Probing the Most Stable Isomer of Zirconium Bis(phenoxy-imine

Feb 2, 2018 - The possibility of coexistence of multiple isomers for zirconium bis(phenoxy-imine) catalyst has been systematically studied by computat...
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Article Cite This: J. Phys. Chem. A 2018, 122, 2198−2208

Probing the Most Stable Isomer of Zirconium Bis(phenoxy-imine) Cation: A Computational Investigation Published as part of The Journal of Physical Chemistry virtual special issue “Manuel Yáñez and Otilia Mó Festschrift”. Soumen Saha,†,‡ Masayoshi Takayanagi,†,‡,§ Kentaro Matsumoto,∥ Sandhya Karakkadparambil Sankaran,‡,∥ Yuichi Tanaka,†,‡ Nobuaki Koga,*,†,‡ and Masataka Nagaoka*,†,‡,# †

Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Honmachi, Kawaguchi 332-0012, Japan § The Center for Data Science Education and Research, Shiga University, 1-1-1, Banba, Hikone 522-8522, Japan ∥ Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan # Elements Strategy Initiative for Catalysts and Batteries (ESICB), Kyoto University Katsura, Kyoto 615-8520, Japan ‡

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: The possibility of coexistence of multiple isomers for zirconium bis(phenoxy-imine) catalyst has been systematically studied by computational approaches. The energetics among the five different isomers of neutral Zr-catalyst have been assessed quantum mechanically. The results suggest that isomer cis-N/trans-O/cis-Me is the most stable among the five isomers in accordance with the general observations of these kinds of phenoxy-imine catalyst. However, for the polymerization reaction, the active species is known to be the cationic form of the Zr-catalyst. The Zr-cation can exist in three different isomers, viz., cis-N/trans-O (A), cis-N/cis-O (B), and trans-N/cis-O (C), and the presence of flexible ligands makes the modeling considerably challenging to determine the most preferable isomers. For the efficient modeling, altogether 80 different structures for each of the three cationic isomers have been generated by using molecular dynamics simulations, and subsequently, the quantum mechanical optimization of these structures has been performed to obtain the most preferable conformation for each isomer. The existing probability derived from the obtained free energy values suggests that isomer C is comparable with isomer A. Even more, isomer A of the cation can be present in two different conformations, where the orientation of side groups is altered at the imine nitrogen atoms. The transition state calculations also confirm that the Zr-cation can exist as a mixture of three structures, “up−down” and “down−down” orientations of the isomers A along with isomer C’s “up−up” orientation. However, by varying the substituents at imine nitrogen atoms, one could modulate multimodal to unimodal polymerization behavior of the Zr-catalysts. We believe that this study should provide a starting point for theoretically exploring the mechanistic pathway of the complicated polymerization reactions. catalysts are associated with nonsymmetric phenoxy-imine [O−, N] chelating ligands with a group 4 transition metal (Scheme 1 (a)).3 The FI-catalysts have been developed on the basis of ligand oriented catalyst design concept, which emphasizes the beneficial role of flexible electronic nature of the ligand.6 Therefore, it is expected that suitable modulation of these catalysts’ architecture enables tailoring of numerous polymer properties. For instance, bulky substituents in the ortho position with respect to phenoxy-oxygen (i.e., R), and on imine-nitrogen (i.e., R2) of

1. INTRODUCTION Over the past few decades chemists have industrialized several efficient polymerization reactions for converting monomers into the polymers with a broad range of diverse properties.1 These developments have been mainly attributed to understanding the various catalysts at a molecular level.2 The apprehended knowledge of geometrical features for the catalysts is the most vital to refine the catalytic activity and hence, provides the innovative design for the next generation of catalysts. Among the developments of catalyst, undoubtedly the most influential breakthroughs were the discoveries of metal-phenoxy-imine (or FI: Fenokishi-Imin) catalysts that ignited the intense academic, and industrial research activities.3−5 These active olefin polymerization © 2018 American Chemical Society

Received: November 7, 2017 Revised: January 24, 2018 Published: February 2, 2018 2198

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b10999 J. Phys. Chem. A 2018, 122, 2198−2208


