Info on. “AutoAnalyzer.” Continuous automatic analyses. 128. Analyzers. Unit provides analysis of amino compounds. Bulletin. 148. Balances. Comple...
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For y o u r convenience —short "refreshers" on last month's a d s . O b t a i n free i n f o r m a t i o n on a n y of t h e products or services described b y circling t h e corresponding k e y numbers in t h e "Product Capsules" portion of t h e r e p l y card preceding this section.

Analyzers. Details on single and multi-point gas analyzers. 7


Analyzers. Data on low-cost speetronic color-analyzer. 17 Analyzers. Gas chromatography vapor phase analyzer bulletin. 24 Analyzers. NMR unit. 30-sec. readouts for liquid, solid samples. 76 Analyzers. Booklet, "Modern pH and Chlorine Control," offered. 81 Analyzers. Info on "AutoAnalyzer." Continuous automatic analyses. 128 Analyzers. Unit provides analysis of amino compounds. Bulletin. 148 Balances. Complete data on Oertling "Releas-O-Matic" balances. 47


Balances. Data on automatic filling typo for stream analysis. 60 Balances. Data on new analytical and semi-micro balances. 91 Balances. Brochure on line of triple beam balances. 123 Balances. Info on new "Projecta" 2-pan speed balance. 132

You get shielding equivalent to 4 hvls for gold or 16-fold radiation reduction with Hamilton Lead Shielded Syringes. Hamilton's Vi inch lead shielding is the lightest weight of shield-to-size yet devised.

Balances. Keyboard operated 2-pan balance in 4 models. 140

Balances. Bulletin on new automatic recording vacuum balance. 141

Fits only American Cyanamid Interchangeable Syringes

Blenders. Info on new twin-shell blender with 3 mixing actions. 124

Plunger locks against accidental movement

Syringe and hard chrome plated shield are autoclavable

Bombs. For combustion and fusion reactions with sodium peroxide. 66

Beta shielded syringes also available, with or without Chaney Adaption

From a 3 % lb., 10 cc model to a l i / 2 lb., 2 cc model

• Accurate, engraved graduations on the shield

Buffer Tablets. Bulletin on tablets with 2.0 to 11.00 pH values. 27 Burets. Bulletin on newly designed Gilmont ultramicroburet. 41 Cathetometers. Range: 100 cm. Reads to 0.01 mm. Catalog. 33 Cells. Data on complete line of glass absorption cells. 51 (Continued on page 108 A)


Order direct, or write today for literature and prices. Also available through your supply house.



VOL. 32, NO. 1, JANUARY 1960 ·


The shell of the P-K Type (IV) Lab Blender can be charged from either side by the quick removal of either of two dust- and watertight covers.

Product Capsules Centrifuges. Complete line of 16 table model units. 26 Centrifuges. Bulletin on refrigerated unit. 28 interchangeable heads. 46 Centrifuges. Bulletin on unit featur­ ing continuous flow system. 78 Chemicals. Data on: tetramethyl-1,3cyclobutanedione ; 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl1,3-cyclobutanediol; 2,2,4 trimethyl pentanediol monoisobutyrate ; dicyclohexylamine ; and iVJV-dimethylcyclohexylamine. 35-1 to 5 Chromatographs. Bulletin on "Partitioner." Range from 0° to 300° C. 3 9



Chromatographs. Copy of "Linear Programmed Temperature Gas Chro­ matography," offered. 122 Chromatographs. Data on "Aero­ graph" and free sample analysis. 110 Chromatography Instruments. New

catalog on gas and vapor units. Chromatographic Columns.


Specs on

"Pyrex" glass capillary columns.


Chromatography Packing. Data on inert diatomaceous silica aggregate. 4 9 Circulators. Constant temperature circulator pumps to 5 GPM. 134

YOU GET THESE 3 DIFFERENT MIXING ACTIONS... LIQUID-SOLIDS TYPE - To disperse and blend, uniformly, liquids of any viscosity with dry solids, just insert the wire cage liquidfeed bar assembly. Handles liquids from mi­ nute quantities up to 40% of total weight. Liquid is introduced through hollow shaft of bar. Even critical formulations blended in 5 to 10 minutes.

