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PRODUCT CAPSULES Short "refreshers" on last month's ads. Obtain free information on any of the products or services described by writ­ ing in the appropriate key numbers in the "Product Capsules" portion of the reply card preceding this section.

Balances. New model has push­ button beam and release, automatic preweighing, full-range mechanical taring. Literature. A 21 Balances. Wide range of electronic balance systems that handle from 10 kg down to micrograms with ac­ curacy from 1 gram down to 0.1 μg. Catalog. A 135

Books. High Resolution NMR of Macromolecules. A6 Books. Infrared and Raman Selec­ tion Rules for Molecular and Lattice Vibrations. A 121 Books. Infrared Spectroscopy.

A 121

Books. Instrumental Methods of Balances. Catalog on new top- Organic Functional Group Analysis. loaders and analytical balances. A 121

A 137 Balances. Five new balances in 15 different models feature preweigh­ ing. Catalog. A 191 Baths. New models incorporate latest in solid state technology, available in three sizes. A 170 Baths. Constant temperature units with thermistor control. Five sizes. Catalog. A 205 Biochemicals. More than 700 biochemicals divided into classifica­ tions for easy location of compounds. Catalog. A 69 Books. Advances in Laser Raman Spectroscopy, Vol. 1. A 102 Books. Aerosols and Atmospheric Chemistry. A6 Books. Analog and Digital Elec­ tronics for Scientists. A 121 Books.

Analysis of Triglycerides. A6

Books. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry.

A 93 Books. Interpretation of Mass Spectra of Organic Compounds. A 6 Books. istry.

Introduction to Air Chem­ A 6

Books. K. W. F. Kohlrausch: Ramanspektren. Reprint. A 102 Books. Laser Raman Spectroscopy Compendium. A 102 Books. Luminescence Spectrom­ etry in Analytical Chemistry. A 121 Books. Modern Practice of Liquid Chromatography. A 121 Books. Progress in Polarography, Vol. 3. A 121 Books. Systematic Analysis of Sur­ face-Active Agents, 2nd edition.

A 121

Carbon determinators. Measure all six key parameters of carbon contamination with accuracy and repeatability down to the sub-ppm level. Brochure. A 157 Carbon rod atomizers. State-ofthe-art unit determines trace metals with samples from 0.5 μΐ to 20 μΐ.

A 215 Cells, spectrophotometer. Info on fused quartz or glass seam cells for UV, VIS, near IR, or customized.

A 125 Chemicals. New 1128-page cataloghandbook describes over 18,000 organic chemicals in stock. A2 Chemicals. Catalog on solvents for spectroscopy, NMR standards, high purity reagents, deuterated com­ pounds. A 68 Chemicals. Enzymes for clinical, industrial, research laboratories.

A 103 Chemicals. Buffer solutions come double packed and vacuum sealed in plastic containers. A 132 Chemicals, calibration. AA solution standards certified for all elements currently analyzed by AA and flame emission methods. Catalog. A 3 Chemicals, research. Complete line of commercial chemicals in any quantity. A 140 Chromatographs, gas. Completely automated system includes basic unit plus control device, valve oven. A 35

Books. Analytical Chemistry of Phosphorus Compounds. A 121

Books. Trace Analysis by Mass Spectroscopy. A6

Books. Carbon-13 Ν MR Spectra, A Collection of Assigned, Coded, and Indexed Spectra. A 121

Books. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, Part 1: Theory and Practice. A 121

Books. Computers in Chemical and Biochemical Research, Vol. 1. A 6

Books. X-rays, Electrons, and Ana­ lytical Chemistry. A 121

Books. Guide to Modern Methods of Instrumental Analysis. A 121

Calorimeters. Oxygen bomb unit measures calorific or Btu value of coal, oil, other solid or liquid sam­ ples. Catalog. A 163

Chromatographs, gas. 5700A dual fiame ionization unit detects 0.2 nanogram of free cholesterol and responds quantitatively within ±1.5%. A 105

Carbon determinators. Unit uses an IR detection system to determine carbon content of metals in less than 45 seconds. A 127

Chromatograph, gas. New piezo­ electric unit operates cold, needs no warm-up time, can be used as a battery-operated portable. A 130

Books. Handbook of Components for Solvent Extractions. A 93 Books. High Pressure" Liquid Chro­ matography: Biochemical and Bio­ medical Applications. A6

Chromatographs, gas. Perform nearly 90% of thermal conductivity anajyses for low cost. A 36