The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

However, the FI-catalyst has characteristically flexible nature of nonsymmetric ligands, and as a consequence, the neutral form of the Zr-based FI-catalyst can exhibit at least five different isomers, viz., cis-N/trans-O/cis-X, cis-N/cis-O/cis-X, trans-N/cisO/cis-X, cis-N/cis-O/trans-X, and trans-N/trans-O/trans-X (X = halides, alkoxides, amides, alkyls, etc.), on the basis of the orientation of the phenoxy-imine (for instance, Figure 1, X = Me).3,7 The isomeric preference of the neutral form can also be triggered by the nature of the substituent at the imine nitrogen atom. Most often Zr FI-catalysts are exhibited in the form of cis-N/trans-O/cis-X isomer,3,7 whereas, when a sterically demanding group is attached to the imine nitrogen atom (i.e., R2), the trans-N/cis-O/cis-X isomer appears as the most stable isomer.8,9 Even more, Zr-catalysts can also be present as a mixture of cis-N/trans-O/cis-X, and cis-N/cis-O/cis-X isomers in the solution.10,11 Depending upon the ligand environment, among these five different isomers of the neutral FI-catalyst, at least more than one isomer are nearly equivalent in energy, and as a consequence, those isomers are often in an equilibrium in solution. Because the neutral FI-catalysts displayed a wide range of isomers, it is difficult to identify the most preferred isomer among them. In addition, the active species in the polymerization reaction of FI-catalyst is the cationic form (Scheme 1b) rather than the neutral one.3 The cationic form also can exhibit

Scheme 1. Schematic Representation of (a) Neutral Zr-Catalyst and (b) Zr-Cationa


For the considered neutral (I) and cation (i) cases R, R1, R2, and X are t-Bu, t-Bu, i-Bu, and Me respectively.

Zr-based FI-catalyst can accomplish an extraordinary high ethylene polymerization activity.4

Figure 1. Schematic representation of five different isomers of the considered neutral Zr-catalyst (I). The relative energy values with respect to 1 are also shown, as obtained at the M06/B2 level of theory using heptane as solvent. In parentheses, relative free energy (ΔG*) values in the solvent are shown. The free energy corrections are computed at the M06/B2 level of theory in the gas phase. 2199

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A three different isomers, viz., cis-N/trans-O, cis-N/cis-O, and trans-N/cis-O depending on the orientation of O- and N-atoms of phenoxy-imine ligands (Figure 2, X = Me).11 Accordingly,

complexes, particularly, for the cationic isomers of (i), we have generated altogether 80 different structures for each of the three cationic isomers using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and subsequently QM optimization of these structures has been performed to obtain the most preferable conformation for each isomeric form. Here, we expect that MD simulations can selectively sample low-energy conformations by using appropriate force field parameters, which can reproduce the relative energy differences among many conformers. However, for the metal− organic systems with the Zr-center, there is no such appropriate force field parameters available. Therefore, we have developed the force field on the basis of the AMBER force field (GAFF:13 version 1.4 in AMBER 1214) parameters. The bonded interaction (i.e., bond, angle, and dihedral angle) parameters have been generated by fitting the QM results. The van der Waals (vdW) radius for Zr is considered as 1.75 Å,15 and those for other atoms are retrieved from GAFF. The atomic charges have been assigned by QM calculations with the Mertz−Singh−Kollman16 method. To search the preferable conformations for three different isomers (i.e., A, B, and C) of the cationic forms (i), we have performed the following steps: first we have optimized the geometries at QM level (choice of method and basis set for QM calculations is described in the subsequent paragraph) by preparing the arbitrary input geometry for the cationic isomer A, B, and C. To obtain QM potential energy curves, scan calculations for different bonds and angles were performed in the cases of each cationic isomers A, B, and C. Subsequently, we have prepared tentative force field parameters by using the QM scan calculations as reference. The 40 ns MD simulations of the cationic form in vacuum have been performed and saving snapshots every 2 ps (in total 20 000 snapshots were generated). Then, K-means clustering with the number of clusters 40 was applied to obtain 40 representative structures. The obtained 40 conformations for each isomer were further optimized using QM procedure. Repetitions of these steps were performed to sample another 40 conformations for each isomer of the cationic form (i) (for more details of each step see Supporting Information). Therefore, altogether 80 different structures for each of the three cationic isomers have been generated using MD simulations and successively, optimization of these structures by QM procedure has been made to obtain the most preferable conformation for each isomer. After searching the preferable conformations of the cationic form (i), we have conducted QM optimizations for the neutral form (I) by adding a Me group to the Zr-atom each in the most preferable conformations of the cationic form (i). All the QM calculations have been performed with the Gaussian 0917 program suite using density functional theory (DFT) with the M0618 functional. For the Zr-atom, the doubleζ basis set (LANL2DZ) including the f polarization function with the effective core potential (ECP) has been used, whereas for all other atoms the 6-31G** basis set is used (i.e., B1 basis set). Subsequently, the frequency calculations are also performed for the most stable structures of neutral (I) and cationic (i) forms of catalyst. For the considered cases, the geometries have also been optimized using the M06 method with a basis set of higher quality, B2 (i.e., def2-TZVPP19), and frequency calculations at the M06/B2 level of theory have been conducted. The choice of the basis sets has been made on the basis of our laboratory’s previous investigations.20 The selection of the method (i.e., M06) is directed by the computational investigations (optimizations as well as frequency calculations) on seven different DFT functionals, viz., B3LYP, B3LYP-D3, M05-2X, M06, M06L, M06-2X,

