products - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

which helps to prevent moisture from blinding and plugging filter bags in process-drying applications. W. W. Sly. Manufacturing. 136. Computing softwa...
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PRODUCTS Fibrous aerosol monitor The manufacturer claims that the instrument provides real-time monitoring of airborne fibers, in fibers/cc, even in the presence of large concentrations of nonfibrous particles. G C A Environmental Instruments 101

Low level gas detector This instrument can detect and identify compounds below 0.001% in seconds. It finds application in ethylene oxide production, vinyl chloride processing and steel manufacturing, for example. C V C Products 106

Gas-phase titration calibrator The unit offers field and laboratory calibration of analyzers of oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide and ozone. Single- and multi-point calibration, and zero and span calibration a r e provided. Concentration stability for NO/N02 and SO2 is f0.5%/24 h and f1.0%/24 h for 03.Columbia Scientific Industries 102

Flow monitor This ultrasonic flow monitor is equipped with 32 preprogrammed flow curves. The unit measures the rate of flow and total flow through any type of flume, pipe, weir or open channel. Environmental Measurement Systems

Combustible gas/Ot monitor This personal, portable monitor can be hand carried or worn to test the air in manholes, tanks, tunnels and other enclosed areas for combustible gas and oxygen deficiency. Methane can be monitored over a 0-5% range; the oxygen meter scale is 0-25%. Energetics Science 104 Multipoint temperature monitor The monitor simultaneously displays up to 60 thermocouple outputs on a large screen C R T display with 0.2 "C resolution for type K thermocouples. Kazmierowicz Instrument 105



Toxic gas alarm system A portable unit, the system will continuously and simultaneously warn workers of combustible, oxygen deficient and harmful toxic gases. Dynamation 108 V-notch weir T h e device is designed for measuring low-flow conditions. The weirs are available in sizes for 8-in., 10-in., 12in., or I5-in. pipes. A bubbler attachment for remote readout is available. N B Instruments. 109

HC/CO/C02 exhaust gas analyzer The manufacturer claims that this is the first commercial, portable standard monitoring system for hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide from automobile engines, stationary turbines, furnaces and incinerator analyzers. Beckman Instruments 103

UV disinfection units Designed to treat secondary sewage effluent, these disinfection units will meet proposed fecal coliform limits of 100 C01/100 mL. Pure Water Systems

Sulfide analyzer The unit permits direct sulfide measurement. The detection limit is less than 1 ppb to 10 000 ppm sulfide. Calibration can be performed a t any point within the measuring range. Orion Research 110 HPLC columns The prepackaged columns for high performance liquid chromatography have efficiencies typically greater than 50 000 plates/m, excellent peak shapes and extended lifetimes, claims the manufacturer. Four column types are available; each column is supplied with a test chromatogram and test sample. Altex Scientific 111 Combination pH electrode The unbreakable flat surface combination p H electrode features a built-in sealed, gel-filled reference electrode, Four reference junctions are located around the pH-responsive flat surface. With these junction locations, measurements can be made with minimum-size samples. Sensorex 112

Oscillographic recorder The multipurpose recorders use a thermal, inkless writing system to produce continuous rectilinear traces. Recorders are available with 2 , 4 , 6 or 8 channels and can be operated a t 21 different speeds ranging from 1 mm/h to 100 mm/s. It can be equipped for remote operation. M F E Corp. 114 Oxidant monitor The amperometric monitor is designed for use in chemical and metal processing industries and in water purification plants. The instrument is factory calibrated for chlorine measurement, but can be used for measuring ozone, bromine, fluorine and iodine in concentrations up to 5 ppm volume in air. Mast Development 115 Nitric oxide analyzer The unit is designed to measure accurately and quickly the nitric oxide concentrations in the tailgases emitted by catalytic converters. Columbia 116 Scientific Industries Electrodialysis system The system, designed for the regeneration of chromium oxidizing solutions, finds application in plastic etches, brass and copper bright dips and pickling solutions, and solutions used for oxidizing organic chemicals. It will accommodate a wide variety of concentrations and temperatures. AMJ Chemical 117 Volume 13, Number 3, March 1979