A N A L Y T I C A L CHEMISTRY, VOL. 4 4 , NO. 1 4 , DECEMBER 1 9 7 2


85 A

Product Capsules Chromatographs, gas. New automatic biomedical unit with ovens, programmers, t e m p e r a t u r e controllers, designed as plug-in units. A 146 Chromatographs, gas. Versatile, inexpensive unit for s i m u l t a n e o u s determination of organophosphorous, organosulfur, or thiophosphate materials. A 204 Chromatography, liquid. Literature on latest d e v e l o p m e n t s and techniques in TLC. A 218 Chromatography, thin layer. Totally intercepting, d o u b l e - b e a m , ratio recording analyzer operates in transmission or reflection modes for quantifications. A 193 Chromatography accessories. Precoated TLC plates, ready for use, in all coatings and sizes. Catalog. A 4 Chromatography accessories. New, fast-spotting precoated TLC plate has 19 u n i f o r m analytical channels and special preadsorbent s p o t t i n g area. A 180 Chromatography supplies. New 12page catalog offers products for TLC and c o l u m n chromatography.

A 66

more chemical measuring from Orion Research

Chromatography supplies. C o l u m n t u b i n g in prepacked boxes, available on spools in several lengths and sizes. A 94

Digital integrators. Solid s t a t e circuitry used in unit w h i c h can be used w i t h any gas c h r o m a t o g r a p h . A7

Chromatography supplies. Catalog lists silica gels, cellulose powders, foils, other TLC products.

A 190

Electrodes, ion. Comprehensive, up-to-date survey of analytical m e t h ods using specific ion electrodes. A 156

Chromatography supports. Bulletin on seven grades of polymer supports. A 119

Evaporators. New i n s t r u m e n t designed for evaporation of samples up to 50ml in each of 24 vials. A 184

Computer interfaces. Mini-computer digital interface system permits direct i n p u t of digital measurem e n t data and o u t p u t of processed data and control i n f o r m a t i o n . A 104

Filter aids. Catalog and product file on products for filtration, extraction, absorption, electrophoresis, chromatography. A 185

Conductivity instruments. Free pH meter with purchase of conductivityORP-specific ion meter. A 134 Desiccants. Moisture remaining after drying is 0.005 mg/liter. Available regular or indicating. A 96 Detectors. 15 absorbance monitors operating f r o m UV to IR. A 110 Diffractometers, X-ray. Integrated peak intensities, background subtracted and ratioing to an integrated intensity, either stored or to be measured. A 177



fast and simple — direct reading in ppm on specific ion meters

portable — use in plant or field

ammonia electrode • measures ammonia in ground waters, industrial effluents, and soils

• speeds organic nitrogen by Kjeldahl — eliminates time consuming distillation determine nitrate in brines and seawater after reduction of nitrate to ammonia ORION RESEARCH

11 Blackstone St., Cambridge Mass. 02139




Fraction collectors. Four components comprise an a u t o m a t i c system for monitoring and collecting liquid effluent. A 14 Gamma analyzer. Fully automatic, multi-experiment unit with 18 energy channel ranges, 12 measuring programs, 12 c o m p u t i n g programs, 21 different trays. Built-in data processer. Brochure. A 178 Gel electrophoresis. Molecular weight determinations using acryla m i d e gel electrophoresis. Literature. A 31

Integrators. Computational unit interfaces with any make or model chromatograph. A 27

interference free measurements — no sample distillation

samples small as 1 ml

Fluorometers. Direct-reading unit serves as colorimeter, t u r b i d i m e t e r , and nephelometer. Two solid state models. A 8

Helium. Diffusion cell purifier produces ultra-pure helium f r o m c o m mercial grades. A 63

unaffected by color, turbidity, and suspended solids

sensitive — down to 20ppb

Filter paper. Binder-free glass fiber paper for use as a m e m b r a n e prefilter. Data sheet. A 186


Integrators. Electronic digital u n i t has peak duration capability of 1 sec. t o 2 hours. A 110 Lasers. Tunable UV laser f r o m 265450 n m with t u n a b l e dye laser covering visible range f r o m 530-580 nm. A 33 Leasing. Any lab equipment-single i n s t r u m e n t or c o m p l e t e lab facilities —can be leased. A 187 Liquid scintillation systems. Program selector cap automatically chooses the o p t i m i z e d program t h a t is right for t h e sample. A 145 Lubricants. Greases to stop glassware breakage. Bulletin. A 18

Product Capsules Microscopes, electron. 6A resolut i o n guaranteed on unit which is shipped assembled. A 176 Mixers. New unit provides fast, t h o r o u g h vortex mixing with four or more test tubes simultaneously. Catalog. A 200 Ovens. Pollution trace unit for identification and d e t e r m i n a t i o n of a p p r o x i m a t e concentration of metallic particles in t h e e n v i r o n m e n t . Bulletin. A 201 pH meters. Digital indicating p H / activity u n i t operates as a full-range i n s t r u m e n t and as an expandedscale meter. A 192



