Problem: How to Handle with Safety Highly Viscous Materials Under

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H o w to Handle w i t h Safety Highly Viscous Materials Under Pressure C h e m i c a l e n g i n e e r s of m a n y of t h e nation's l a r g ­ est i n d u s t r i a l plants h a v e w a t c h e d w i t h interest d e v e l o p m e n t of the N E W BS&B T-ASSEMBLY SAFETY HEAD. It is a l r e a d y in d e m a n d . It is r e c o m m e n d e d f o r c h e m i c a l p l a n t s h a n d l i n g viscous m a t e r i a l s .

m Send for This Catalog Now! The BS&B SAFETY HEAD story is fully covered in α n e w catalog. Send for your free copy NOW! Use coupon on the opposite page. Once you understand your need for SAFETY HEADS, you won't delay.

No other relief device acts as quickly as the BS&B SAFETY HEAD. It consists of three principal parts...a pre-formed metal rupture disc and two specially de­ signed holding flanges. Correct element resistant metals are used in fabrication of the rupture disc, which bursts when a pre-determined pressure is reached. Instantly a fully unrestricted escape for gases and liquids takes place. And, as quickly the possible dangers of property damage, fires and injuries t o personnel vanish. Do Y o u

free Analysis Without Obligation Jim Myers, SAFETY HEAD Sales Manager will h a v e a BS&B engineer analyze your pressure relief problems and submit suggestions to you WITH­ OUT COST OR OBLIGATION. Mail coupon on opposite p a g e or call GRand 6700, Kansas City, Mo. DO IT NOW1





The answer is YES . . . to every ch^^-ncal plant using viscous materials under pressure provided t h e liquid contacts t h e m e t a l rupture disc. Such plants should n o t be w i t h o u t t h i s new positive protection relief device. Read t h e de­ tails o n "How a T-ASSEMBLY SAFETY HEAD Works" on t h e opposite page. This newly designed T-Assembly unit is t h e c o m b i n e d art of t h e highest achievement of metallurgical and engi­ neering skill.

Here Are Your Answers to Relief Valve Problems-Extra Protection for Expensive Equipm This installation is used when it is not necessary to have a shut-off or when materials handled are not toxic or inflammable. A SAFETY HEAD under your relief valve isolates the valve from the vessel contents. This stops leakage through relief valve until SAFETY HEAD disc is burst by overpressure. An open bleed line or some type of tell­ tale indicator must be installed in chamber between rupture disc* and valve plug.

A SAFETY HEAD at the relief out­ let will stop leakage until rupture disc pressure is attained. Not recom­ mended where viscous or corrosive materials might contaminate internal parts of the valve. Investigate your valve design before using this type of installation. When the SAFETY HEAD is used as secondary relief device you are given positive protection when pressure rises to the predeter­ mined bursting pressure of the rupture disc. The primary relief valve may fail to function due to corrosion, or pressure continues to rise due to inadequate relief area.