PRODUCT CAPSULES Short "refreshers" on last month's ads. Obtain free information on any of the products or services described by writing in the appropriate key numbers in the "Product Capsules" portion of the reply card preceding this section.
Analyzers, x-ray. 3 models feature pushbutton operation to determine x-ray energies. Store program for continuous, repetitive analysis. Ρ 138 Balances. New toploader has 160g capacity (1 mg accuracy) and elec tronic null readout feature. Brochure. Ρ 151 Bombs. Acid digestion bomb dis solves refractory materials in strong mineral acids. Ρ 140 Cell reconditioning. Catalogs and price lists on cells, crystals, and cell reconditioning service. Ρ 73 Cells, spectrophotometer. Measure densities in UV, VIS, or IR; available in glass, Herasil, Quarasil, Suprasil, and Infrasil. Ρ 149 Chemicals. New catalog on organic chemicals with special products sec tion. Ρ 50 Chromatographic integrators. Fea tures built-in printer, with 3-digit re tention time and 5-digit integral. In tegrates to 50,000 counts per second. Ρ 71
Chromatography, gas. cost, portable unit.
Info on lowΡ 36
Chromatographs, gas. Cryogenic module provides sub-ambient oven temperature control. Brochure. Ρ 63 Chromatographs, gas. Coiled-column system designed primarily for the industrial research chemist. Ρ 127 Chromatographs, gas. High data reproducibility, precision flow control, complete analytical flexibility. Ρ 142 Chromatography, liquid. New de signs in LC instrumentation. Ρ 38 Chromatography columns. High pressure columns made of precision bore glass tubing and stainless steel fittings. Ρ 56
Computers. Dedicated turnkey data system for NMR spectrometers. Ρ 128 Coulometers. Solid state system in cludes potentiostat and integrator. Ρ 112
Courses. Center offers continuing education in short course format with 120 short courses. Ρ 35 Cryogenic refrigerators. Cooling system for IR spectroscopy with sta bility 0.1 °K. PI Detectors. Lock-in amplifiers detect signals as low as 10 pV, over a fre quency range from 0.2 Hz to 210 kHz. Literature. Ρ 135 Detectors, GC. Bibliography and ap plication data on selective and sensi tive detector. Ρ 150 Dewars. Catalog available on cus tom-designed, non-nitrogen and nitro gen-shielded helium units. Ρ 33 Electrochemistry systems. Offers circuitry and control functions needed to perform commonly used electro chemical techniques. Ρ 136 Electrodes, graphite. Graphitecoated rods have properties of solid graphite. Ρ 166 Electrodes, pH. Broad line of pH, reference, and combination units. Ρ 21
Lubricants. Bulletin on greases to stop glassware breakage. Ρ 20 Mercury analyzers. Compact, lowcost, self-contained system. Bulletin. Ρ 37 Mercury analyzers. Easy-to-operate unit displays mercury content of sam ple directly in micrograms. Bulletin. Ρ 152
Microscopes, electron. Reaches ang strom range of 2.04, has fineness of vis ualization. Ρ 130 Neutron generators. Compact, wa ter-cooled unit has all transfer, control, measurement and analysis equipment. Brochure. Ρ 131 pH meters. wide line.
Data file provides info on Ρ 22
pH meters. Lab-in-a-lid module car ries accessories in this portable unit with 0.05 pH accuracy and 0.02 pH re producibility. Ρ 100 pH meters. Operates as both a fullrange (0 to 14 pH) instrument and as an expanded-scale meter (span: 1.999 pH). Ρ 148 Photometers, UV. New detector com bines a linear absorbance range up to 3.0 O.D. with very low noise and drift. Ρ 39
Photomultiplier tubes. Wide range of side-on or head-on types. Brochure. Ρ 65
Electrometers. Line powered, battery powered, and digital readout units available. Brochure. Ρ 132 Flame photometers. Lighted push button controls, integrated sample dilutor, fail-safe ignition system, 2-step cal ibration procedure. Brochure. Ρ 72 Furnaces. Catalog on 3 interchange able furnaces which determine melting temperatures automatically. Ρ 110
Pipets. Literature on pipets and dilutors to fit any container. Ρ 101 Presses.
