Process Analyzers, Inc. - ACS Publications

16-18, Hungary. The compilation. “Absorption Spectra in the Ultra- violet and Visible Region” edited by L. Láng is sponsored by the. Hungarian Ac...
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Report for Analytical Chemists

solvent is not given in the reference paper. The spectral data must be complete enough for the wave­ lengths of maximal absorption and molar absorptivities to be obtained if they are not given in the original publication. Wavelength values are given to the nearest millimicron un­ less the original data are given more precisely. Molar absorptivity val­ ues are given to the nearest 0.01 unit of log e. Coded references are given for all data. Abstract cards are also available. 3. Sadtler Standard UV Spectra, Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden Street, Philadel­ phia, PA 19104. This is a collec­ tion of spectra of compounds from the Sadtler collection. The spectra

are reported in t h e range from 200— 355 μ. T h e molecular and semistructural formula and molecular weight are also given. T h e indexes to t h e Sadtler Infra­ red Spectra are applicable to t h e ultraviolet reference spectra, b u t ultraviolet alphabetical and n u ­ merical indexes are also published. The solvents used in sample prep­ aration a r e important, as some bring out better resolution in scan­ ning t h a n others. Sadtler makes use of five solvents in an order based on laboratory tests t h a t showed minimum loss of energy with optimum solvent action. T h e spectra are scanned in acid, base, and neutral media. As m a n y as four absorbance curves for solu­ tions of various concentrations a p ­ pear on each chart. N o criteria of purity are presented. E a c h spec­ t r u m measured is reviewed by con­ sultants before publication. T h e method of preparation for scanning, cell thickness, concentra­ tion, wavelength of maximum a b ­ sorbance, slit opening a t this wave-

length for each curve, and t h e in­ strument used are indicated for each spectrum. 4. Absorption Spectra in the Ul­ traviolet and Visible Region, Dr. L. Lang, Budapest, X I , Budafoki ut 16-18, Hungary. T h e compilation "Absorption Spectra in t h e Ultra­ violet and Visible Region" edited by L. Lâng is sponsored by t h e H u n g a r i a n Academy of Sciences. The original purpose of the compilers was to add the results of H u n g a r i a n research to previous foreign collections and to make available to foreign scientists previously unpublished spectra obtained in H u n g a r y . Since the publication of Vol I, the publications have taken on an international aspect with spectra contributed from other countries. Substances include a wide variety of organic compounds, mostly in solution b u t a few in t h e solid or vapor phase, plus a small number of metal complexes and other inorganic substances. I t is planned to increase the proportion of medicinal compounds because of t h e increasing importance of spectroscopy in pharmaceutical research. Spectra are represented by graphs of log e (e = extinction coefficient) vs. wavelength in millimicrons in the range 200—600 πΐμ and in some cases to 800 τημ. Observed values of log I0/i from which log ε is ob­ tained are tabulated. D a t a for a given substance are often given in media of different p H as well as in different solvents. I n addition, as­ sociated d a t a are given: struc­ tural and molecular formula, molec­ ular weight, concentration and sol­ vent if in solution, and melting and boiling point. Subject, formula, au­ thor, and figure (or diagram) are indexed. 5. The U V Atlas of Organic Compounds, Verlag Chemie, Weinheim/Bergstr., and Butterworths & Co., London, England. This Atlas is produced by the Documentation of Molecular Spectroscopy under the joint auspices described earlier. T h e Atlas presents selected ultra­ violet absorption spectra of about 1000 organic reference compounds containing the most important or­ ganic chromophores. Among these are compounds containing multiplybonded C-atoms, C = Ο and C = S

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