Figure 2. Schematic representation of three different isomers of the Zr-cation (i).

the presence of flexible ligands in Zr FI-catalysts makes the computational analysis more difficult. To model these cations efficiently, one needs to consider various different conformations of each isomer, because a particular isomer can have the different orientation of the side groups in both O-atom side as well as N-atom side apart from the orientation of O- and N=atoms. Note that the existence of more than one isomer can exhibit the multimodal polymerization behavior, and thus, multimodal molecular weight distributions can be observed for the obtained polymers, as proposed by Tohi et al. in their experimental study on bis(phenoxy-imine)zirconium complex.10 One of the most successful Zr-based FI-catalysts, which has led to conjoining the soft polymer with hard polymer to form the block copolymer bearing blocks of both hard and soft polymers,12 is cation (i), as shown in Scheme 1b. This special catalyst consists of nonsymmetric phenoxy-imine chelating ligands, in which isobutyl (R2 = i-Bu) group is attached to N-atoms along with tert-butyl (t-Bu) groups in ortho- and para-positions (i.e., R = R1 = t-Bu) to the phenolic oxygens and X = Me. Because all the influential factors cannot be appropriately considered in the computational studies due to the convolution rising from the flexibility of the ligand’s architecture, there have been no computational studies executed so far for this special catalyst. The experimental observation of this FI-cation is also scarce. In the present article, we have made an attempt to investigate the qualitative trends for the stability of different isomers of this specific Zr-catalyst (I), particularly, with the emphasizing on the Zr-cation (i). The energetics of different isomers of the catalyst were aimed to compare and understand the factors of coexistence of multiple isomers.

2. COMPUTATIONAL METHODOLOGY The presence of flexible side groups (i.e., R, R1, and R2 groups) in the phenoxy-imine ligands makes the analysis more challenging to determine the most preferable isomers. It is almost impossible to determine the global minimum structure for a particular isomer (as discussed in the Introduction), because in each isomer there are a lot of possible orientations in the side chains. For example, when each of the six side groups produces four conformations, the number of possible structures swells to 46 = 4096. Therefore, probably, a strategy to solve this problem is that one may attempt to generate a limited number of structures for a particular isomer, in which orientations of the side chains are different, and then compare the energy values among them as obtained from quantum mechanical (QM) calculation. For the efficient and exhaustive modeling of different isomeric 2200

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

bond,23−28 cation−π interactions,29,30 etc.) between the atoms.31−33 The necessary wave function files (i.e., .wfx) for AIM analysis were created from the calculations of equilibrium geometries as obtained at the M06/B1 level of theory.

and TPSSh, in combination with both B1 and B2 basis sets (Table 1 and Table S1 in the Supporting Information) for three Table 1. Relative Energy Valuesa of Three Different Isomers of the Zr-Cation (i) in Terms of Electronic Energy (ΔE), Zero-Point Corrected Energy (ΔE*), and Free Energy (ΔG*) As Obtained at Different Levels of Theory with the B2 Basis Set methods B3LYP









ΔE (kcal/mol)

ΔE* (kcal/mol)

ΔG* (kcal/mol)


0.00 −0.31 −2.84 0.00 1.77 −0.58 0.00 0.58 −2.21 0.00 2.83 −0.08 0.00 2.83 0.65 0.00 1.08 −2.14 0.00 −0.32 −2.24 0.00 2.29 −0.02

0.00 −0.30 −2.89 0.00 1.84 −0.23 0.00 0.60 −1.85 0.00 2.71 0.13 0.00 2.79 0.76 0.00 0.92 −1.80 0.00 −0.35 −2.36 0.00c 2.17c 0.19c

0.00 0.30 −2.42 0.00 2.42 0.70 0.00 0.44 −1.38 0.00 1.81 −0.45 0.00 2.08 0.54 0.00 −0.08 −1.82 0.00 0.43 −1.64 0.00d 1.27d −0.39d

