products - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Biological pesticide. BioSafe lawn and garden insect control uses living organ- isms to attack subterranean insect pests. It comes in the form of a ge...
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Workplace particulate removal. Containment vacuum cleaner with HEPA or HEPA + ULPA filters collects particulates in workplaces. Materials taken up can be safely stored and in some cases, metals can be recovered. Hazard Technology 100 Dust collector. Torit Vibra Shake selfcleaning dust collector uses cartridge filter to remove workplace dust with up to 99.99% efficiency. Cartridge removal and replacement is designed to be easy. Donaldson Company 102 Textile plant emissions control. POLYTUBE is a tubular electrostatic precipitator designed to control visible hydrocarbon emissions from textile finishing plant operations. Beltran Associates 103 Breathing air purifiers. Pyramid 8000 systems are continuous-duty breathing air purifiers designed to deliver 100% of inlet air for supplied-air respiratory protection. No purge air is needed. Deltech Engineering 104

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Solvent recovery. POWERVAP is designed to concentrate and distill materials with more than 99.9% solvent recovery. System integrity is designed to be maintained by robotics, so little staff involvement is necessary. Fritz Censer 105 Biological pesticide. BioSafe lawn and garden insect control uses living organisms to attack subterranean insect pests. It comes in the form of a gel that is dissolved in water and sprayed onto moist 106 soil and lawns. Biosys Mercury spill cleanup. MERC*CLEAN is designed not only to clean up mercury and contaminated materials, but to render them amenable to recycling as 107 well. Mercury Refining

signed to be structurally strong and not to require corrosion monitoring. Tank meets EPA UST regulations, according to company. Clawson Tank 108

tive of performing rapid, safe acid digestions for trace metal analysis in soils and water. CEM 117


Solvent recycling. PF-20 system is designed to distill each 100 gal of contaminated solvent to produce 90 gal of reusable solvent and leave no more than IO gal of waste. Solvent Kleene 109 Safe degreaser. RB degreaser is designed to be completely biodegradable and require zero discharge. Because it is halogen-free, it is not subject to the new pollution tax, and it meets EPA, OSHA, and California requirements. according to company. ETUS 110 Soil washing. New physico-chemical soil washing system, developed in Holland, is designed to remove not only organic contaminants, but also heavy metals. Geraghty & Miller 111


1 Computerized GUMS. Gas chromatographyimass spectrometry system is designed to work with a personal computer through Microsoft Windows Version 3.0, a system designed to allow PC multitasking. Hewlett-Packard 115

INSTRUMENTATION Toxicity testing. IQ TEST uses Daphnia magna to test for aquatic toxicity; company says one hour is needed to generate reproducible results (conventional tests normally require 48 hours). Aqua Survey 112 Trace element analysis. PQe system is designed to analyze trace elements to levels “well below the current legislated detection limits” in less than 90 s. VG Instruments 113 Water analysis. TitraLab series of systems is designed to measure analytes such as trace cadmium, copper, lead. chemical oxygen demand, and pH. Radiometer Analytical 114 N M R spectrometer. Model R-1200 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer is designed to speed up analysis by this method over conventional CW instruments by a factor of up to 20. Hitachi 116 Instruments

Underground storage tank. Underground tank is made of materials de-

Trace metal sample preparation. MDS-BID uses microwave heating and closed vessel technology with the objec-

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0013-936w91/0925-387$02.50/0 0 1991 American Chemical Society

Trace gas analyzer. IS-IO1 is a trace gas analyzer designed to detect organic and inorganic contaminant gases safely, even in explosive environments. It recently has been certified for use in Eu118 rope. HNU Systems Inorganic anion analysis. DX-I00 ion chromatograph is designed to carry out analyses of inorganic anions in water according to EPA Method 300.0. Reversed-phase HPLC and supercritical fluid-based instruments also are available. Dionex 119

O,/CO, respirometer. Micro-Oxymax respirometer is designed to use this technique for applications that include measurement of toxic effects of lead nitrate on soil organisms and biodegradation of crude oil. Columbus Instruments International 120

