(bpy)3]2+ and [Fe(terpy)2]2+ are fitted to 1.37 ± 0.04 ns and 4.25 ± 0.05 ns, respectively. Accommodating the rigidity of the terpy ligand restricts the evolution of the structural parameters Fe−NAxial (RAxial), Fe− NDistal (RDistal), and NDistal−Fe−NAxial (bite angle β); hence, their variations ΔRAxial ΔRDistal, and Δβ are not independent from each other as shown in Figure 5a. Hypothetically, for an isotropic expansion of the FCS, RAxial and RDistal increase by the same ΔR, while β remains constant (path I in Figure 5b and 5c). Two approaches can be devised to extract the actual

Figure 5. (a) Schematic illustrating the variations in structural parameters ΔRAxial, ΔRDistal, and Δβ considered in the analysis. (b) Empirical (respectively theoretical) linear correlation between RAxial and RDistal and (c) between RAv and the bite angle β. The red dots (respectively blue and green diamonds) indicate the parameters extracted from published crystal structures (CS) (respectively from DFT optimization). The constraints imposed between ΔRAxial, ΔRDistal, and Δβ during the modeling of Δμ are indicated as paths I (black), A (red), E (blue), and B (green).

correlations induced by the terpy coordination in the condensed phase. The first one is based on empirical findings from SCO synthetic chemistry. Extensive work has demonstrated how specific ring substitutions within the terpy unit are tuning the LFSE, so that the ground state of these tridentate complexes becomes HS.76−81 From the reported crystallographic structures of these compound families, a linear correlation is found between RAxial and RDistal, as well as between RAv and β (path A in Figure 5b and 5c). It should be noted that counterions and residual solvent molecules, along with crystal packing forces, might influence these structures, 4539 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 4536−4545

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Table 1. Electronic Energy Differences between the LS 1A1 and the HS 5B2 and 5E States of D2d [Fe(terpy)2]2+ and Selected Structural Parameters

although such effects have not been reported so far as dominating for the terpy embrace.82 The second approach is based on DFT calculations. Most post-LDA functionals give excellent results for determining the geometry of transition metal complexes.83−85 The present DFT optimization of [Fe(tepy)2]2+ in MeCN was performed with the RPBE functional assuming a D2d symmetry.17 This choice was made in light of previous work on [Fe(bpy)3]2+ testing various functionals, where RPBE proved to be one of the few that can give satisfying results for the energy difference between the LS and HS states.85 The geometries of the complex in the LS 1A1 state and in the 5B2 and 5E tetragonal components of the HS state were optimized with the molecular symmetry constrained to D2d. The vibrational analysis performed on the optimized LS geometry establishes that this geometry corresponds to a true minimum (the calculated frequencies are all real). The calculated 5E geometry is Jahn−Teller unstable. The vibrational analysis performed on the 5B2 geometry shows that it corresponds to a transition state. The vibrational instability of the 5B2 state probably results from its pseudo-Jahn−Teller coupling with the close-lying degenerate 5 E state. The study of the vibronic instability in the HS manifold is beyond the scope of this study. Furthermore, this phenomenon is not expected to alter the conclusions drawn here regarding the changes experienced by the FCS of the complex. Indeed, the results of geometry optimizations performed in D2 and in C2v for the complex in the HS state indicate that the vibronic instability mainly leads to minor differences with the reported D2d calculated geometries. The atom labeling used is shown in Figure 6. The results are compiled in Table 1 given below.

5 −1

ΔEel (cm )




8340 1

Fe−N, Fe−N″ (Å) Fe−N′ (Å) N−C2, N″−C2″ (Å) N−C6, N″−C6″ (Å) C2−C3, C2″−C3″ (Å) C3−C4, C3″−C4″ (Å) C4−C5, C4″−C5″ (Å) C5−C6, C5″−C6″ (Å) C2−C2′, C6′−C2″ (Å) N′−C2′, N′−C6′ (Å) C2′-C3′, C5′-C6′ (Å) C3′-C4′, C4′−C5′ (Å) (C6′-C2″, C2−C2′) (°) (N′−Fe−N) = (N″−Fe−N′) (°) (N″−Fe−N) (°) (N′−C2′−C2−N) = (N″−C2″-C6′−N′) (°)


2.008 1.902 1.378 1.355 1.403 1.399 1.402 1.398 1.470 1.366 1.403 1.402 102.9 80.6 161.2 0.0


9245 B2

2.212 2.180 1.365 1.351 1.404 1.401 1.401 1.399 1.489 1.356 1.405 1.400 107.9 73.4 146.8 0.0



