Process of Purifying Water and Sewage

be^heated in a manner similar to K1 if desired. The gaseous ammonia, hot carbon dioxide and water vapor pass from the bottles K, K1 through the branch...
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D ~ ~ ~ ~ ICHE..1IiSTTR ~ G I ~ I 17. ~ ~ J ~ R I 2-3 7~ - G METHOD OF MAKING AMMONIUM CARBONATE.

U. S. Patent No. 1,004,361,to Julius Bueb, of Dessau, Germany. In carrying [Jut this process carbon dioxide is caused t o pass through the gas moistening, or wash, hottle K ' ; a t the same time steam is admitted into K Lthrough the pipe L in such quantity as to maintain the tcmpcraturc of the r a t e r in E(' a t an>point desired betxecn jo" and 100" C. By t h e passage of the carbon dioxid through the hot water i t is heaced t o the nccessary temperature and, in addition, carries with i t abundant steam, the latcnt heat of which also enters into effect during

process, saturated brine of an appropriate temperature is e s posed unsupported in the form of drops. to an evaporation promoting atmosphere (in other words, to a n atmosphere in which the tension of the n-ater vapor prescnt is less than tile vapor tension of the brine exposed thereto) in such manner t h a t the evaporation proceeds more rapidly than the crystallization and t h a t consequently the brine becomes supersaturated, and this supersaturated brine (with or without further evaporation) is allowed to precipitate the salt either il-liilc sufficiently quiet to nllon- the fine grains of salt t o settle or n.hilc in sufficient motion to keep them from settling or while flowing over a suitable bed (surface) in such volume and a t such speed that the fine grains of salt are carried along with the current, or partly in one and partly in another or others of slid modes. The accompanying illustration s h o w a p ~ m r a t u sin xrliich the process is carried out. PROCESS OF PURIFYING WATER AND SEWAGE. U. S. Patent No. 1,007,647,to Carl R. Darnall, of Washington, D. C. This in\-ention relates to the purification of Iiater and sellage, and has for its object the proviqion of a method and apparatus whereby dry chlorine gas may be used in a practical and efficient manner for purifying water, and the chlorine accurately supplied in the desired quantity to effect the desired result without water or imparting a n unpleasant odor to the \rater. The process consists in establishing a upp ply of dry chlorine gas under high pressure, and admitting said gas to the liquid to be treated under a uniform Ion pressure The accompanying illustration shon s apparatus in I\ hich the process may be practiced.

the reaction. Gaseous ammonia is caused to pass through the pipe H and the wash bottle K, which usually is cold, b u t may be>heated in a manner similar to K' if desired. The gaseous animonia, hot carbon dioxide and water vapor pass from the bottles E;. 1;' through the branched pipe 0 into the mixing tuhc P irhcre they react together, the hot mixture then passing through the connection (2 into t h e cooled sublimate chamber R!where the ammonium carbonate is precipitated. 1 By regulating the temperature of the mater, through which the carbon dioxide is caused to pass, i t is possible to regulate the quantity oi stcani according t o the percentage of ammonia desired in the cardonatc of mnmonia obtained. Instead of the carbun dioxide the ammonia, or a mixture of both. can be causeti to pass throtigh the hot water. S ALT-M AKING. U. S. Patent No. 1,006,196,to Herman Frasch, Cleveland, Ohio. Assignor to the United Salt Company, Cleveland. This inmntion relates to a process of salt making a n d t o products n!itniiiable liy snid proccss. In accordance Trith the

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