Problem Solving in General Chemistry, Review 2 (DeLorenzo, Ronald

Keywords (Feature):. Book and Media Reviews. Keywords (Pedagogy):. Textbooks / Reference Books. View: PDF | PDF w/ Links. Related Content ...
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media exchange Have you noticed a change in the title of this column? What was A-VReuiew is now Media Exchange to allow for extended coverage which will include all instructional aids (e.g., games, models, kits, charts, booklets, brochures, and, of course, t h e standard audio-visual items). T h c \ v m l E x r l i u n ~ rimplies a rmnnitl~tcwt1111 tht. p:irt the re;~derst o ehare ideaz wirh on*,anothrr. ;\.~ ~ r d r . ; i m a l chemical educators, you have a n obligation t o extend your teaching successes with your colleagues. With the large volume of print a n d a-v materials available and t h e limited budgets of most chemistry departments, this exchange offers a valuable service. Over the next several months, a special series of reviews will auuear in Media Exchance " under t h e subheadine De Libris Judicia (this is a Latin expression meaning "Book Review").



ed~tedby HARRIETG FRIEDSTEIN Rochester lnst~tuteof Technology P 0 Box 9887 Rochester, NY 14623

There are two main differences between this special series and t h e regular Book Review feature which appears a t t h e back of each issue of t h e JOURNAL. De Libris Judicia will urovide a critique by secondary teachers of books which were originally designed for college use or for a discipline other than chemistry a n d which might be worthwhile t o the secondary teacher. You will also notice the unique pairing of reviews which will be apparent as a part of De Libris Judicia. Two independently written critiques of the particular book will be run in tandem. Because of page limitations, t h e reviews will, from time t o time, be condensed. T h e candid expressions of opinion by the individual reviewers will, however, not be sacrificed. W e wish t o thank all of you who have taken the time t o read t h e books, analyze them, a n d write t h e reviews.

D€ LIRRIJ JUDICIFI Problem Solving In General Chemistry RonaldDeLorenzo, D. C. Heath &Go., Lexington, Massachusetts, 1981.496 pp. $10.95

Several features of the bookmake it appropriate for both student and teacher use. Classical chemistry topics and associated problems have been updated. Many problems have been drawn from other areas of science and technoloev. . . Far instance. Dalton's law is develooed using p ~ h l r n xinw,lv~n~ 5 < t h < t~lving. +wr,d 1,n I h m - ,*I