PUBLICATIONS Risks and benefits of chemicals. Booklet, About Chemicals in Your World, aims to help readers understand Environ. Sci. Technot.. VoI. 25, No. 3, 1991 307

the risks and benefits of natural and manmade chemical substances, and to acquaint them with the community right-to-know provisions of Superfund. Channing L. Bete 121 Waste management. Waste Management is a newsletter of the Cornell Waste Management Institute; it contains material on the subject of especial interest to New York State and City. Cornell Waste Management Institute 122

SERVICES Indoor emissions testing. A product emissions testing chamber is available for testing emissions of products used indoors. Versar 129 Tank testing. LeaseTime program offers owners of underground storage tanks use of a van-based tank leak detection system and associated technician help on a lease or contractual basis. NDE Environmental 130 Laboratory safety training. Training courses and written material aim at compliance with OSHA rule (29 CFR 1910.1450) for protection of workers, especially in laboratories, from exposure to toxic substances. Professional Analytical and Consulting Services 131



away as conventional window glass does. Libbey-Owens-Ford 128



Analysis for organics. Laboratory analyzes for organics under EPA’s more stringent standards. CompuChem 132 ,’

Cleaning without CFCs. Periodical Production Cleaning Forum discusses cleaning products being introduced to replace chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) for industrial cleaning uses. Du Pont 123 Site remediation. Remediation is a periodical that carries articles about topics such as costs, biological techniques, value engineering, regulations, and riskbased approaches. Executive Enterprises Publications 124 Laboratory safety standards. Luboratory Safety Standards f o r Industry/ ResearchlAcademe covers OSHA Rule (29 CFR 1910.1450), which sets occupational safety standards for all private workplaces in the United States, including laboratories where hazardous chemicals are used. Scitech Publishers 125

Business with ASEAN countries. Seminars will focus on doing environmental business with countries that are members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). US-ASEAN Council 133

Windows as solar energy “sources.”


388 Environ. Sci. Technol., VoI. 25. No. 3, 1991

Water distribution control. MICROCAT 2001 SCADA data acquisition system is designed for water distribution monitoring and control, and water and treatment plant control. It works with OS/2, programs such as Lotus 1-2-3, and local area networks. Autocon Industries 138

WATER TREATMENT High-purity water. Company offers line of products and systems for highpurity water, such as reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, and deionization. Ionpure Technologies 139

Filter bed protection. Underdrain systems are designed to protect filter beds, improve filter efficiency, and eliminate filter bed upset. Need for support gravel is eliminated. Johnson Filtration Systems 140 I

ROD and DO analysis. Biological oxygen demand (BOD) analysis software is designed to make dissolved oxygen (DO) readings from the Model 59 DO meter directly available to a personal computer via the RS-232 (serial port) interface. YSI 135

A Guide to LOF Energy Advantage“

Low-E Glass explains how this glass in windows actually contributes solar energy to a home, rather than take energy

Right-to-know compliance. SARATRAX version 2.2 is designed to aid compliance with SARA (Superfund) Title Ill sections on emergency planning and notification. community right-toknow, and toxic emissions. Demonstration diskette is $20. IIT Research Institute 137

Analysis for Superfund. Company analyzes water and soils from Superfund sites and suspected sites under EPA’s Contract Laboratory Program. Recra Environmental 134

Acid precipitation levels. Monthly map, a new feature of National Weather Conditions, shows average acid precipitation levels in the United States. U S . Geological Survey 126 Sample preparation. Report explains advantages of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) in preparing environmental samples and how SFE saves time and costs. Suprex 127

product environmental emissions and releases. Sources are identified, inventories are compiled, and releases can be calculated. Radian 136

Tracking multisource releases. EDMS program is designed to help companies keep track of multisource and multi-

Groundwater treatment. Trailer-based system is designed to treat contaminated groundwater and to recover free-phase product, especially at gasoline stations and other facilities with underground storage tanks. NUS 141 Home water treatment. Multi-Micronic system is mounted where water enters home. It uses filters and carbon to remove materials such as asbestos, lead, and trihalomethdnes. Multi-Pure 142 Sludge dewatering. Rex continuous sludge oven is designed to reduce the weight and volume of sludge by up to 80% and leave a granular dewatered product for easy disposal. Solids content of sludge can be raised before incineration, if desired. Envirex 143