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Nov 5, 2010 - The gelatin backing can be penetrated by the developing solutions. ... the sensitivities of Kodak Nuclear Track Emulsions Types NTA and ...
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An experimental film which is expected to aid considerably the work of researchers working with autoradiography is b e i n g m a d e by the Eastman Kodak Co.

a n d is designed to prevent adhesion of paint to t h e curtain wall a n d to assist t h e water cascade in preventing escape of paint into t h e atmosphere. T h e company claims that even under prolonged opera­ tion it prevents clogging of nozzles, louvres, baffles, and return lines. T h e company says that P B - l precipi­ tates some types of paints on t h e surface of t h e water reservoir, p e r m i t t i n g easy re­ moval for subsequent disposal or reclama­ tion. Pennsalt P B - l is a highly alkaline, an­ hydrous, free-flowing, dust-free material containing nonfoaming agents. CS 3


Exterior Water Repellent. D a m - T i t e . a silicone-base water repellent for exterior masonry surfaces, is made b y Speco, Inc. According to t h e manufacturer, D a m Tite is a completely colorless liquid which penetrates masonry surfaces u p to 3 / 8 in., waterproofing the pore walls without plug­ ging t h e m or preventing air passage. It can b e sprayed or brushed, on brick, con­ crete, stucco, stone, unglazed tile, or as­ bestos shingle surfaces. CS 5


Flotation Frother A synthetic flotation frother yielding better frothing characteristics a n d promis­ ing improved metallurgy for the mining in­ dustry has been developed b y D o w Chemi-, cal Co. Dowfroth 250 is a synthetic, water soluble material. D u e to its w a t e r solu­ bility, the material is said to b e easily and accurately regulated as a w a t e r solu­ tion, and some is returned to t h e flotation circuit in water recovery systems. The material is said to be applicable to selective flotation since it demonstrates little or no collecting power, thus allowing independent regulation of frother a n d collector. CS 2

P B - l , a conditioning agent for industrial paint spray booths, has b e e n developed b x Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. T h e product is used in the water circulating system V O L U M E

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Rosin Size. A fortified rosin size for t h e p a p e r industry, called Dry Pexol, G r a d e 240, has been developed by Hercules Pow­ der for use in unbleached, semibleached, a n d colored papers and boards. CS 4

T h e name of the product is Kodak Autoradiographic Permeable Base Strip­ ping Film ( Experimental ). The film gains its name from t h e fact that when t h e emul­ sion is stripped from its temporary film support, the backing of t h e emulsion is gelatin rather than a cellulose ester. T h e gelatin backing can be penetrated by t h e developing solutions. As a result, t h e emulsion can b e processed through t h e back while the emulsion surface is in con­ tact with the radioactive specimen. The thickness of the emulsion will b e approximately 5 microns. T h e thickness of t h e gelatin base will also approximate 5 microns. T h e sensitivity of the emulsion is between the sensitivities of Kodak N u ­ clear Track Emulsions Types N T A a n d NTB. CS 1

Paint Booth Conditioner




VioBin Process. VioBin Corp. is licens­ ing its azeotropic solvent extraction proc­ ess. By this technique, fat a n d water are simultaneously removed from organic sub­ stances. I n t h e VioBin process, t h e ground charge stock is coagulated b y agitating with hot solvent. T h e n t h e w a t e r and some of t h e solvent ( h e p t a n e , ethylene dichloride, or other solvent immiscible in w a t e r ) are boiled off from t h e mixture in a ratio corresponding to their relative vapor pressures. T h e mixture is condensed, t h e water discarded, and t h e solvent re­ t u r n e d to t h e system. After all t h e water is removed by this azeotropic m e t h o d , t h e miscella (fat-solvent mixture) is drained off a n d the residue given one or more washes with fresh solvent. T h e miscella is evaporated to give a high g r a d e oil and release the solvent for re-use. T h e residue is dried to recover the solvent a n d produce a finished meal. T h e plant operation of t h e VioBin process can be c o n d u c t e d on either a batch or continuous basis. CS 6



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Benzonitrile W h a t can y o u do w i t h this chemical? φ A t present, this exclusive SoconyV a c u u m chemical is b e i n g used as r a w material in the manufacture of Benzoguanamine resins. However, it has other interesting possibilities. For instance, it might be used in the manufacture of special­ ized solvents a n d dyestuffs, or in rubber reclaiming or miscellaneous condensation reactions.

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SOCONY-VACUUM OIL CO., INC. CHEMICAL PRODUCTS DIV. 2 6 B r o a d w a y , N e w York 4, Ν. Υ. 1037