2.218 2.124 1.366 1.351 1.406 1.400 1.402 1.399 1.487 1.360 1.404 1.400 108.6 74.7 149.4 0.0

Figure 7. Analysis of the EXAFS fingerprints. (a) Experimental k2*DXA spectrum for [Fe(terpy)2]2+ (gray) and [Fe(bpy)3]2+ (dark red). The blue line shows the k2*DXA spectrum simulated from the 5E HS state obtained through DFT optimization. (b) The chi2 factors calculated along paths A, I, E, and B (red, black, blue, and green lineconnected dots) and for the DFT-optimized structures (diamonds).

trace) enables determining 85 ± 5% as the excited state fraction (see details in the Supporting Information), a parameter necessary for the analysis of the XA line shape. Figure 7a also evidences the subtle EXAFS signatures of the anisotropic change in bond length that manifests as differences in oscillation amplitudes and a slow relative dephasing. The fitting procedure consists in finding the molecular structure that minimizes in k space the chi2 factor of the difference between its k2*Δμ(k) and the experimental one. The search across the parameter space spanned by RAxial, RDistal, and β was confined to geometries where the incremented variations ΔRAxial, ΔRDistal, and Δβ followed either path I (ΔRDistal = ΔRAxial; Δβ = 0), path A (ΔRDistal = 1.151·ΔRAxial; Δβ = −23.83·ΔRAv), path E (ΔRDistal = 0.946·ΔRAxial; Δβ = −27.57·ΔRAv), or path B (ΔRDistal = 0.734·ΔRAxial; Δβ = −31.48·ΔRAv), while the ligand rings were rigidly displaced. The respective k2*Δμ(k) were simulated with FEFF9.0 multiple scattering calculations.86 The resulting chi2 factors are displayed in Figure 7b, along with the ones extracted from the 5E and 5B2 DFT-optimized structures. The importance of incorporating the ligand deformation in the

Figure 6. [Fe(terpy)2]2+ complex with the atom labeling used in the DFT optimization.

Compared to the 5E state, the 5B2 state presents a longer RAxial, a similar RDistal, and a slightly lower total energy. The calculated geometric parameters are in excellent agreement with other investigations.83,84 The linear correlations imposed between RAxial and RDistal, as well as between RAv and β during a transition from 1A1 to 5E (path E) and from 1A1 to 5B2 (path B), are also shown in Figure 5b and 5c. Experimentally, the distortion of the FCS in the photoinduced HS state can be characterized by fitting the k2-weighted Δμ(k) displayed in Figure 7a (gray trace). Calibrating against [Fe(bpy)3]2+ measured under the same experimental conditions (dark red 4540 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 4536−4545

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species have so far reported transient changes in agreement with such a set of energy levels (e.g., for [Fe(bpy)3]2+,39 [Fe(phen)3]2+,41 and [Fe(tren(py)3)]2+.42 State-of-the-art TDDFT modeling of the 1s → 3d transition in [Fe(bpy)3 ]2+ has ascribed the positive feature at 7112 eV to the accessible 1s → t2g transitions.66 The origin of the larger oscillator strength observed for [Fe(terpy)2]2+ may be associated with the symmetry lowering to D2d since the uniaxial deformation stabilizes the (dxz, dyz) set (Figure 9b). The changes in covalent σ donation and π back-donation, which have been reported in the XA experiments at the Fe L edge and N K edge in the soft X-ray range,87−89 also influence the relative positions and intensities of the underlying transitions. However, ascertaining their exact assignment will require further theoretical progress, such as incorporating quadrupole transitions in the treatment of the 1s → 3d transition66 and developing the ab initio description of 2p XA spectra for first-row transition metal complexes.68

analysis is apparent, since the chi2 of both theoretical structures fall outside the curves obtained for rigid displacements of the terpy rings on paths E and B. In addition, Figure 7b suggests possible limitations to the use of chemically stabilized spin-state for the EXAFS analysis of anisotropic distortions. Overall, the results indicate that the photoinduced HS state most likely adopts a 5E geometry, although covering a longer k range with increased S/N ratio is the clear target of upcoming work. The difference XANES (DXANES) profile generated from the atomic coordinates of this 5E state is shown in Figure 8a (blue trace). The unoccupied p-density of states (p-DOS) at the Fe and N atoms displayed in Figure 8b and 8c corroborate the simple LCAO-MO interpretation.