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Energetics and Geometrical Features of the Neutral Zr-Catalyst (I). Depending on the ligand coordination mode, the neutral form of zirconium bis(phenoxy-imine) catalyst (I) (Scheme 1a) can exhibit five isomers in an octahedral architecture,7 as shown in Figure 1. The five isomers, viz., cis-N/trans-O/cis-Me (1), cis-N/cis-O/cis-Me (2), trans-N/ cis-O/cis-Me (3), cis-N/cis-O/trans-Me (4), and trans-N/transO/trans-Me (5), for the considered Zr-catalyst (I) were optimized at M06/B1 and M06/B2 levels of theory. Subsequently, the calculations in heptane were performed at the M06/B2 level, using the geometries as obtained at the same level of theory. On the basis of these calculations, we have observed that these isomers exhibit a distorted octahedral geometry around the Zr-atom (Figure S5 in the Supporting Information). Almost identical geometrical features are observed for both levels of theory (Table S2) while comparing the results for a particular isomer. Based on the energy values as obtained at M06/B1 and M06/B2 levels, it is observed that isomer 1 is the most preferable among the five isomers (Table S3 in the Supporting Information). The trend of the stability remains the same in the case of solvent calculations. The relative free energy (ΔG*) values in gas as well as in heptane with respect to isomer 1 are shown in Figure 1. To the best of our knowledge, the experimental results are not available for this particular Zr-catalyst (I). However, in the experimental as well as in the computational study, it has been observed earlier that the Zr-bis(phenoxy-imine) catalysts (with different substitutions on R, R1, and R2 positions from catalyst (I)) mostly form isomer1-like structure, i.e., cis-N/trans-O/cis-X.3,8,9 The preference of this isomer among the five isomers has been attributed to the fact that in those catalysts Zr−O bonds are significantly shorter than Zr−N bonds.3 We have also noted that in our considered Zr-catalyst (I), the Zr−O bonds are substantially shorter than the Zr−N bonds (Table S2), which may be because Zr−O bonds are covalent in nature whereas Zr−N bonds are dative bonds. Moreover, the relative existing probability of the isomers based on G* values (e.g., [1]/[2] = exp{−(G1* − G2*)/kT}) indicates that neutral catalyst predominately forms isomer 1 (Table S3(c)). Thus, our results for the neutral catalyst (I) are also in accordance with the previous theoretical and experimental observations with similar kinds of ligand architecture.3 3.2. Energetics and Geometrical Features of the ZrCation (i). An active species for the polymerization reaction is the cationic form (Scheme 1b) of Zr-catalyst (i).3 Generally, the Zr-cation can exhibit three different isomers,11 viz., cis-N/ trans-O (A), cis-N/cis-O (B), and trans-N/cis-O (C) as shown in Figure 2 (also Figure S6 in the Supporting Information). For the efficient and exhaustive modeling of the preferable structure, altogether 80 different structures for each of the three cationic isomers A, B, and C have been generated by using MD simulations. Subsequently, QM optimizations for these structures have been performed to obtain the most preferable geometry among them for each isomeric form (“Computational Details” in the Supporting Information). Table 2 summarizes the relative energies for the most stable geometry among the generated conformers for each cationic isomer as obtained in gas at different levels of theory as well as in the solvent phase


The energy values are relative to A. bMP2/B2//MP2/B1. cZeropoint energy correction taken from the M06/B2 level. dFree energy correction taken from the M06/B2 level.

different isomers of the Zr-cation (i). The performance of these functionals has been compared with that of MP2 level of theory. For instance, Table 1 clearly indicates that the performance of M06 is in good agreement with that of the high-level MP2 method at a very decent computational cost. In the case of transition state (TS) calculations, the first geometry optimization has been done at the M06/B1 level and then the geometry was reoptimized at M06/B2 level of theory. The vibrational mode associated with the observed imaginary frequency is almost the same at both levels of theory. The implicit solvent effect is incorporated by the SMD21 method using heptane as the solvent. The single-point calculations at the M06/B2 level of theory on the optimized geometries (as obtained at the same level of theory) were conducted for investigating the solvent effect. The mixed alkyl solvents are generally used for the polymerization reaction,12 and therefore, we have decided to use heptane as a solvent in our study. The gas phase zero-point energy correction (ZPE) and thermal correction to Gibbs free energy (Gcorrection) values are used to calculate the zero-point corrected energy (E*) and the free energy (G*) in the solvent. To understand the origin of the stability for cationic isomers, the electron densities (ρ) and Laplacian of the electron density (∇2ρ) at the bond critical points (BCPs) were mapped using the AIMALL program.22 Atoms-in-molecules (AIM) calculations can explain the formation of various noncovalent interactions (for example, hydrogen 2201

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b10999 J. Phys. Chem. A 2018, 122, 2198−2208


The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Table 2. Relative Energy Valuesa of Three Different Isomers of the Zr-Cation (i) in Terms of Electronic Energy (ΔE), ZeroPoint Corrected Energy (ΔE*), and Free Energy (ΔG*) As Obtained at Different Levels of Theory in Gas and Solvent Phase Calculations phase Gas

basis set B1

methods M06





Solvent (Heptane)