The uhit can mgnitor up to eight individual in situ oxygen analyzers simultaneously. The monitor will display one selected channel continuously, or it will automatically display the status of each channel and its average at an adjustable scan rate of 0.5-10 s/point. 118 Dynatron A totally revised edition of the best selling single publication ever produced by ACS

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Condensation nucleus counter This sensitive particle counter incorporates a single-particle counting technique to measure the concentration range from 0.01 particle/cm3 to 1000 particles/cm3. Applications include air pollution research and inha120 lation studies. TSI Inc. Mobile sludge processor The unit converts municipal and/or industrial sludges into “ecologically acceptable friable earthlike materials,” claims the manufacturer. Ecology Products 121

Environmental Science & Technology

Strip-chart recorder This series model accepts digital data directly from a computer or an instrument bus. It converts the data input into a smooth analog curve at a writing rate of 75 cm/s. Paper advance and pen lift are under digital control. Pedersen Instruments 127 Faucet filter The compact water filter snaps onto any faucet; water passes through carbon particles to emerge from the unit “clean” and “good-tasting.’’ Keystone Filter/Met-Pro 128 Sludge p H electrode The flat surface pH electrode is designed for rapid, accurate measurements by touching the electrode to the semisolid surface of the sludge. The electrode may be used with any standard pH meter, and operates reliably a t temperatures of -5 to 80 OC.Corning Glass Works 129

Dust collector There is easy access to the fabric filter elements in this dust collector. The unit is adaptable for applications with air volumes from 400 to more than 100 000 ft3/min. The basic cell contains about 105 ft2 of fabric filter. DCE Vokes 122 Conductivity probe The probe measures total dissolved solids in solutions; it can be used directly with a pH/millivolt meter. The conductivity range is 0-1000 microohms in five full-scale ranges. Lazar Research Laboratories 123 IR spectrometer The manufacturer claims that the instrument offers the advantages of Fourier transform methods-sensitivity, accuracy and speed-at a price comparable to dispersive spectrometers. Nicolet Instrument 124


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Aerator The aeration equipment finds application in municipal or industrial wastewater treatment systems. The basic unit is an aspirator pump that injects oxygen below the wastewater surface to increase the oxygen concentration of the water: and dissipates surface solids and eliminates noxious 119 odors. Aeration Industries

Activated sludge monitor The instruments provide two pieces of information: biological-respiration rates or oxygen demand, and physical-settling rates and settled volume. These are useful in determining the return sludge rate and aeration, for example. Tech-Line Instruments 126

Insulated containers These polystyrene foam plastic mailing containers, with capacities from 2 oz to 200 Ib, are designed to carry environmental samples, among other things. They are light weight and reusable. Polyfoam Packers 125

CO detector This disk of palladium chloride, redtan in color, darkens to shades of brown in the presence of carbon monoxide at concentrations greater than 30 ppm. The disk gives accurate readings for one month. A color-guide card indicates the color changes for various 130 levels of the gas. Soiltest Electronic recording balance Features include high-accuracy electronic tare, pushbutton recorder ranges from 10 yg to 1000 mg full scale, capacities to 2.5 g, and sensitivities down to 0.1 yg. The instrument consists of a weighing unit and a separate control unit. Cahn Instruments 131

0.1 g. Typical stabilization time is about 2 s. Mettler 135

Sewage pump This electric, submersible pump finds application in sewage and drainage situations. The manufacturer claims that it offers efficiency and requires low maintenance. Pumpar 132 Ultrasonic spray nozzle This model will atomize flows in excess of 7 gpm. T h e manufacturer claims that it delivers the smallest droplet sizes available at present; it can deliver mean particle sizes in the 1-5 p range. These droplets are suitable for treatment of contaminated gas upstream of air pollution control equipment. Heat Systems-Ultrasonics 133 Three-stage filter unit Hung from the ceiling, this unit cleans hazardous particulates from indoor air in all types of industrial plants. It is especially effective against asbestos fibers, the manufacturer claims. 134 Air om a x Electronic balance This top-loading balance offers the user two readability ranges-a 400 g fine range that is movable along a 4000 g coarse range. The fine range is readable to 0.01 g; the coarse range to

