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Nov 5, 2010 - The rotor to which the wheel is attached is mounted on two permanently greased and sealed bearings lubricated with Silicone grease...
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Pressure Β Sowers Pressure blowers that are tailor as­ sembled for any of a number of per­ formance requirements have been offered by the Moore Co. / sembled from stand­ ard parts, a unit of given diameter with from 2 to 9 blades. *iet to the proper angle, can be provided. The rotor to which the wheel is at­ tached is mounted on two permanently greased and sealed bearings lubricated with Silicone grease. The units can be fabricated in carbon steel, Monel metal, stainless steel, o r any other workable metal available in shert form. Ε 1

Mefallograph Bausch & L o m b Optical C o . has an­ nounced a new metallograph, which pro­ vides equipment thnt combines the econ­ omy of more limited capacity instruments with many of the performance advantages of the most advanced metallographs, it is said. Some of its features: A MagnaViewer screen, stage, microscope, and eyepiece are all in one line, for easy direct observation; adjustment mechanism raises and lowers stage 0.1 mm. p e r revolution of fine adjustment knob; n e w elevating device (patent applied for) eliminates coarse adjustment a n d permits quick in­ terchange of objectives, retaining focus; a heat-absorbing glass replaces the incon­ venient and messy water cell. Ε 2

Filter Unit wi+h Permanent Elements A specially designed filter unit has been announced by Titeflex, Inc. Constructed of 316 stainless steel, the n e w unit in­ cludes one filter chamber of ΙΟ-sq. ft. filter­ ing area and one of 20-sq. ft. area. Also included is a precoat tank,__and the unit is so constructed that filter chambers can be operated simultaneously with the precoat tank, or singly, as required. Thus a choice of 30-, 20-, or 10-sci- ft. filtration area may be obtained from t h e same unit. T h e unit uses permanent filtering ele­ ments within t h e chambers and requires no bags, pads, o r sheets. Ε 3

improved Determination O f Carbon b y Combustion Announcement h a s been made of the availability of the Burrell Combustron, new electronic instrument for rapid and accurate determination of carbon by com­ bustion. It is a compact, bench-mounted selfcontained instrument. This tool 'was de­ veloped a n d designed by Burrell Corp. with the cooperation of steel chemists and metallurgists. I t employs induction heat­ ing and has exclusive features which.have


tures. Likewise, low holdup receiver changer and precision receiving burets suitable for either vacuum or atmos­ pheric distillation are supplied with t h e assembly. Ε 7

For f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n on any item or process mentioned h e r e ,

s e e coupon on p a g e 4120 been incorporated after research in both the laboratory and the field. Some of these features are: instant heating, rapid analy­ sis, visible combustion, a sturdy Vycor reaction tube, and availability in one or two tube models. Ε 4

Automatic Bunsen Burner W i t h On-Off Flame Control An automatic Bunsen burner that flames only when needed, by touch control, i s now being manufactured by Hanau E n ­ gineering Co.

Counting Rate Meter Radioactive Products, Inc., has an­ nounced the availability of its recently de­ veloped model C-2, 3 counting rate meter for use with Geiger tubes. T h e instrument has found useful ap­ plication in monitor installations where it operates unattended for considerable pe­ riods of time. Further uses include the recording of x-ray diffraction patterns and other transient phenomena. Ε 5

1-Quart Filter Pump Sethco has announced a filter p u m p known as model LST-10. This filter p u m p is equipped with a high temperature lucite filter cylinder and a stainless steel p u m p , and is rated at 100 gal. per hour. Complete resistance to all electroplating solutions and industrial solutions is claimed for this model. It is reported that solutions up to 200° F. may be used with complete safety. T h e filter cylinder holds less than 1 quart of solution, every drop of which is recoverable. Filter element is a specially processed cotton yarn wound around a stainless steel supporting core. Progress of the filtration can be watched through the transparent lucite cylinder. Ε 6

Miniature Distilling Apparatus Podbielniak, Inc., has announced a new miniature Hyper-Cal laboratory distilling apparatus especially designed for t h e pre­ cise fractional distillation analysis of small volume samples of gasolines, light oils, fatty acids, and other organic and inor­ ganic chemicals, and for general labora­ tory use where highest accuracies are re­ quired. All instrumentation and controls neces­ sary for distilling samples from 2 to 200 cc. or more in volume, boiling over t h e temperature range of from —40° to 300° C. and from atmospheric pressure to as low as 2 mm. mercury absolute, are built into a panel assembly. Automatic control of reflux ratio, of dis­ tillate take-off rate, and of distillation pressure ensure accuracy a n d ease of operation. A potentiometer of special range has been incorporated in t h e unit for ac­ curate determination of distillate tempera­