ΔE (kcal/mol)

ΔE* (kcal/mol)

ΔG* (kcal/mol)

existing probabilitye (%)


0.00 3.16 0.83 0.00 1.52 0.48 0.00 2.83 −0.08 0.00 2.29 −0.02 0.00 2.35 0.82

0.00 3.43 1.27 0.00 1.79 0.92 0.00 2.71 0.13 0.00 2.17 0.19 0.00 2.23 1.03

0.00 3.05 0.83 0.00 1.41 0.48 0.00 1.81 −0.45 0.00 1.27 −0.39 0.00 1.33 0.45

73 2 26 58 10 32 35 4 62 35 7 57 57 11 32


The energy values are relative to A. bZero-point and free energy correction taken from gas phase calculation at the M06/B1 level. cMP2/B2// MP2/B1. dZero-point and free energy correction taken from the gas phase calculation at the M06/B2 level. eT = 400 K.

Figure 3. AIM plot for three different isomers of Zr-cation (i). The bond critical points (BCPs) corresponding to the important hydrogen bonds are shown as green colored dots, whereas those for the other hydrogen bonds orange colored dots. The electron densities (ρ) and Laplacian of the electron density (∇2ρ) at the BCPs are also shown.

shown in Figure 3. For isomer A, the four H-bonds are between the O-atom and H-atoms of the R group (i.e., t-Bu) and one H-bond is formed between the O-atom and H-atoms of the R2 group (i.e., i-Bu) attached with one of the N-atoms (shown by green and orange colored dots, respectively, in Figure 3). For isomer B, the observed four H-bonds are between the O-atom and H-atoms of the R group (i.e., t-Bu) and one H-bond forms with one of the N-atoms and H-atoms of the R2 group (i.e., i-Bu) attached to the other N-atom. Similar to isomer A, for isomer C, the four H-bonds are between the O-atom and H-atoms of the R group (i.e., t-Bu) and one H-bond is formed between the O-atom and H-atom of the R2 group (i.e., i-Bu) attached to one N-atom. The presence of five hydrogen bonds may be the cause of the stability of these three isomers. Indeed, the existing probability of isomer B is smaller, whereas that of isomer C is comparable with that of isomer A, as observed in Table 2. Because the H-bonds’ strengths (based on ρ and ∇2ρ; Figure 3) are almost the same for each of the isomers, it will be difficult to make any conclusion about the stability of the isomers based on

(also Table S1, and S4 in the Supporting Information). For a particular basis set, the trend of the relative energies for different cationic isomers are similar between the cases of M06 and MP2 methods. Nevertheless, the trend is not the same when the relative energies obtained with two different basis sets are compared for a specific method. For instance, for the B1 basis set, isomer A is energetically more stable than isomers B and C with both the methods, whereas, C is more stable with the B2 basis set for the M06 and MP2 methods. In the solvent phase, the relative energy trend is similar to that at the M06/B1 (gas phase) level of theory. The solvent phase calculations at the M06/B2 level show that A is energetically more favorable than isomers B and C (Table 2). However, for a particular isomer of cation (i), the observed geometrical features are almost equal in the cases of M06/B1, M06/B2, and MP2/B1 levels of theory (Table S5 in the Supporting Information). The AIM analysis indicates the existence of the bond critical points (BCPs) corresponding to five intramolecular hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) in all the three isomers of Zr-cation (i) as 2202

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Figure 4. Schematic representation of three different orientations of R2 groups for Zr-cation (i). Only selected atoms are shown.

