Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: November 21, 1955. Copyright © 1955 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Minute quantities of can Armeen® stops corrosion in leading o i l producer's equipment—increases throughput 2 0 %

Corrosion residue, collecting in gasoline casing-tiead condenser tixbes was creating a severe and costly problem for a West Coast oil producer just two years ago. Frequent shutdowns for cleaning were necessary. The corrosion rate was so high, condensers had to b e replaced every 18 months. Then a n Armour cationic corr o s i o n i n h i b i t o r — o n e of t h e m a n y Arrneens —was put t o work. Almost immediately, corrosion decreased 9796. Throughput increased 20%. Condenser life has been lengthened to 10 years. And less than one tablespoonful of an Armeen per tank: wagon of gasoline did the j o b ! A r m o u r malceso^ver 100 c a t i o n i c s . Corrosion inhibition is just one of their 10O0 known applications. Effective at low concentrations, they are increasing production and profits for a broad range of American industries.



Only 0.2% o f an Arquad® fabric softener give>s textiles an a m a z i n g l y so! hand—fabrics dry quicker, are easier to process


largest producer

Both natural and synthetic fabrics ti on anti-static properties and an ex smoothness -which prevents their twisti or bunching on the machines. Fabi also dry quicker and become dirt resist —with no oiliness or discoloration. T tile manufacturers find that Arqus treated fabrics sell quicker, too. Fabi are given a n amazingly soft hand—r fluffs up almost magically. And only 0. of the Arqiaad a d d e d to the final b; is required! Whether you are looking for a lc cost wav to effectively soften textiles working on cost reduction in some'ot application, you may very well find answer in Armour's wide range of catio chemicals. They are reducing costs more than IOOO icnown applications. "



N O V . .2 1,

195 5







PRODUCTION PROBLEMS ? COST PROBLEMS ? A r m o u r c a i s c R i c s s o l v e d b o t h in t h e s e t w o w i d e l y d i v e r s e fseScfs. N e w a p p l i c a t i o n s aire c o n s t a n t l y


d e v e l o p e d a n d a d d e d to t h e h u n d r e d s a l r e a d y k r o w n . Perhaps these unique chemicals can help you. Whether your business is rubber processing or mineral recovery, paper manufacturing o r petroleum refining;—whether you m a k e germicides, paints, plastics or products for m a n y other fields—it will pay you to include Armour cationics in your testing program. Extremely low concentrations o f these powerful chemicals are increasing efficiency and profits for industries in a t least a thousand different ways. X o d a y , there are m o r e than 100 different

A r m o u r cationics. O n e of them may be t h e chemical y o u ' v e been l o o k i n g for. n c i p afjrcwi y o u r Let A i r ! * * • • ! " * • * - * search. O u r research people will r e c o m m e n d cationics w h i c h have delivered outstanding results in y o u r field. Or, they will work with your staff t o develop a profitable new cationic application for you. Simply write us a description of your problem o r send t h e c o u p o n below, today.

T h i s brief list o f p r o v e d a p p l i c a t i o n s w i l l s u g g e s t m a n y a r e a s w h e r e t e s t i n g of A r m o u r c a t i o n i c s m a y p r o v e p r o f i t a b l e f o r y o u l Anti-statics • Ernulsifiers • Asphalt Additives • Textile Softeners • Corrosion inhibitors in water systems Corrosion inhibitors in oil systems • Pigment wetting • Bactericides • Hard rubber mold release agents Algaecides • Buffing compound additives • Vinyl mold release agent • Latex foam sensitizers Flotation reagents • Nitrile rubber plasticizers and softeners For information on any of the hundreds ©/ proved uses for Armour cationics—and for current data on possible new areas of application—fill in the coupon below.


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© Armour and Company 1353 West 31st St. • Chicago 9, Illinois CE11

NOV. 2 I,
