Products and Processes - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Pa., have greatly simplified plant operations there and cut the cost of regenerating the firm's water softening units, according to International ...
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Brine System Cuts Costs Modern salt handling and brine pro­ duction methods recently p u t into prac­ tice at the Soft AVater Service Co., Erie, Pa., have greatly simplified plant opera­ tions there and cut the cost of regener­ ating the firm's water softening units, according to International Salt C o . , Inc. T h e Lixator, designed and engineered by the latter company, produces selffiltered, saturated brine automatically from rock salt. Lixate brine is neutral and is always crystal clear and ready for use at a moment's notice. Its automatic production in the Lixator is said t o eliminate unnecessary salt handling and to streamline brine making. Essentially the Lixator consists of a storage hopper and a salt dissolving tank containing a salt filter and a brine eellection chamber. Rock salt enters the dissolving tank b y way of the hopper, which is placed on top of the tank. A s the salt already in the tank is dissolved, additional salt comes from the hopper to replace it. At a certain distance from the top of the tank, water enters, its flow regulated b y an automatic float valve; as it flows down, it dissolves t h e salt. Some distance from the bottom t h e brine becomes fully saturated, and t h e r e ­ maining rock salt acts as a filter which removes all traces of suspended matter. When the brine reaches t h e brine col­ lection chamber, it is crystal clear. From there it enters a brine storage tank, from which it is piped t o any part of t h e plant requiring it. ρ j

Reducing Smoke


The D e l t a Engineering Co., in an effort to minimize the losses due to t h e use of high pressure s t e a m to improve the combustion and thereby reduce,the smoke nuisance, has developed a cata­ lytic process of combustion promotion. The catalytic substances used in t h e process are essentially of the terpene hydrocarbon series. The process is a means o f providing a minute quantity of a selective catalyst t o the upper flame zone o f the combus­ tion chamber or furnace where i t com­ bines with the rising volatiles a n d car­ bonaceous material t o , increase rapidly the combustion reaction in t h i s area without t h e escape of t h e combustibles or smoke. In the D e l t a catalytic process of com­ bustion promotion no attention is paid t o the fuel bed itself because concern is primarily with t h e gaseous zone only.


The catalysts are transported into the reaction zone b y means of a small quan­ tity of steam at low pressure and, along with the predetermined quantity of sec­ ondary air drawn in through t h e turbulators, the stream is directed into the combusition reaction taking place there. The catalyst, in speeding up the reaction al this point, actually promotes the separation of t h e component gases and allows recombination at a much lower temperature. The results of this catalysis is indi­ cated b y the appearance of t h e flame color and length. I t changes rapidly from a long reddish orange smoky flame to a short intense dazzling white, having quite a different sound from the original. T h e amount of steam consumed by the process is extremely small compared to that used by the conventional plain steam jets. T h e cleaning of the fires is m a d e easier and in less t i m e when t h e D e l t a units are in operation, because no hard and chunky clinkers accumulate, accord­ ing to D e l t a engineers. This process may be installed in al­ most any size and type of steam boiler and can be applied to heavy oils and sludge as well as to bituminous coals and sawdust. Spray nozzles are avail­ able in 30 different spray angle combina­ tions, ρ 2



A new type of synthetic resinous hydrocarbon being produced commer­ cially b y Kenrich Corp. is said to h a v e unusual stability and extremely low electrical loss. It is produced by cata­ lytic condensation of specific alkyl naph­ thalenes followed b y purification and high vacuum distillation, and i s offered as Kenflex in several grades. Kenflex A i s derived from dimethyl naphthalenes: it has a drop melting point of about 160° F., a viscosity of ap­ proximately 300 centistokes a t 210° F., an initial boiling point in excess of 400° F. at 2 mm., and a dielectric dissipation factor of about 0.0025 to 212° P . Allied materials of different viscosities and melting points can be made b y selection of the proper alkyl and cycloalkyl substituents. For example, Kenflex Β pos­ sesses characteristics respectively of about 80° F., 60 centistokes, over 400° F. at 2 mm., and 0.005. Because of their high degree of aromaticity, Kenflex products exhibit out­ standing compatability with many resins.


They have tackiness, nonvolatility, and electrical properties comparable to the polybutenes, but are opposite in viscos­ ity index and soLvent power. Thus, t h e y may b e blended with most oils or resins to give compositions which will impreg­ nate or extrude easily at processing tem­ peratures and exhibit highly viscous or tough characteristics under usual operat­ ing conditions. Kenflex is recommended for vinyl in­ sulated wire, electrical cable filling, p o t ­ ting and caulking compounds, rigid vinyl moldings, adhesives and sealing compounds, inks, paints and varnislies, high temperature lubricants, hot m e l t coatings, insecticides, vinyl floor tile, and composition rollers. p&

Titania Crystals Exceed Diamonds in Brilliance Titania crystals, said to be the only substance in existence more brilliant t h a n a diamond, are being sold in boule form in limited quantity t o the gem field, to test their appead and market potential as gems. T h e price in boule form before cutting is 50 cents a carat for the clear and 75 cents a carat for the blue and amber crystals. The index of light refraction of the stones is about 2.70, as compared with the less brilliant 2.41 of a diamond. T h e y are far below the diamond in hardness, however, with a hardness index of 7 on the Moh's scale, as compared to 10. Titania gems are an "accident of re­ search" at National Lead C o . Searching for a way to determine with greater ac­ curacy the optical and electronic prop­ erties of titanium dioxide pigment, c o m ­ pany scientists were baffled by the m i n ­ ute size of the crystals. Efforts to pro­ duce larger crystals resulted in what were obviously beautiful gems, as -well as a forward step in research. National Lead Co. is primarily interested in de­ termining the industrial and technical uses of the crystals, but is making avail­ able t o the gem trade a limited supply already produced. Ρ 4

UOP Food

Introduces Antioxidant

Universal Oil Products Co. has an­ nounced that i t will enter the food products field about June 15 with the manufacture of an antioxidant. The product is a mixture of 2- and 3-tertiarybutyl-4-hydroxy.anisoIe and has a carrythrough into baked products superior to that of other antioxidants. Used alone, with citric or phosphoric acid as a syner­ gist, or with nordihydroguaiaretic a c i d or propyl gallate added, it increases greatly the length of time that lard will remain free from rancidity in storage. T h e anisole i s highly soluble i n lard and has n o effect on color or odor tests a t ordinary concentrations. I t has been approved by the Meat Inspection D i v i ­ sion of USDA. Ρ 5