Therefore, the “down−down” structure of isomer C is transforming to the “down−down” structure of isomer A. As a result, we have not observed the “down−down” orientation of isomer C while performing QM optimization at the M06/B1 level of theory. To understand the steric effect between R and R2 groups, we have performed the restricted geometry optimizations for R = t-Bu or R = Me of the “down−down” orientation at M06/B1 level of theory by restricting the N−Zr−N and O−Zr−O angles to be the same as those in isomer C (i.e., 156.6° and 139.9°, respectively, Table S5 in the Supporting Information). The restricted geometry (when R = t-Bu) indicates that there is an excessive deformation of the six-membered zirconacycle, accompanied by the steric crowding between R and R2 groups (Figure S7(a) in the Supporting Information), which can be reduced by replacing the “t-Bu” group by “Me” groups at R positions (Figure S7(b)). It is our speculation that because of this steric crowding between R and R2 groups, isomer C (if exists) is not able to convert into isomer A as these two groups are trying to stay apart from each other. This action clearly counteracts the observance of “up−up” orientation for isomer C during the geometry optimization. It is also evident from previous studies that the presence of the sterically hindered group in R2 positions favors trans-N/cis-O/cis-X isomer in the case of the neutral catalyst.3,8,9 On the basis of these observations, we have further investigated the effects of the substituent groups for the existence of different isomers, as discussed in the next subsection. 3.3. Effect of Stabilization of Isomers. To understand the reason for the existence of isomers B and C, we have computed several different Zr-cations as listed in Tables 3, 4, and 5. For these systems ((iii)−(xvi)), the substitutions on R, R1, and R2 groups are mainly different from those in the Zr-cation (i). To keep the same orientation of the R, R1, and R2 group, these systems are modified from the structure of the most stable conformation for the corresponding isomer of Zr-cation (i). The geometry optimization and vibrational frequency analysis were done at the M06/B1 level of theory (Figure S8 in Supporting Information). Although the possibility of existence for isomer B is small in the case of cation (i) (as discussed in subsection 3.2), we have

AIM results. Therefore, in these circumstances, the important observations are the existing probability of isomer B is smaller in comparison with the those of the other two isomers (i.e., A and C), and it is impossible to rule out the existence of isomer C in comparison with isomer A. Notably, in the earlier experimental study in collaboration with theory, it has been observed that when R1 = Me and R2 = C6H5, even isomer B can exist as a mixture along with isomer A.11 We have observed that the orientations of R2 (i.e., i-Bu at the N-atoms) groups can be different for a particular isomer. In general, three different orientations can be possible for two R2 groups, viz., “up−up”, “up−down”, and “down−down”, as shown in Figure 4. In the case of “up−up” both the R2 groups are oriented toward the Me-group; in the “down−down” case both the R2 groups are opposite to the Me-group, whereas in “up−down” one R2 group is oriented toward the Me-group and the other one is opposite to the Me-group. Among the different conformations (as generated by M06/B1 optimization after MD simulation; “Computational Details” in the Supporting Information), we have identified the most stable “up−up”, “up−down”, and “down−down” conformations for each isomer. Indeed, among these three different orientations of R2 groups for each isomer, one orientation is energetically the most stable and can be considered as the most preferable conformation for a particular isomer. We have witnessed that “up−down” orientation is energetically the most preferred conformation for isomers A and B, whereas “up−up” orientation is the most stable one for isomer C. Notably, isomer A can exist as a mixture in both “up−down” and “down−down” orientations, because the observed G* difference between the most stable “up−down” (i.e., most preferred conformations) and “down−down” structures is only 0.07 kcal/mol (Table S6(a) in the Supporting Information) at the M06/B1 level of theory. Another important aspect is that among all the quantum mechanically optimized geometries, we have not found any “down−down” orientation of the R2 groups for isomer C. This is probably due to thefact that in the “down−down” orientation, because of the steric repulsion between R and R2 groups, two bulky i-Bu (R2) groups pull down the N-atoms, which in turn makes the N−Zr−N angle smaller than the O−Zr−O angle. 2203

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

probable that this kind of ligand architecture has the inherent property to exhibit both the isomers (i.e., A, and B). To explore the origin of the existence of isomer C in the case of cation (i), we have computed only isomers A and C for 13 different cationic systems (Table 4), starting from (iv) to (xvi). These systems have different substituents at O-sides (i.e., at R, and R1 positions) as well as at N-sides (i.e., R2 positions) from the Zr-cation (i). While changing the substituents at O-sides (i.e., at R and R1 positions), we have kept the substituent at N-sides the same as those in cation (i) (i.e., R2 = i-Bu) and, once we have changed the substituents at N-sides (i.e., R2 positions), then R and R1 are t-Bu groups. Apparently, it is delicate to differentiate between isomer A and C for some cations (Figure S9 in the Supporting Information). However, we have designated the structure as isomer A when the O−Zr−O angle is larger than the N−Zr−N angle, whereas as isomer C when the N−Zr−N angle is larger than the O−Zr−O angle. Systematic changing at R and R1 positions from the Me group (i.e., (iv)) to the Et group (i.e., systems (v), (vi), and (vii)), and furthermore to the i-Pr group (in the cases of (viii), (ix), and (x)), we have found isomer C only in the case of (viii) along with isomer A. It indicates that a bulky group may be required at R and R1 positions to observe isomer C. More interestingly, cations