Heated bag cleaning dust collector The dust collector uses process-heated atmospheric air for bag cleaning: which helps to prevent moisture from blinding and plugging filter bags in process-drying applications. W. W. Sly Manufacturing 136

Computing software package The program, Modeling and Reporting Software Package, is available for a one-time use fee of $2000, and can be used with the company’s desktop computer. It is designed, so the company says, “to streamline business analysis and graphic reporting in the environmental control industry.” 138 Tektronix Calcium monitor This monitor measures calcium over the concentration range 0.001 ppm to 100 000 ppm in water systems. Measurement precision is within f10%and response time to a concentration change is within one minute. Orion Research 139

Dichotomous impactor Classifies inhalable particles into two size fractions: coarse, 15-2.5 p; fine, 2.5 and smaller. Particles are deposited directly on a filter media. Features include a timer, weatherproof enclosures, and separate impactor and control packages. Environmental Research 137

PID detector for GC This high temperature photoionization detector for gas chromatography has an operating limit of 2 picograms to 30 micrograms. Its high temperature (up to 300 “C) analysis permits pesticide analyses, including the chlorinated, phosphorous and sulfur-based pesticides at lower levels than previous techniques; it is a nondestructive method. H N U Systems 140

The Pendulum and the Toxic Cloud The Course of Dioxin Contamination Thomas Whiteside This powerful investigative report sets forth what is known-and not known-about TCDD. the dioxin that is one of the most toxic substances on earth. Tracing its poisonous and enduring trail, ranging f r o m the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam to the disaster that struck Seveso. Italy, in 1976. to the leakage of deadly bastes out of the Love Canal and other cheniicaldunip sites--and to the continued widespread spraying of forests a n d rangelands here with the dioxincon t a ni i n ;[ t eJ herbicide 2.4.5 -T- W h it e si de m a k e s stringent regulation ;in urgent case for of such super-toxic contaminants.



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Volume 13, Number 3, March 1979


Biocide The electrolytic hypochlorinator provides the biocidal action of chlorination without the problems of transportation and storage of hazardous chlorine or liquid sodium hypochlorite. It finds application in oil rigs’ seawater systems, and sanitary and sewage lines. Engelhard Industries 143

Portable SO2 analyzer The light-weight unit is self-calibrating, and responds in seconds to give a completely integrated answer in 3 min on a direct-reading dual-scale meter. The unit’s range is 0.0.5 ppm full scale, with up to 0-20 ppm in 6 steps. CEA Instruments 142

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sodium-based absorption solution that can use caustic soda or soda ash as makeup. The system can be combined with particulate matter removal systems. Andersen 2000 146

Pocket-size pH meter Features include accuracy and readability to 0.06 pH units over a full 0-14 pH range. The “transistorized” unit is housed in nonbreakable, high-impact plastic case. Serfilco 144 CO or H2S monitor/alarm The instrument’s meter displays concentrations over a range 0-500 pprn for carbon monoxide and 0-250 ppm for hydrogen sulfide. A visual alarm or optional audible alarm warns when a safe gas concentration is exceeded. Energetics Science 145 SO2/SO3 scrubbing systems These compact systems are designed for process gas streams and small steam generators burning coal or oil. The horizontal units are shipped prewired and prepiped. The systems use a

Hazardous disposal unit The unit for processing and stabilization of a wide range of hazardous industrial wastes is mobile, and can turn these toxic materials into environmentally acceptable products at the plant site, the manufacturer says. IU Conversion Systems 147

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