Colorimeters, Recording. Adjustable wave length: 410 to 690 millimicrons. 4 Combustion Apparatus. Determines halogens, sulfur, metal traces. 85 Combustion Assembly. Electrical ig­ nition unit and safety shield. 108

INTENSIFIER TYPE — To get intensive mix­

Counter Converters. Unit transforms scalers into proportional counting sys­ tems. 64


Counters. Data on halogen quenched geiger counters. 103

ing of hard-to-blend dry solids, or to break up agglomerates, use wire cage bar assembly. Average blending time for dry formulations! 3 to 5 minutes.

— Simply remove wire cage bar. Unique blend­ ing action will not cause attrition or break down even the most delicate crystals. Average blending time: 3 to 5 minutes.

This new P-K Type ( L V ) L a b Blender owes its versatility to the design of the removable, spring-loaded liquid-feed bar assembly. Liquids and solids are prevented from entering the bearing housings by an exclusive, patented seal. Standard ( L V ) L a b Blenders are available in 8 and 16 quart capacities, in transparent Lucite or stainless steel. Interior of shell and stain­ less steel bar assembly can be cleaned, clin­ ically, in minutes. Operates on 115 ν AC. Units can be shipped from stock. For complete technical information and prices, write to PK's Chemical and Process Equip­ ment Division, 1001 Hanson Street, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. i«a

Patterson-Kelley All P-K Twin-Shell Blenders are patented and the name registered Circle No. 16 on Readers' Service Card 108 A



De-Ionizers. Data on the GriffinRaleigh water de-ionizer. 42


"ON TAP" WITH LABORATORY-SIZE CARTRIDGE DE-IONIZER ILLCO-WAY Throw-Away Cartridge De-Ionizer consists of a clear plastic column con­ taining mixed-bed ionXchange resins. Produces an effluent pure enough for the finest analytical purposes, and can be used to reduce interfering ions often found in distilled water. Can be clamped in a special bracket (see above) or mounted on a regular stand (see left) and connected by tubing to nearest tap or other water supply. ILLCO-WAY Resins contain color indicator showing clearly when Cartridge is exhausted and needs replacement.

De-Ionizers. Complete, compact, au­ tomatic ion-exchange unit. 45

RESEARCH M O D E L Removes all ionizable solids including silica a n d CO2. A v e r a g e in effluent less than 0 . 5 p p m total solids. Capacity, 4 5 0 grains as C a C 0 3 . Flow Rate, 5 gph m a x . Price, $ 1 2 . 5 0 . Bracket, e x t r a , $ 7 . 5 0 .

Detectors. Info on low-cost chroma­ tography detectors. 138 Detergents. Samples for hand and machine washed equipment. 127 Dry Boxes. Bulletin on dry box for handling radio-isotopes. 21-1 Electrometers. Compact unit meas­ ures C 14 activity in small samples. 14 Filter Papers. Samples and brochure on 3 new glass fiber papers. 13 Filter Papers. Sampler has wide se­ lection of qualitative grades. 75

Order from your Laboratory Supply House or Write to

ILLINOIS WATER T R E A T M E N T C O . 840 CEDAR ST., ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS NEW YORK OFFICE: 141 E. 44th SI., New York 17, N.Y. CANADIAN DIST.: Pumps & Softeners, Ltd., London, Con.


χ change

{Continued on page 110 A) Circle No. 73 on Readers' Service Card


Product Capsules Flasks. Catalog and supplement on ground joint flasks. 37 Fluorimeters. Unit determines thia­ min, riboflavin, etc., rapidly. 52-2 Fluorometers. Bulletin on photoelec­ tric unit using small volumes. 143 Fraction Collectors. Circle 57 for info on full line. 61 Fume Hoods. New unit saves condi­ tioned lab air. Bulletin. 10



Furnaces. Bulletin details furnace with temperatures to 2600° F . 6 Furnaces. Details on new electric box furnace. Temp.: 1850° F. 149


