Proceedings of the American Chemical Society - Journal of the

Proceedings of the American Chemical Society. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1882, 4 (3), pp 24–25. DOI: 10.1021/ja02154a603. Publication Date: March 1882...
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PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICA4N CHEMICAL SOC I ETY. R o o m 1, Uqaiversity Uuildiitg, A? Y , March 3tl, 1882 ‘I‘lie meeting was called to order a t 5 2 0 P. 31. Prof. A R. LeedB in the chair. T h e minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved KO report was received from the Goard of Directors Dr E. IIirshberg was then electeil a regular member. After Nhit 11 the folio\\ ing gentlemen werc nominated as mernber4 of t h e Society: ‘l’lios S. Gladding as regular member. l’roposed by Clias. 31. Stillwell, T. J Parker and A. R Lced.. Di.. G. Kiause as regular member. Proposed by Geo A. Prochazka, A R. Leeds, and James 11. Stcbbins, J r . 1:olxrt Cr Renisen, J r . , M. D , as rcignlar mcmber. Proposed b y A R. Lceds, James 11. Stebbins, Jr., xnd A. I1 Elliott. Pi,of. A 11 Brennerman as regular meml)er. 1’1oposed by A. R. Leeds, .James 13. Stebbins, J r . , a i d 11. IT. Elliott (4. E. I’crkins as regular member Proposed 1)) 1‘. O’C’.Sloane, AI. Bcnjnmin and WT. Rupp. After wliicli Mr. Elliott moved that tlie regular order of bu\iness be suqlioiided, in order to give more time to discuss the publishing of tlic ,Joui.nd.

mritd ‘l’lic Secretary then mobed that tlie above discussion be postponed t o !f I,. \r , i n order that home of the papers of the evening migh1 be rcnd. C ~ried I The fiist paper of the wening: .‘On the Determination of Zinc as 1’1 ropliosphat,,” by Mr Geo C. Stone, was then read. After some remarks by the Chairman, Dr. Sloane rend his first paper ‘(On Methyl Violet Test Paper ”

Some ]*emarksb y Dr. Grothe followed .ifter which Dr. Sloane read his secoiid paper: On a. Fat EXtraction Apparatus.” The third paper: Upon the Separation of Alumina and Sesquioxide of Iron from Manganese,” b y RIr. Nelson It. Dartoil, then follow et1 Dr. Endernatin stated that Drs. Behr and Ledoux had both ((