Table 3. Two Different Cations Considered To Explain the Existence of Isomer B

considered cations (ii) and (iii) to investigate the origin for the existence of isomers B (Table 3). System (ii) is the smallest unit in this ligand architecture, whereas (iii) is the smallest unit for the phenoxy-imine ligand. During geometry optimization at the M06/B1 level of theory, we have observed only isomers A and B, whereas, isomer C is not found in either of these two cases. Furthermore, the G* differences between these two isomers, A and B, are only 1.74 and 1.42 kcal/mol for (ii) and (iii), respectively (Table S7 in the Supporting Information). It is a matter of course that in these two cases the presence of the aforementioned five H-bonds cannot be formed (Figure 3), because the H-atoms responsible for those H-bonds are not present in (ii) or (iii). Therefore, the presence of H-bonds may not be the only reason for the stability of isomers A and B. It is

Table 4. Different Cations Considered by Substituting R and R1 Groupsa


The observed isomers are also shown. 2204

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A Table 5. Different Cations Considered by Substituting R2 Groupsa


The observed isomers are also shown.

(ix) and (x) also have the same i-Pr group at R and R1 positions as (viii) does, but we have not observed isomer C during the QM geometry optimization process. From the AIM plot (Figure 5) of isomer C for (viii), we have observed five H-bonds as we did for cation (i) case (Figure 3). In all other cases (i.e., (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (ix), and (x)), formation of H-bond(s) with the O-atom and the H-atom of R group is not feasible as those H-atoms are not present toward the O-atom side. Therefore, it is clear that H-bonds could play a role in the stability of isomer C. While keeping R and R2 groups fixed (i.e., R = t-Bu and R2 = i-Bu), and varying the substituents at R1 positions from H to Me group (i.e., cations (xi) and (xii)), we have also noticed the presence of isomer C along with A. The AIM plots of (xi) and (xii)) also indicate the presence of H-bonds between H-atoms of the t-Bu group and O-atoms (Figure 5). These observations suggest that the substitutions at the R1 position do not play a role for the existence of isomer C, but a bulky group at the R positions is required for the observance of isomer C. We have also changed the substitutions at N-sides (i.e., at R2 positions) from n-Pr to Et to Me groups, and finally to H-atom, by keeping R and R1 groups to be t-Bu-group (i.e., cations (xiii)−(xvi), Table 5) and performed QM optimizations in the cases of isomer A and C. Except for R2 = H, we have found isomer C along with isomer A. In the case of R2 = H (xvi) we have observed only isomer A. The AIM plots indicate the presence of four H-bonds in isomer C for cations (xiii), (xiv), and (xv) (Figure 5). The H-bond between one of the R2 groups on the N-side and the O-atom is not found in these cations. Although this particular H-bond may not be important for the stability of isomer C, the other four H-bonds between the O-atom and the H-atom of R group must be important for the observance of isomer C, and these four may lead to the stability of the structure. Moreover, the presence of a group, such as Me, Et, n-Pr, and i-Bu having a size to some extent, at R2 positions is necessary to exist as isomer C. It is interesting to note that from the energetics (Table S8 in the Supporting Information), we have observed that (xv) (i.e., R2 = Me) will predominantly exhibit isomer C, and that the probability of existence of isomer A increases in the order of Me < Et < n-Pr < i-Bu, although it was previously3,8,9 observed that the presence of the sterically bulky group in R2 positions favors trans-N/cis-O/cis-X. Moreover,

we have observed isomer A rather than isomer C when R2 groups are replaced by H-atoms. It can be said, therefore, that the steric hindrance might not be only the reason for the relative stability of the isomers. However, it is clear that by changing the R2 groups one can modulate multimodal to unimodal polymerization behavior of the Zr−FI-catalysts. 3.4. Interconversion between Different Structures of the Zr-Cation (i). We have continued to investigate the possibility of existence of isomer C (“up−up”) along with isomer A (“up−down”) for the Zr-cation (i), because the observed G* difference between isomers A and C is very small, only 0.45 kcal/mol, in the solvent (i.e., heptane) at the M06/B2 level of theory (Table 2). The free energy diagram in the solution for the transition between isomers A and C is shown in Figure 6, as calculated at the M06/B2 level of theory (Table S9 and Figure S10 in the Supporting Information). As shown in Figure 6, it is clear that the interconversion from A to C may occur via a two-step process and that the first step is the interconversion from A to C′ followed by that of C′ to C. Though the orientation of R2 (i-Bu) groups is different between C′ and C, the N−Zr−N angle is larger than the O−Zr−O one in C′ as observed in C. Basically, the path from C′ to C is for the conformational change of isomer C. Figure 6 indicates that the mutual transition between isomer A and C for cation (i) could be possible because the activation energy barriers are only 7.03 and 6.38 kcal/mol. Thus, it might be possible to present both the isomers as a mixture in the solution. Further, we have studied the transition between two different orientations, i.e., “up−down” and “down−down”, of isomer A by performing the TS calculations (Figure S11 in the Supporting Information), which have been performed at M06/B1 and M06/ B2 levels of theory (as discussed in section 2: Computational Methodology). The solvent effect is incorporated by single-point calculations on those optimized geometries of the M06/B2 level of theory (Table S10 in Supporting Information). The free energy diagram (Figure S12 in the Supporting Information) demonstrates that the activation energy barrier is only 8.77 kcal/mol between these two orientations. It is, therefore, plausible that the isomer A of cation (i) can be present in two different orientations, i.e., “up−down” and “down−down”, along with isomer C (“up−up”). 2205