T. M


BARIUM CHLORANILATE GIVES SENSITIVE DETERMINATION OF SULFATE IN LESS THAN Vi HOUR You can make a complete and pre­ cise sulfate analysis in less than half an hour and eliminate 24-hour grav­ imetric procedures, which require precipitates to stand overnight. HOW? By adding Fisher Barium Chloranilate to a buffered pH solution con­ taining the sulfate, and measuring t h e liberated, deep purple acidchloranilate colorimetrically. Among the advantages of this technique are: • More rapid, sensitive sulfate deter­ mination

Gamma Irradiator. For solids, liquids, gases. Continuous temp, con­ trol. 87 Hot Plates. Details on new, portable, low cost pyrodisc. 150 Instruments. Info on spectrometers, C0 2 analyzers, scanners, scalers. 65 Ion Exchange Resins. Data on chro­ matographic grade "Amberlite" resins. 2 Kjeldahl Apparatus.

...the name that leads all others in


VARISTORS VECO is first in the minds of most

New catalog on

engineers whenever—and wherever—


thermistors and varistors are needed

complete line.

because VECO can always be

Lab-Jacks. New micro jack supports 5 lb. 25 Lab Apparatus. New catalog on over 100 different items. 62 Lab Furniture. New catalog on line of steel lab units. 56

other applicable MIL standards.

Lab Furniture. Catalog, planning kit on "Flexi-Plan" furniture. 74

not adversely affected by radiation.

Microscopes. Catalog describes new polarizing microscope. 142

relied upon for engineering know-how, quality, and fast reliable service as well as rigid quality control. Manufactured to MIL-Q-5923 and

VECO glass enclosed thermistors are

VECO, a leader in solid state elec­ tronics, also manufactures a variety of

• Precise and accurate to approxi­ mately ± 1 %

Moisture Testers. Teller for granular, fibrous or semiliquid materials. 31

electronic controls, gas analysis cells,

• Drying and weighing of precipitate eliminated

Nuclear Instruments. Analyzers, am­ plifiers, counters, scalers. 136

medical and biological instrumentation,

• Usable for all sulfur determinations

Ovens. Low cost oven provides tem­ peratures to 200° C. 126

A data sheet describing the technique is available on request; Write: 100 Fisher Building, Pittsburgh 19, Pa.



IN THE U.S.A. Chicago Philadelphia I N CANADA Boston Cleveland Pittsburgh Edmonton Buffalo Detroit St. Louis Montreal Charleston, W.Va. New York Washington Toronto America's Largest Manufacturer-Distributor of Laboratory Appliances & Reagent Chemicals

Circle No. 67 on Readers' Service Card




experimentors and circuit design kits and temperature sensing devices.

pH Meters. Data on Danish a-c line operated unit. 3

For Your Information...


electronic and thermal instruments,

Write for free VECO Technical Catalog with data on more than 650VECO stock items.

pH Meters. Bulletin on new extended range "Metrion" unit. 28 Photometers. New U-V unit. Absorbance in 350 m/* area. 21 -2

Cataloged in EEM Sec. 4700 and Radio Master.

Photometers. Brochure on flame unit for soluble alkali metals. 67 Photometers. Data on new Universal light scattering unit. 147 Pipet Controls. Data on 1, 2, and 5 ml. capacity controls. 43 (Continued on page 112 A)




6 8 Springfield Road, Union, N . J. MUrdock 8 - 7 1 5 0 Circle No. 22 on Readers' Service Card

Product Capsules

The bask instrument for precision measurement of radioactivity


Pipets. Exclusive micro pipet design minimizes breakage. 11


Polarographs. Data sheet on "Electro-Chemograph" and "Polarotron." 116

Presses. Bulletin on 30 and 50 ton KBr presses. 58 Pumps. Self-lubricated pump. 0 to 2 g.p.m.

miniature 36

Pumps. Steel fingers force material through "Tygon" tubing. 77 Pumps. Vacuum pump operates at 35 l./min. (free air). 113 Pumps. Illustrated catalog of Leybold gas ballast pumps. 115 Radiation Badges. Durable badge has wide intensity, energy range. 145