Photometers. New unit with ratio digital readout and differential refractometer a t t a c h m e n t . A 219 Pipets. Fit any container. Unit includes t u b i n g , m a g n i f y i n g indicator, a s s o r t m e n t of screw caps to transfer unit f r o m one type of bottle t o another. A 40

Hello Nalgene sep funnels. Nalgene Separately Funnels of Teflon* FEP are so transparent that even the ether/water phase interface can be clearly seen right down to the stopcock. Resists any chemical used in a sep funnel so it can be used with HF. Ideal for trace analysis. Non-wetting for complete draining. The non-stick, easyto-clean surface makes washing easy. Leakproof stopcock is Teflon TFE, nonseize stopper is new fluoropolymer, Tefzel*. And they're unbreakable—yet competitively priced with glass. Think about that the next time you handle a glass funnel. Available in 125, 250, 500 and 1000 ml sizes (Cat. No. 4301). Also available in same sizes with 24/40 Teflon TFE male joint as Teflon Addition Funnel (Cat. No. 4320) for safer use on columns and flasks. Order from your Lab Supply Dealer. Write Dept. 1324, Nalgene Labware Division, Rochester, New York 14602. * Du Pont Registered Trademark





Pipets. Low s i l h o u e t t e units, and dilutors, f i t on or under shelves, and in refrigerator. A 41 Pipets. Standard u n i t s and dilutors supplied with a 950 ml round bottle, 1000 ml square bottle, or a ground glass joint. Use with any reagent except HF. A 42 Pipets. Disposable micro-pipets now offered with a new dispenser cap, available 1/2 t o 100 microliter capacity. A 50 Pipets. A u t o m a t i c digital unit dispenses better t h a n 0.5% accuracy, can mix four d i f f e r e n t f l u i d s simultaneously, has calibrated delivery capacity f r o m 0.02 ml t o 21 m l . A 8 7 Polarography. Electrochemistry s y s t e m for investigation of organics, inorganics, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals. A164 Pulse height analyzers. 50 MHz ADC unit has 1.2 Msec m e m o r y cycle, 512 and 1024 channels, telet y p e readout s t a n d a r d . A 147 Pumps. Six gradient and m e t e r i n g p u m p s offer flow rates f r o m 0-2500 m l / h r . at 50 psi. A 110 Pumps. M u l t i c h a n n e l cassette unit handles up t o 10 cassettes, 20 channels with flow range f r o m 1 ml t o 2000 m l / h r / c h a n n e l . Literature.


In 1967 the Air Force began monitoring engine wear by following the build-up of Cu, Fe, Cr, Mg, Sn, Pb, and Al in the engine oil. Since the inception of the SOAP (Spectrophotometric Oil Analysis Program) project, ArRo has supplied standards. Our latest lot contains 50 ppm of each of the above metals in a light oil matrix. This standard is made from certified National Bureau of Standards metals and has been tested and approved. Our introductory price is $37.50 for 12 oz. Call or write for specifications on this product or the remainder of our complete line of oil and water based standards.

ARRO LABORATORIES, INC. P.O. Box 6 8 6 Joliet. Illinois 815 7 2 7 - 5 4 3 6 CIRCLE 3 O N READER SERVICE CARD



87 A

Product Capsules Reagents. Actual lot analysis on each bottle with precise numerical values for significant impurities. A 28 Reagents. Catalog on ion exchange resins, anion and cation, in 44 types and bead sizes. A 30 Reagents. Complete line of acti­ vated carbons in various grades, reagent grade acids and bases, chelating agents. A 37 Reagents. Bulletin lists 132 reagent solutions for aqueous and non­ aqueous titrations. A 44

cedures, clinical tests, and teaching. Scanning version also available. A 9

range automatic gain and slit control systems. A 166

Spectrometers. Free new booklet on x-ray energy spectrometry. A 124

Spectrophotometers, beam unit has scan 120, 240, 480 nm/min. meter model and a Literature.

Spectrometers, IR. Hadamardtransform unit has fully automatic operation, 4000 to 666 cm" 1 . A 189 Spectrometers, laser raman. Compact digital sweep unit offers resolution of better than 1 cm" 1 . Available with wide range of laser sources with power levels up to two watts. A 118

Reagents. Revised, updated lab­ oratory handbook on complete line of reagents. A 55

Spectrometers, Ν MR. Variable tem­ perature regulation from —100° to +200°C. Routinely guarantees a S/N > 50:1 and a resolution of