CONCLUSION In summary, the transient HS state of solvated [Fe(terpy)2]2+ has been observed using picosecond XA spectroscopy. This work demonstrates on a tractable example that the technique can map out the anisotropic structural dynamics of photoinduced SCO transitions on their intrinsic time scale, thereby complementing other ultrafast techniques.40,90−93 The analysis based on line shape modeling with multiple scattering calculations captures the distortion of the FCS and indicates that the complex most likely adopts in the HS state the 5E geometry predicted by DFT calculations. Aside from its practical importance as versatile building block of birefringent coordination polymers94 and metallo-supramolecular polyelectrolytes,95−97 the role of [Fe(terpy)2]2+ as experimental and theoretical benchmark has considerably increased in the field of solar energy conversion. Recently, novel synthetic strategies employing σ donor ligands such as dcpp (2,6-bis(2carboxypyridyl)pyridine),98 (N∧C∧N)−,99 or (C∧N∧C)100 have emerged. These compounds exhibit extremely promising photophysical behavior, and the rationalization of their electronic and geometric structures is currently achieved by comparison with the simpler tridentate complex [Fe(terpy)2]2+. It can then be expected that ultrafast XA spectroscopy will play an immediate role in the characterization of such systems and, more generally, in the optimization of a wide range of photoactive molecular complexes based on abundant and cost-effective low-Z elements. The outlined methodology will also be particularly suited to the study of spin changes triggered by short-range interactions, such as ligand-driven SCO.101 Uncovering the complete reaction coordinate of the spin-state interconversion in [FeIIN6] complexes will necessitate refining the description of the ultrafast structural dynamics on multiple length scales, including the concurrent vibrational excitation of the high-frequency modes and of an ill-delimited fraction of the low-frequency modes that involve the ligands and the surrounding solvent cage. This can be partly achieved by combining XA spectroscopy with X-ray emission (XE) and Xray diffuse scattering (XDS).40 The independent determination of the HS fraction in the probed volume through XE reduces the correlation between the structural parameters of the solute extracted from XA and XDS measurements (e.g., the highfrequency Fe−N stretch).40 The reorganization of the first solvation shell can be monitored by XDS40 and now modeled with ab initio Molecular Dynamics calculations.102 In addition,

Figure 8. Analysis of the XANES fingerprints. (a) Simulated difference XANES (DXANES) spectrum for the DFT-optimized 5E HS state (blue) and experimental (black) spectra. (b) Associated unoccupied pDOS at the Fe atom for the 1A1 LS (gray) and the 5E HS state (blue). (c) Similarly, at the N atoms.

A complementary view into the photoinduced atomic rearrangements and the charge redistribution within the d levels is found in the pre-edge region, which is sensitive to the electronic structure.64 Figure 9a shows this transient signal for

Figure 9. Qualitative analysis of the pre-edge fingerprints. (a) Transient signal in the pre-edge region for [Fe(terpy)2]2+ (black) and [Fe(bpy)3]2+ (dark red). (b) Schematic illustrating the splitting of the t2g and eg orbitals upon symmetry lowering from Oh to D2d.

[Fe(bpy)3]2+ and [Fe(terpy)2]2+. In HS ferrous complexes of Oh and quasi-Oh symmetries, the features underlying the 1s → 3d peak are attributed to the three strong-field multiplets of the (1s)−1(3d)7 configuration: (1s)−1(t2g)5(eg)2 ≅ (t2g)(eg)2 (4T1g) and (1s)−1(t2g)4(eg)3 ≅ (t2g)2(eg)(4T1g, 4T2g). The overall splitting, ∼2 eV, is directly related to the LFSE of the (1s)−1(3d)7 state, generally unknown but estimated to be about 80% of the ground state value.64 Studies on photoinduced HS 4541 | J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 4536−4545

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XDS can track the excess energy lost to the surrounding as heat.40,103,104 Finally, such investigations on solvated complexes in the homogeneous phase will be assisting the exploration of SCO phenomena in the solid phase, known to be complicated by the noncovalent interactions that promote the emergence of cooperativity and memory effects.


S Supporting Information *

Determination of the excited state fraction in the picosecond XA experiment. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected] (S.E.C); xyzhang@aps. (X.Z.); [email protected] (V.S.). Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Swedish Research Council, the Knut&Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the Science Faculty of Lund University, and the European Research Council (Grant ERC-AdvG-VISCHEM226136 to V.S.) are greatly acknowledged for financial support. X.Z., G.J., C.A.K., and the use of the Advanced Photon Source and the Center for Nanoscale Materials were supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. The authors are thankful to Dr. T. B. van Driel and Dr. K. S. Kjaer for their help with acquiring some of the reference spectra. The authors also greatly acknowledge Dr. A. Bordage, Dr. G. Vankó, Dr. K. Haldrup, and Dr. M. Jarenmark, for very valuable discussions.


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