Proportional Counting S y s t e m (PC-3A) 1 TYPES OF ACTIVITY 100% resolution of alphas in the presence of high-level beta activity. Betas accurately counted in the presence of alphas. No window absorption. Sample is analyzed directly in­ side detecting chamber. 2 YIELD Full 2 pi geometry. Highest yield pos­ sible in flat sample counting—alphas 5 1 % , betas 55% to 75%, gammas 1 % . 3 PRECISION Detects every alpha and beta which escapes from the sample surface through a 2 pi angle. 4 BACKGROUND Alphas less than 0.1 counts per minute. Beta-gamma 45 counts per minute with type-Α chamber for 2V4" diameter sample. 5 DECONTAMINATION All chambers can be de­ contaminated in less than 10 minutes. 6 APPLICATION The only system that effectively analyzes the radioactivity of compounds with such widely differing isotopes as H-3, C-14, P-32, S-35, K-40, Ca-45, Fe-59, Ni-63, Zn-65, Au-198, Fe-55, Po210, Th, U and Pu-239. 7 OPERATION Due to the high yield, counting time may be reduced 80% to 95%. 8 VERSATILITY Interchangeable mylar type win­ dowed detector (.9 mg/cnf thickness) available. Convenience outlets and selector switch for oper­ ating any standard detector—well counter, G-M detector, etc.

$ 1 2 9 5 . 0 0 FOB INDIANAPOLIS These eight points are a few of the many reasons why the PC-3A is the basic laboratory instrument for precision measurement of radioactivity. FOR DETAILS, TELEPHONE COLLECT. ASK FOR: WENDELL H. BRADLEY, President, or CORT KEGLEY, Sales Manager

Nuclear NMC Measurements 2460 Ν. Arlington Ave. 6-2415

Corp. Phone: Liberty

INDIANAPOLIS 18, INDIANA International Office: 13 Ε. 40th St., New York 16, Ν. Υ Circle No. 100 on Readers' Service Card

1 12 A



Radiochemicals. Catalog contains re­ duced C 14 prices. 86 Radiochemicals. New catalog on C 14 and H 3 labeled compounds. 121 Rotameters. Specs on new precision rotameter flow kits. 107 Reagents. Data on sodium hydroxide, potassium iodide, potassium nitrate. 15 Reagents. Rigid quality control in re­ agent chemicals production. 40 Reagents. Karl Fischer reagents keeps 99% of titer for 6 weeks. 59 Recorders. "ElectroniK" recorder for gas chromatography measurements. 61 Recorders. Measures quantities transposable into potential or current signals. 73 Recorders. Compact, portable, 2ehannel potentiometer recorder. 129 Refractometers. Detailed lit on Ger­ man "Abbe" refractometer. 92 Refractometers. Pulfrich, Abbe, im­ mersion, projection, process units. 137 Refractometers. Direct measurement of difference in refractive index. 146 Shakers. Catalog on ' "Gyrotory" water bath shakers. 1 20 Spectral Lamps. Circle 34 for catalog on Osram spectral lamps. 34 Spectrogram Catalog.

13,750 organic

compounds on ASTM-IBM cards.


Spectrographs Equipment. Exten­ sive line of spectrographic units. 16 Spectrographs. Data on new Univer­ sal vacuum x-ray spectrograph. 69 Spectrolators. Combines adsorptivities with electrophoretic mobilities.

For excellent thermal shock resistance, and inertness • For guarding the real purity of your com­ pounds in crucibles, retorts, muffles, dishes, tanks, pots, trays • For outstanding electrical properties, strength, impermeability in bail & socket joints, standard taper joints, graded seals A wide variety of laboratory ware is available in all types and sizes. Also we fabricate to your specifications. See our ad in Chemical Engineer­ ing Catalog.

Write for complete, illustrated catalog.


V,-.. ./τβ

THERMAL A M E R I C A N FUSED Q U A R T Z C O . , I N C . 18-20 Salem St., Dover, Ν. J.