Named Touch-O-Matic, the burner pro­ duces a full, regulated flame as hand o r finger touches the on-off platform. I n ­ stantly, as the hand is removed, the flame automatically goes out, leaving only a lowburning pilot. For a continuous flame,, the platform is depressed a n d turned slightly. When t h i s is reversed, the flame goes out. Use of t h e on-off platform as a com­ fortable work-height hand rest, while h e a t ­ ing objects over the flame, eliminates fatigue, as opposed to the tedious, c o n ­ ventional practice of holding the object in midair. Hanau points out. A draft guard, which may b e rotated in any direction, shields the pilot and keeps the main flame burning steadily. Ε 8

T w o Compressors Clark Bros. Co., Inc., of Olean, Ν. Υ., announce a compressor, the Clark H L A . An eight cylinder model of 2,000 b r a k e h p . and a ten cylinder model of 2,500 brake hp. are available. T h e new units, which operate at 300 r.p.m., have a b o r e of 17 inches and a stroke of 19 inches. T h e Clark HLA has vertical p o w e r cylinders in line for maximum accessibility. T h e compressor and scavenging cylinders are in a horizontal position on one s i d e of t h e crankcase. T h e HLA-8 has four compressor cylinders and t h e HLA-10 lias five compressor cylinders. Ε 9

Sampler for Testing A i r Contamination A small instrument for collecting s a m ­ ples of all types of dust, fumes, a n d smoke in the air has been announced by t h e Mine Safety Appliances C o . Air-borne particles are trapped b y electrostatic p r e ­ cipitation as air is drawn through an alu­ minum collecting tube. T h e tube is t h e n sealed with plastic caps a n d the sample is ready for laboratory analysis. T h e 4-lb. sampling head can be h e l d in the h a n d at any level. I n the h e a d is a blower that provides a constant flow of



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3 eu. ft. of air per minute and the ionizing electrode t h a t charges incoming air-borne particles. T h e aluminum collecting t u b e fits into t h e head around th-e electrode and is g r o u n d e d to attract t h e particles. T h e h e a d is connected to a p o w e r pack by a 12-ft. long high voltage cable. Ε 10

Plasticizing Pan T h e Patterson Foundry & Machine Co. has placed on t h e market a new t y p e of plasticizing pan designed primarily for the p h o s p h a t e fertilizer industry, b u t a p ­ plicable to many types of reduction, re­ fining, a n d processing work. T h e pan is built in sizes up to 10 ft. As used in the manufacture of triple superphosphate fertilizer t h e crushed rock is fed continuously to this machine which further reduces the material to finer mesh. T h e liquid materials are a d d e d continu­ ously, a n d the pan, in addition to reducing the particle size of the rock, mixes t h e ground p h o s p h a t e with t h e liquid ingredi­ ents, plasticizing them and discharging the p r o d u c t through the bottom of t h e pan in form of wads suitable for drying. A belt conveyor carries t h e finished prod­ uct from t h e p a n to the dryer. Mixing and plasticizing is d o n e by stages. T h e first stage is near the center of t h e p a n w h e r e the material enters, a n d w h e n thoroughly mixed, passes from one c h a m b e r to another where the plasticizing is completed. Ε Π

M e t e r f o r Corrosion and Cathodic-Protection Testing A n e w model, the B - 3 , of the multicombination meter for electrolysis, corro­ sion a n d cathodic-protection testing, is now available from M. C. Miller. It is small a n d compact, although it has a low range of 2 mv. and special mirror scales 3.9 inches long. The accuracy is said to be 1%. W i t h this meter, measurements en­ countered in electrolysis a n d corrosion investigations a n d cathodic-protection test­ ing in field a n d laboratory can b e j m d e . By use of a circuit selector switch, t h e t w o high-sensitivity d.c. instruments can be connected into a variety of measuring circuits for measurement of potentials, current, resistance, and soil resistivity. This u n i t takes t h e place of many separate instruments usually required. Ε 12

