radiometric applications with lock-in amplifier. Specs. Ρ 94 ... Employment opportunities. 4 new jobs listed. Ρ 57 ... Custom glass and quartz fabri...
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PRODUCT CAPSULES Short "refreshers" on last month's ads. Obtain free information on any of the products or services described by writing in the appropriate key numbers in the "Product Capsules" portion of the reply card preceding this section.

Absorption cells. Catalog on cuvettes, storage racks, mixers. Ρ 148

Books. Physical principles and tech­ niques of protein chemistry. Ρ3

Absorbents. Technical purification of solvents alumina.

Books. analysis.

paper on by active Ρ 193

Analyzers. 19 different plug-ins for high and input medium resolution, sig­ nal averaging. Brochure. Ρ 61 Analyzers. Electrophoretic mass transport unit measures suspensions of particles up to 1,000 microns. Ρ 127 Analyzers. Pushbutton operation de­ termines x-ray energies, stores pro­ gram for continuous, repetitive analy­ sis. Ρ 155 Analyzers. Instant qualitative analy­ sis of metallic and non-metallic ele­ ments. Ρ 178 Atomic absorption. Bulletins on units for routine, multi-element, simul­ taneous analyses. Ρ 63 Balances. Catalog on 18 top-loading units with high load-to-precision ratio. Ρ 122

Balances. Catalog on 11 digital read­ out, high-speed, top-loading units. Ρ 123

Balances. Arrestment and beam re­ lease mechanism are fully automatic in line of 3 new units. Ρ 168 Balances. New top-loading unit has 160 g capacity, 1 mg accuracy. Ρ 175 Bombs. Specs on oxygen bomb com­ bustion apparatus to determine sulfur values. Ρ 144 Books. nance,

Advances in magnetic reso­ ρ 3

Books. vents,

Chemistry of nonaqueous sol­ ρ 3

Books. Equilibrium: solutions.

a chemistry of ρ 83

Books. Fundamentals of analytical chemistry. ρ 83 Books. Introduction chromatography.


gas-liquid Ρ3

Books. Introduction spectroscopy.


molecular ρ 3

Books. Paper chromatography electrophoresis.

and ρ 3



Chloride equipment. Unit determines serum chloride in 40 seconds, has direct readout. Ρ 24

instrumeintal Ρ 83

Choppers. Designed for photo- and radiometric applications with lock-in amplifier. Specs. Ρ 94

Books. Research techniques in non­ destructive testing. Ρ3 Books. Spectroscopy chemistry.


Chromatography. Bulletin on TLC analysis of toxic drugs. Ρ 56 Chromatography. Bulletin on chromatogram sheet and development ap­ paratus for TLC. Ρ 56 Chromatography. Bibliography on use of chromatography sheet in TLC.

inorganic Ρ3

Books. Standard methods of clinical chemistry. Ρ3 Cameras. Brochure on rotating prism unit which stops action at 5,000 pictures per second. Ρ 158

Ρ 56

Chromatography. Bulletin on sol­ vents and reagents for TLC. Ρ 56 Chromatography, gas. Pretested mo­ lecular sieves available in all mesh sizes. Ρ7 (Continued on page 136 A)

Centrifuges. Accommodates over 50 combinations of tubes with a range to 5500 rpm. Ρ 40 Chemicals. Data on reagent acids and electronic-grade chemicals. Ρ 37

now... for applications where cool, noiseless operation... uniform flow rates, reproducibility, and simple reversibility are important...





WITH SOLID STATE CONTROLS This versatile, foolproof model produces peristaltic effect to pump acids, bases, toxic and sterile liquids and gases — safely and quietly through flexible tubing — without the liquid coming in contact with pumping mechanism. Single control knob regulates uniformly variable speed control of gearless direct-drive perma­ nent-magnet motor by solid-state circuitry . . . for reproducibly adjusted speeds from 24 to 400 R.P.M. with ± 3% stability... and a delivery volume range from 30 ml. to 5,000 ml. per minute. Switch action re­ versibility; fingertip control of forward

and reverse speed. Maximum head—25 PSI gauge or 57 feet of water. Any soft, flexible tubing (from 45 to 70 durometer Shore) with Vu' wall up to % " inside diameter can be used. Unit weighs approx. 18 lbs.; is housed in handsome 2-tone lightweight metal cabinet—12 1 /2" long χ 9Vz" deep χ IVz" high. Available in 115-volt or 220-volt A.C. models. 72-895-05 Advanced Model Varistaltic Pump (115-volt A.C.) $275.00 72-895-05-22 Same Model, but 220-volt A.C $325.00

For information on our lull line of VARISTALTIC Pumps and VERSATUBE inert tubing) write lor Bulletin P-1. Available from your laboratory supply dealer


Division of Greiner Scientific Corporation Dept. 521A, 20 North Moore Street. New York, New York 10013 (212) 966-1190 Circle Νo. 64 on Readers' Service Card





135 A

Product Capsules (Continued from page 135 A) Ρ 137

Gases. Information on complete line of listed gases. Ρ 124

Chromatography, TLC. Non-bleeding special and universal indicator strips.

