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Control of Subsurface Water Seepage
repeated until a b u t t i n g or overlapping columns form an underground dam. Ρ 1
Subsurface seepage, one of the chief causes of loss or pollution of water, may now be controlled by constructing a permanent underground dam by means of an asphalt emulsion, according to Shell Oil Co.
Alhyl Aryl Sulfonate
The subterranean barrier is built with o u t excavating, by injecting the asphalt emulsion into the earth through a pipe. Already used to check serious loss of irrigation water through an earth dam on t h e Santa Ana River in California, the new •method is marketed under the trade name •of Shellperm. The underground barrier may prevent •serious leakage of water through banks or reservoirs, check contamination caused by infiltration, and prevent sea water from eeeping into fresh water wells. Aside from i t s role in water conservation, Shellperm «can also be used to check seepage around tunnels, road beds, or other subsurface structures, without t h e use of such rela tively expensive techniques as sheet piling. T h e new process is especially significant, according to a Shell spokesman, because heretofore control of underground move ment of water has been costly and difficult a t depths of more t h a n a few feet. T h e Shellperm process employs an emul sion of asphalt in water, which is pumped under low pressure through a metal pipe driven into t h e ground. Emerging from the pipe, the emulsion spreads out roughly in the form of a ball. Chemicals mixed with the emulsions then cause the asphalt to coalesce, producing a mass impermeable to water. Following the first injection, the pipe is raised, and additional Shellperm is pumped down t o form a second impermeable mass. After repeated injections have produced a vertical asphalt column, the pipe is moved a n d additional injections are made to create another column. T h e process is
A synthetic detergent of the alkyl aryl sulfonate type, Kamenol D , has been intro duced by the K a m e n Soap Products Co., Inc. It is recommended for hard or soft water in white bead or slurry paste form which is good in salt solutions. I t h a s high active ingredients which are clear and soluble in hard or soft water of all propor tions. I t is active in extremely low7 concen trations and nonirritating to t h e skin. I t forms rich foaming suds and has excellent dispersing properties. Among uses indicated are industrial cleaners and l a u n d r y compounds, house hold cleaners, cotton a n d wool washing compounds, textile detergent a n d rug shampoo, automobile washer and metal cleaner, wall, floor and ceiling cleaner, dairy cleaner, and wetting and emulsifying agent for insecticides. Ρ 2
B y means of a dip for a few seconds into a specially formulated acid solution, alumi num tubing, pipe, and round rod of ma chinable grades t h a t have been centerless ground with suitable grit can now be made bright without mechanical polishing or buffing, according t o Colonial Alloys Co. When subsequently anodized, the surfaces are said t o remain bright, and costs of chemical polishing are claimed to be far less than mechanical polishing and buffing. Manufacturers or fabricators are invited to submit specimens of their work, which will be chemically polished, or chemically polished and anodized, or chemically polished, anodized, and colored, in accord ance with their specifications, a t no cost. P3
Niel-Coat P-110, a newT type of rust pre ventive coating a n d primer, has incor porated within the vehicle a fixed percent age of phosphoric acid. I t is bonded to gether into a stable emulsion to which has been added a pigment sufficient to leave a tooth upon drying for subsequent painting, 3ret fluid enough for application b y any desired means. T h e product was de veloped b y Nielco Laboratories, whose purpose was t o m a k e available to indus
tries as wTell as t o the trade in general a rust preventive coating t h a t could be applied over rusted metal to stop the rusting as well as preventing further corrosive action. P4
Product Notes
An extensive line of lubricating oil a d ditives is being manufactured and sold b y Oronite Chemical Co. These are available as finished concentrates, ready for blending with base stocks to produce high grade Diesel and motor lubricants in accordance with customer requirements. They a r e available as individual chemical com pounds for use as lubricating oil deter gents, antioxidants, and corrosion in hibitors. Ρ 5
Reheis Co., Inc., is offering to the t r a d e its special dermatological astringent Chlorhydrol (aluminum chlorohydroxide com plex) in solution form. A n active antiperspirant, it is said t o be less acid in solu tion than aluminum chloride or aluminum sulfate, a n d is correspondingly less corro sive. I t is, therefore, less irritating to t h e skin and less destructive t o clothing. I t can be used without a buffer. Ρ 6
A plastic tubing for continuous use a t temperatures u p to 105° C. is announced by Irvington Varnish & Insulator C o . Temflex 105 is described as a plasticized polyvinyl chloride resin. I n addition t o t h e approval of Underwriters' Labora tories, Inc., exhaustive tests at Irvington show favorable results in regard to retained elongation, tensile strength, flexibility, a n d dielectric strength after exposure t o t e m peratures u p 'to 150 ° C. Ρ 7
A Diesel engine lubricant designed t o counteract the harmful effect of high sulfur fuels has been developed b y t h e D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. D-A extra-treated Diesel oil is an additive-type lubricant said to be useful in certain type Diesel engines operating on Diesel fuels with a sulfur con t e n t in excess of 0 . 5 % . Owners with t h i s t y p e have had the problem of engine sludge, with stuck rings, plus a high rate of liner wear. Ρ 8
Rock-Tred Corp. announces Resn-X flooring, which, it is claimed, will remain unaffected by most acids, alkalies, oils, fats, and sirups. It is a durable but r e silient heavy-duty resurfacer t h a t can b e easily brushed or troweled over any type of floor, concrete, wood, tile, metal, or com position, to provide a wear-resisting surface. I t is nonslip a n d a good electrical insulator. Ρ 9