Problem: how to prevent insect and fungus attack on lumber - C&EN

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P r o b l e m : how t o prevent insect and f u n g u s a t t a c k on lumber

PROBLEM: HOW TO PREVENT INSECT AND FUNGUS ATTACK ON LUMBER. Plagued with this costly problem, a large sawmill called in the U. S. Borax team of trained technicians...THE F O R M U L A FINDERS.They tackled the problem, helped come up with the solution: TIM-BORf a special borate dip that makes the dramatic difference above. Just $200 worth TIMB0RIZE*s the lumber needed to build an entire house...prevents decay and attack from many insects...for life! In chemistry, agriculture,or any type of industry, wherever boron can help, the Formula Finders are ready π π ρ π η ή A V to work with you, to help you improve your product [ y j j j ^ o U H A / V and increase your profit. For further information, write: 3075 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 5, Calif.

50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, Ν. Υ.

•Trademarks of the United States Borax & Chemical Corporation

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