Glassware. Custom glass and quartz fabrications. Ρ 62

Chromatography, liquid.


new, rapid, analytical unit.


Ρ 131

Chromatographs, gas. Catalog on computer-compatible unit with built-in flow controls. Ρ 135

Horns. High power ultrasonic process­ ing horn with high electron-acoustic efficiency. Ρ 195

Chromatographs, gas. U-column unit and accessories permit interface with all computers. Ρ 138

Hot & cold stages. Maintains exact temperature throughout observation. P4

Chromatographs, gas. Two systems available with wide range of optional modules. Ρ 146

Injectors, liquid. Sub-microliter unit injects samples into a GC in volume range of 0.1 μ\. Ρ 86

Chromatographs, gas.

Instrumentation. Line features calo­ rimeters, thermogravimeters, gas and liquid flowmeters. Ρ 169


207 versions of new GC unit.


Ρ 186

Circulators. Catalog on constant tem­ perature baths, circulators in ranges from - 1 2 0 ° to +330 °C. Ρ 18 Conductivity bridges. Technical specs on electrolytic bridges and associ­ ated equipment. Ρ 23 Cryogenic units. Coolers for laser raman, IR, resonance spectroscopy. Ρ 31

Integrators. New GC unit introduces automatic tangent baseline capability. Bulletin. Ρ 85 Integrators. Digital unit prints reten­ tion time, peak area, and area total. Brochure. Ρ 188

Photomultiplier tubes. Wire range of side-on or head-on types. Brochure. Ρ 84 Polarographs. Complete specs on new model strip chart recording unit. Ρ 171

Presses. Unit converts hand operated press to automatic. Bulletin. Ρ 32 Probes. Heat sensing circuit monitors heat in probe, transducer assembly, generator. Ρ 25 Pumps, gradient. Programmed unit for chromatographic elution or filling zonal rotors. Ρ 91 Purifiers. Units produce pure hydro­ gen with impurity levels lower than 0.5 ppm. Ρ 128 Recorders. Record waveshape infor­ mation and single transient events. Ρ 22 Recorders. Low-profile unit with ver­ tical chart travel. Ρ 110

Cryogenics. Catalog on 3 He/ 4 He di­ lution refrigerator system. Ρ 33

Isotopes. Product list, prices on 600 different isotopically labeled compounds and custom synthesis. Ρ 125

Recorders. Flat-bed recorders with retractable tilting bracket. Pill

Data systems. Gas chromatography on-line instrument system handles 8 gas chromatographs simultaneously. Ρ 136

Isotopes. Catalog lists more than 62 different isotopic oxygen products .

Recorders. Flat-bed unit with hori­ zontal chart travel. Ρ 112

Density detectors. Measures solid samples volumes from 0.2-200 ml. Ρ 76

Lamps. Literature on hollow-cathode units for AA spectroscopy. Ρ 133

Detectors, leak. Cordless, portable unit has rechargeable battery and charger, or may be line operated. Ρ 75

Lamps. Data on hollow-cathode units usable in all makes of AA equipment.

Dilutors. Electromagnetically con­ trolled unit handles acids, bases, sol­ vents. Ρ 74

Lasers. Information on tunable, UV and VIS lasers. Ρ 10

Electrophoresis, gel. Separate com­ pounds using polyacrylamide or another supporting medium. Ρ 21

Ρ 130

Ρ 139

Mercury analyzers. Compact, lowcost, self-contained unit. Ρ 36

Ρ 57

Mercury analyzers. Easy-to-operate unit displays mercury content of sam­ ple directly in micrograms. Ρ 176

Filter papers. Catalog on filter pa­ pers, specialties, papers for electropho­ resis and chromatography. Ρ 159

Mercury monitors. Measures con­ tamination in concentrations as low as 0.001 micrograms in a 1 ml sample.

Employment opportunities.

jobs listed.

4 new

Furnaces. New solid-state unit has built-in proportioning. Ρ 177 Gases. Information on calibration gases, and specialty gases and equip­ ment. Ρ1 Gases. 48-page catalog lists over 200 pure and mixed gases, gas handling equipment. Ρ 11 136 A ·

Ρ 109

Multipliers, electron. Data on leas­ ing, specs, and application notes. Ρ 103

Recorders. X-Y plus X-t unit. Ρ 113 Recorders. Potentiometric chart unit offers quick response (0.5 sec). Engi­ neering report. Ρ 126 Recorders. 30-page catalog on poten­ tiometric units. Ρ Λ70 Sifters, sonic. Oscillating air column moves material up and down thru sta­ tionary screens. Ρ8 Signal averagers. Extracts repetitive signals from noise. Ρ 1*3 Solvents. 56-page reference book on speotrophysical properties, specs, and typical uses. Ρ 129 Spectrofluorometers. New ratio at­ tachment increases state-of-art stability. Ρ5

