Proceedings of the Ameican Chemical Society - Journal of the

Soc. , 1887, 9 (6), pp 127–127. DOI: 10.1021/ja02128a608. Publication Date: June 1887. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1887, 9, 6, 1...
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REGULAR NEETING, September 2d, 1887. Vice-president Leeds in the chair. The following gcntlernen were unanimously elected members: Prof. H. L. Grant, Nebraska State Normal School, Peru. Neb.; W m . D. Horne, chemist, Fulton Sugar Refinery, Dock and Water streets, Brooklyn, N. Y. Messrs. F. P. Ingalls and Frank T. King, of Brooklyn, were proposed for active membership. Dr. Leeds read a paper on “The Origin and Hiptory of the Epidemic of Typhoid Fever at Mt. Holly, N. J.” The resignation of T. M. Hopke was read and accepted. The meeting was then adjourned. T. D. O’CONNER, Recording Secretary.