Improved Apparatus f o r Analyzing G a s in Blood I m p r o v e d in seven ways, t h e V a n Slyke blood gas apparatus for facilitating rapid and precise analysis of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxygen, nitrogen, a n d other gases in blood and other solutions by v a c u u m extraction has recently b e e n offered b y t h e Emil Greiner Co. An arbitrary volume c a n b e taken a n d t h e a m o u n t of gas is determined b y t h e pressure read on the closed e n d m a n o m ­ eter w h i c h is graduated in millimeters directly on t h e tube up to 600 m m . T h e V O L U M E

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extraction c h a m b e r is g r a d u a t e d at 0.5, 2.0, and 5 0 ml. Some of t h e improvements in t h e ap­ paratus are: continuously variable speeds available for stirring t h r o u g h a direct ec­ centric drive from a back-geared motor; clear plastic shield to protect manometer tube from accidental b r e a k a g e ; ball joint connection t o facilitate replacement of manometer t u b e or stopcock assembly; micrometric adjustment of leveling b u l b to give more precise adjustment of volumes; fluorescent light and diffuser plate be­ hind m a n o m e t e r tube to ease reading of scale. Ε 13

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Precision C o l o r Densitometer T h e Macbeth-Ansco color densitometer, an ultrasensitive precision photometer with a range of diversified uses, has been introduced by the Macbeth Corp. It is reported to give accurate measurement of color densities in narrow spectral ranges, as well as visual densities. A few applications suggested by the company include: measurement of color ranges and liquid densities in chemical reactions, color determination of solid sur­ faces, a n d as a control instrument in proc­ esses using a spectrophotometer. Ε 14

Visual Spectroscopic Instrument An original principle of element excita­ tion is a feature of a spectroscope being offered by Meyer Scientific Co. This new instrument p e r m i t s laboratory personnel to analyze for 33 elements in a matter of several m i n u t e s , it was reported. Known as t h e T o d d Spectranal, it re­ quires only a few milligrams of the sample to be a n a l y z e d a n d it enables a positive detection without interferences. T h e sam­ ple is not destroyed. T h e T o d d Spectranal is designed so that t h e element is excited b y controlled voltage a n d a m p e r a g e through two plati­ num electrodes in a glass condenser cham­ ber. T h i s obviates t h e need for cool gas flames, hot a r c , or spark excitation. Ε 15

Ν Φ : ^rrosive Pumping Unit ** . «K.taniination a n d no corrosion are • LVr ' ges clr- imed for the n e w p u m p i n g tin·*· ε .:iounced by E. & M. Enterprises. ».,i/U' ά «.he Sigmamotor, it provides concjimc.MS liquid flow by means of a series oi " ' ^ ;eis" t h a t e.^.rt pressure on flexible tubing. LiquiH flow: ^iily t h r o u g h t h e r u b ­ ber Oi synthetic tubing and does not come in contact w i t h any mechanical narts. • For p u m p i n g liquids or gases, t h ^ Sig­ mamotor can take care of solids ·,* the soîntion, the company states. _c will handle from 1.5 to 30 gal. per hour without speed changes. It can be installed in any system with commercial fittings and c h a n g e d from one fluid to a n o t h e r . If desired, t h e m a c h i n e can h a n d l e a n u m b e r of different fluids at the same time, entirely independent of each other. It can provide proportional a n d extremely small flows. Ε 16


2 0,


YOUR INVESTM Eu? The Alnor Pyrotac excess temperature cut-off offers you low-cost, automatic protection against d a m a g e d u e to excessive temperatures . . . safeguards your investment in heating equipment and materials in process. Simple in operation, the Pyrotac constantly indicates temperature of the heated equipment and sounds an alarm and/or shuts down heater cir­ cuits at a safe temperature. It may also be used as the only control on a proc­ ess that requires a shutdown upon reaching a final temperature. Auto­ matic thermocouple break protection assures safety if thermocouple or ex­ tension wires should break or burn out. A v a i l a b l e in scale ranges from 0°-600° F. to O°-3O00° F. and Centigrade equivalents. A n A l n o r q u a l i t y instrument of laboratory precision and husky con­ struction; yet the price is only . . .



— f a r lower than for ordinary instruments of this type.

Ask your Alnor Representative for com­ plete details or write for bulletin that contains full description and wiring dia­ grams that show actual applications.


Illinois Testing Laboratories, inc. Room 5 0 3 , 420 Ν. La Salle St. ·


Chicago 10, Illinois


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