Proceedings of the American Chemical Society

Methods of Opium Analysis (ld paper), by J. H. Wainwright. The Chairman referred to the recent death of Prof. Benjamin. Sillininn. Or1 motiori of Nr. ...
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REGULAX MENTING,held February 6th, 1885. Dr. J. C . Booth in the chair. Minutes of the meeting of January 2d were read and approved. A synopsis of the proceedings of the Board of Directors, held January Gtb, was given by the Secretary. The followiiig iicw menilms were elected: D'r. A. Miller Jacobs, 92 New ('hurch street, New Yolk City. Joseph Little, Pmsaic, New Jersey. Edward Ii.Dunham, Ph. B., 93 Boylstoii street, Boston, Mass. S. W. Williams, 72 William street, New Yark City, was proposed as a member. The wsignation of E. W. Leggett, of Elizabethport, New Jersey, was read and accepted. The following papers were read: Mrxthods of Opium Analysis, by J. H. Wainwright. A &gular method of Sugar Analysis, by P. Casamajor. 16ead by Prof. Brenemaii in the absence of tlie author. A New Green Coloring Matter, by J. H. Stebbins, Jr. Benzylmetliylanilinc, hy J. H. Stcbhins, J r . Paptars for the next meeeting, March 6th, were annonnced, a8 follows: Methods of Opium Analysis ( l d paper), by J. H. Wainwright. The Chairman referred t o the recent death of Prof. Benjamin Sillininn. Or1 motiori of Nr. Stebbins the chair appointed a committee, consisting of Profs. S. W. Johnson and A. R. Lceds, to taltc splropriate action. Dr, Leeds, Vicc-Prcsident, announced that tlic committee on Nomenclature would consist of the following membcrs: Jlessrs. Breneman, StebLins, Moore, Hupp and Leeds. The chairman read a letter from Mr. C. B. Norton, Secretary of the American Exhibition (London, 1886), iiiviting the co-operation of the Society. Corisideration of the subject was dcferrcci until next meeti'ng. The meeting was then adjourned.


Recording Secretary.