Bulletin on 25-ton unit. Ρ 32
Pumps. New metering pumps for sampling, layering, transfer and with drawal of liquids at a fixed or variable speed. Ρ 23
Furniture. Literature on complete line of interchangeable units. Ρ 18
Pumps, instrument. Bulletin on units which pump accurately 0.6 to 7,150 milliliters/hour at 3000 psig. Ρ 141
Chromatography supplies. Com plete line of molecular sieves, alumina and charcoal, silica gel. Ρ3
Gases. Info on gases with exact pur ity levels. Ρ2
Reagents. Data on acids, bases, sol vents, custom synthesis. Ρ 34
Cleaners. Mixes with sulphuric acid instantly to provide a cleaner to re move stubborn deposits. Ρ 59
Isotopes. More than 62 different isotopic oxygen products, in a broad range, available for research. Pill
Reagents. Free 60-page handbook on silylation and other techniques of gas phase analysis. Ρ 134
82 A ·
Product Capsules Recorders. Catalog describes line of 5 potentiometric units. Ρ 147 Recorders, strip chart. U n i t has cali b r a t e d a n d adjustable spans from < l m V to > 5 0 0 V. Brochure. Ρ 68 Refrigerated unit. Various size ing; coils adapt unit to fit most s t a n t t e m p e r a t u r e circulators. able. L i t e r a t u r e .
cool con Port Ρ 19
Rotameters. Wide angle visibility. Available in stainless steel or aluminum. Ρ 56 S a m p l e r s . Unit completely a u t o m a t e s measurement a n d injection of a sample into a G C . Ρ 62 S o l v e n t s . Brochure on pesticide qual ity organic solvents. Ρ 1 14 Spectrometers. New G C / M S data system has computer, digital t a p e unit, interface, a n d r e a d o u t . Ρ 43 Spectrometers, electron. Surface technique gives data on chemical en v i r o n m e n t and oxidation s t a t e of indi vidual atoms in solid, liquid, or vapor samples. Ρ 4 S p e c t r o m e t e r s , e l e c t r o n . E S C A units with interchangeable accessories, modu lar construction. Ρ 115
S p e c t r o m e t e r s , m a s s . 3 units featur ing a double-beam, double-focusing unit ; a .spark-source u n i t with electri cal detection s y s t e m ; unit with resolu tion of 100,000 ( 1 0 % v a l l e y ) . Ρ4 Spectrometers, x-ray. E n e r g y dis persive u n i t has high resolution, fail safe interlock, is a d a p t a b l e to all scan ning electron microscopes. Ρ 91 Spectrophotometers, raman. Solid state, bench-top unit has flat-bed re corder. Ρ 170 S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r s , UV/VIS. Total sample handling capability and six modes of operation. Ρ5 Spectrophotometry systems. Sam ple and reagent mixing, m e a s u r e m e n t a n d printout a r e fully a u t o m a t i c . C a t alog. Ρ 16
Test s e t s . Designed to check perform ance of spectrophotometers a n d color imeters. Ρ 67
Spectroscopic a c c e s s o r i e s . X c w car bon rod atomizer fits a n y AA unit, pro duces detection limits 200 times b e t t e r t h a n orthodox flame. Ρ 171
Viscometers. Accurate, reproducible data obtained direetlv in centipoise units from dial of portable i n s t r u m e n t . Ρ 17
Supply h o u s e . Data coast supply house.
coast-toΡ 169
Supports, GC. Bulletin on 5 grades of polymer s u p p o r t s . Ρ 76 S y r i n g e s . Microliter syringe gives repeatable deliveries of sample to ± 1 % . Ρ 64
Titrators. Automatic unit with inter changeable, snap-in b u r e t units, avail able in 9 b u r e t sizes. Catalog. Ρ 15 Titrators. Bulletin on (i-module sys tem with interchangeable burets. Ρ 116 Turbidimeters. M e a s u r e m e n t s as low as 0.04 J T U or u p to 1,000 J T U ' s . T u r b i d i t y read directly in a n y of five ranges. Ρ 66 Vacuum e q u i p m e n t . Bulletin de scribes complete line of v a c u u m p u m p s and equipment. Ρ 133
W a r e , g l a s s . Glass and q u a r t z joints offered in three styles, and custom fab rications. Ρ 56 W a r e , quartz. Custom fabrication of all types of units, and three styles of joints. Ρ 56
Now you can easily record, observe, and process fast, single-shot or repetitive signals or pulses! You can stop a fast signal, like a nuclear pulse, sonic boom, or power line transient, and store it digitally in a Transient Recorder—at analog-to-digital conversion rates up to 10 MHz per sample with six bit resolution. You can even record the information preceding your trigger signal so that you can study conditions leading up to the tirgger point—a unique feature called Pretrigger Recording.
You can transfer the recorded data digitally to a computer or to other digital processors or peripherals. Or, you can present the analog equivalent on a CRTdisplay.Or make a permanent record on a strip chart or Y-T recorder. Easy operation results from the combination of complete triggering and control circuits, and input amplifiers with high input impedance. Learn how Transient Recorders can help in your application. Write or call Biomation, 1070 East Meadow Circle, Palo Alto, California 94303 (415) 321-9710.
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See us at booth 571, WESCON, San Francisco, Aug. 24-27. CIRCLE 16 O N READER SERVICE CARD
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