106 Circle No. 116 on Readers' Service Card

WILD* M-20 with incident light attachment One of the most important advances in microscopy f o r research a n d scientific exploration is now within easy reach of the owner of a Wild M-20. Here, in a superbly Swiss crafted i n s t r u m e n t , capable of t h e f i n e s t results in a\\_ types of microscopy, is now added a new, f i r s t o r d e r capability: With Incident Light Attachment, the M-20 p e r m i t s observation a n d photomicrography under bright and d a r k f i e l d c o n d i t i o n s , w i t h polari­ zation and f l u o r e s c e n c e . Optical q u a l i t y and h a n d l i n g convenience are fully comparable to those found in specially designed incident light microscopes. For full information about this most versatile microscope...and its many attachments, write for Booklet M-20.

*The FIRST name in Surveying Instru­ ments, Photogra m metric Equipment and Microscopes.


Full Factory Services

MEERBRUGGI N ST R U Μ Ε Ν TS, I N C . Main at Covert Street · Port Washington, New York POrt Washington 7-4843 In Canada Wild of Canada Ltd., 157 Maclaren St., Ottawa, Ontario

Circle No. 121 on Readers' Service Card



Spectrometers. Direct reading unit detects 30 metallic elements simultane­ ously. 48 Spectrophotometers. Bibliography lists 2000 spectrophotometric applica­ tions with specs. 18 Spectrophotometers. Data on new IR unit and its accessories. 68 Stirrer-Hot Plate. Simultaneous or in­ dependent operation. 83 Stirrers. Bulletin on precision made variable speed stirrer. 50 Stirrers. Bulletin on magnetic stirrer with rheostat. 84 Stirrers. Catalog describes 38 different stirrers. 90 Stone Materials. Info on material requiring no surface treatment. 9 Stopcock Plugs. New glassware line features "Teflon" stopcock plugs. 5 Supplies. Data on furniture, appara­ tus, and instruments. 44 Supplies. Company maintains com­ plete stocks of standard equipment. 109 Temperature Cabinets. Unit features electronic control. To 325° C. 63 Thermo-Balance. Vacuum or con­ trolled atmosphere measurements to 1000° C. 20 Timers. Data on new ringing-interval precision timer. 80 Titrators. Brochure on the new Stone automatic titrator. Π2 Titrators. Universal "potentiograph" automatic recording unit. 133 Tubing Cabinets. Bulletin on sealcrib for glass tubing. 19 Ultracentrifuges. "An Introduction to Techniques" offered. 79 Viewing Systems. 24-p. brochure on remote instruments. 53 Viscometers. Brochure on 8-speed viscometer and its accessories. 22 Ware, Fused Quartz. Technical data on "Vitreosil" fused quartz ware. 82 Ware, Glass. Catalog on 226 "Pyrex" microwTare items. 1 Ware, Glass. New 354-p. catalog on lab glassware line. 8 Ware, Glass. Integrated catalog on complete "Kimax" line. 38 Ware, Glass. Catalog contains 17 pp. of bantam-ware. 54 Ware, Platinum. Double thickness rims and extra heavy bottoms. 119 Ware, Porcelain. Data on vitrified, nonporous plates and tiles. 29 X-Ray Equipment. New electronics for diffraction with digital printout. 144 X-Ray Units. Catalog on micro-focus unit. High intensity focal spot. 130

A "cloudburst" of safety!

Volatile chemicals and propellents can cause serious accidents—but serious injuries need not result if water irrigation is immediately available! Haws Decontamination Booth pro­ vides the "cloudburst" that rapidly rids the body of harmful irritants. Victims walk on the foot treadle and are instantly bathed in water from a dozen nozzles. Haws Eye-Face Wash is simultaneously activated —a pres­ sure controlled unit with a perforated facespray ring and twin eye-wash heads. Booth is acid resisting fiberglass plastic, and is delivered complete, ready for tie-in to exist­ ing facilities. Write for details on the full line of models.


MODEL 8600



EXPORT DEPARTMENT: 19 Columbus Avenue San Francisco 1 1 , California, U.S.A. Circle No. 9 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 32, NO. 1, JANUARY 1960 ·

113 A