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Figure 5. AIM plot for isomer C for cations (viii), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv), and (xv). The BCPs corresponding to the important hydrogen bonds are shown as colored dots.

of neutral Zr-catalyst have been assessed quantum mechanically. The results suggest that isomer 1 (cis-N/trans-O/cis-Me) is the most stable among the five isomers, being in accordance with the general theoretical and experimental observations of this kind of phenoxy-imine catalyst.3 However, for the polymerization reaction, the active species is known to be the cationic form of Zr-catalyst rather than the neutral one.3 In general, the Zr-cation can exist in three different isomers, viz., cis-N/trans-O (A), cis-N/cis-O (B), and trans-N/cis-O (C). The presence of flexible side groups (i.e., R, R1, and R2 groups) in the phenoxyimine ligands makes the analysis more challenging to determine the most stable isomers. For the efficient and systematic modeling of different isomeric complexes, especially, for the cationic (i) isomers, we have generated altogether 80 different structures for each of the three cationic isomers by using MD simulations, and subsequently, QM geometry optimizations of these structures have been performed to obtain the most preferable conformation for each isomeric form. Comparing intensively the energetics among the most preferable conformations for the isomeric forms, it leads to a conclusion that isomers A and C

Figure 6. Free energy profile diagram from isomer A to C for cation (i). The energy values are relative to A as obtained at the M06/B2 level of theory. Schematic representations of A, C′, and C are also shown.

4. CONCLUSIONS We have computationally investigated the possibility of the existence for five different isomers of zirconium bis(phenoxyimine) catalyst (I). The relative stabilities among these isomers 2206

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

systems at the Information Technology Center in Nagoya University.

are almost equivalent in energy. Moreover, the existing probability derived from the obtained free energy values suggests that the presence of isomer B is small, whereas that of isomer C is comparable with isomer A. The presence of a bulky group at R2 positions might be the reason for the existence of isomer C as observed in the case of cation (i). Even more, isomer A of cation (i) can be present in two different conformations in which the orientation of R2 groups is altered. By varying the different substituents at R, R1, and R2 positions, we have noticed that the presence of H-bonds could be required for the stability of isomer C. Furthermore, the transition state calculations also confirm that the Zr-cation (i) can exist as a mixture of both isomers A and C. In addition, we conjecture that the Zr-cation (i) can be present in three different orientations, viz., two conformations of isomer A and one conformation of isomer C. As a consequence, it can be said that during the experimental investigation, this particular cation could also display the multimodal behavior, which could lead to the multimodal molecular weight distributions for the obtained polymers. However, by changing the substituents at R2 positions, one can modulate multimodal to unimodal polymerization behavior of the Zr FI-catalysts. The results presented herein are expected to provide insight into the behaviors of this important FI-catalyst and could become a starting point for exploring the mechanistic pathway of the complicated polymerization reactions while using the “Red Moon” method,34,35 i.e., a hybrid MC/MD method.

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S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b10999. Computational details; tables of energy values, geometrical parameters, atomic indexes, force field parameters, and bond distances and angles; figures of the geometries, variation of ∠O−Zr−O vs ∠N−Zr−N, and free energy profile diagram; Cartesian coordinates (PDF)



Corresponding Authors

*N.K. E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: +81-52-789-3518. Fax: +81-52-789-5623. *M.N. E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: +81-52789-5623. Fax: +81-52-789-5623. ORCID

Soumen Saha: 0000-0002-5771-5192 Yuichi Tanaka: 0000-0003-1554-2331 Masataka Nagaoka: 0000-0002-1735-7319 Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) of the Japan Science Technology Agency (JST), by a Grant-in-Aid for Science Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) in Japan, and also by the MEXT programs “Elements Strategy Initiative for Catalysts and Batteries (ESICB)” and “Priority Issue 5 on Post-K Computer” (Development of new fundamental technologies for highefficiency energy creation, conversion/storage, and use). The calculations were partially performed using several computing 2207

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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b10999 J. Phys. Chem. A 2018, 122, 2198−2208