NMR systems. Design info on new, low-cost 30 MHz unit. Ρ 187

Spectrofluorometers. Automatic blanking permits setting reagent blank to zero and in 1 step setting a standard to read any number. Ρ 179

NMR tubes. Catalog on glassware for NMR spectroscopy. Ρ 196

(Continued on page 137 A)


Product Capsules (Continued

jrom page 130 A)

S p e c t r o m e t e r s . D a t a on high resolu­ tion N M R system. Ρ 26 Spectrometers. 60° sector, magneti­ cally scanned unit features heated in­ let, linear mass readout. Ρ 184 Spectrometers, emission. Cassette unit measures u p to 10 elements at onee. Plug-in cassettes for additional 10-element groups. Ρ 167 Spectrometers, mass. S p a r k source unit with electrical detection svstems. Ρ 2 Spectrometers, x-ray. m a t e d units. Brochure.


auto­ Ρ 166

Spectrophotometers. Unit provides m a n u a l d a t a entry, time-rate measure­ ment, a u t o m a t i c p r i n t o u t . Ρ 17 Spectrophotometers. Brochure of­ fered on new high resolution unit. Ρ 141 S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r s , AA. U n i t fea­ tures signal integration, zero suppres­ sion, flame emission, direct readout. Ρ 38 S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r s , AA. F o u r new units and 2 high-sensitivity sampling systems!. D a t a . Ρ 140 S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r s , IR. Xew, solidstate pneumatic detector has high sensi­ tivity, ρ 145 Spectrophotometers, raman. Xew laser unit records depolarization ratio automatically and simultaneously. Ρ 102 Spectrophotometers, raman. Solid state, bench-top unit has flat bed re­ corder. Ρ 185

Sulfur a n a l y z e r s . D r y detector works on photometric detection of flame emis­ sion of S 0 2 compounds. Ρ 121 Thermal a n a l y z e r s . Technical p a p e r on t h e r m a l analysis flame ionization de­ tector. Ρ 39 Timers. Viscosity unit starts and stops automatically, is accurate to .02% ± .01 seconds. Ρ 194 Titrators. svstem.

D a t a on low-cost endpoint Ρ 20

Product Capsules . . an AC service for subscribers Presenting Short

Titrators. Automatic Karl unit with digital readout.

Fischer Ρ 147

"refreshers" on last m o n t h ' s ads in o r d e r t o h e l p

Titrators. D a t a on automatic K a r l Fischer unit reproducible to 0.025 ml of titrant. P 149

y o u o b t a i n free i n f o r m a t i o n of v a l u e t o b o t h you and your c o m p a n y

Washers, glassware. Undercounter unit features direct s p r a y from double washing arms. Ρ 64

New 2 Kg optical projection balance ...0.1g accuracy, fast, rugged New Torbal PL-12 top loader (2000g capac­ ity, tare to capacity plus 325g, O.lg accu­ racy) provides optical projection readout... fast, easy-to-read, foolproof weighing. Easy reading of optical projection with high-quality optics, coated first-surface mir­ rors, high, illumination. Easy-to-operate internal weight handling to achieve weighing by substitution with 100 gram increments to 1 kilogram. Long-lasting accuracy—rugged, thanks to superior friction-free torsion-band weighing

mechanism; no knife edges to dull or chip. Fast weighing—v/ith no friction to over­ come or to build up over the life of the bal­ ance, dash pot can be adjusted to attain rest point immediately without undue oscillation. As is typical in Torbal optical balances, minor changes in level do not change the zero point. Long-lasting accuracy of the Torsion construction has been proved by continuous weighings (over 1,750,000 oper­ ations) 24 hours a day for 6 months. Also available in an explosion proof model.

S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r s , UV/VIS. Unit for gel scanning, column monitoring, etc. ρ 77 Spectrophotometers, UV/VIS. New low-cost series of modules for various uses. F r e e catalog. ρ 82


Spectroscopy. Bulletin on atomic flu­ orescence system. Ρ 180 Spray kits. M a k e s an instant aerosol with a n y sprayablc liquid. Ρ 142 Stopcocks. Information on units m a d e of Teflon, Viton, and Pyrex. P 172 S t a n d a r d s . Catalog on more t h a n 00 spectrochemical s t a n d a r d s . Ρ 6

WRITE FOR FREE BROCHURE. THE TORSION BALANCE CO. Clifton, New Jersey. Sales offices in Chicago, 111.; San Mateo, Cal.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Montreal, Quebec; and Windsor, England. Balances manufactured in Waterford, Ireland and Clifton, New Jersey.


Circle No. 176 on Readers' Service Card



137 A