Model 660 system provides on-line monitoring in ppm of oil contamination in boiler return condensate, recycled cooling water, and wastewater process e...
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Breather filters Seven types of breather filters are available for preventing dirt and foreign matter in air from entering vented enclosures such as fuel tank vents, air intakes, gear boxes, and crankcases. Choices of media and replaceable or disposable filter elements are available. Air-Maze 101 Carrier gas purifier Superpure disposable cartridge removes acidic gases, such as H 2 S, S 0 2 , and HCN, to below 0.001 ppm from carrier gases. Model H removes these gases to below 0.1 ppm from water; Model HO removes oxygen. Coal Gas 102 Trace inorganic gas analyzer Photoionization detector PI 52-02 offers picogram to nanogram sensitivity for compounds such as arsine, phosphine, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, iodine, bromine, and many other inorganics. For most compounds linearity is 10 7 ; no auxiliary gas supply is needed. HNU Systems 103 Spill containment material Spill Lock prevents contamination by soaking up petroleum spills. Granular material is packed around manhole fill pipe in a 4-in. layer (6 in. is recommended for diesel oil and gasohol, so petroleum products cannot penetrate material). Replacement with fresh material is easy. Clawson Tank 104 Hazardous gas monitor MICRO 550 detects hazardous comNeed more information about any items? If so, just circle the appropriate numbers on one of the reader service cards bound into this issue and mail in the card. No stamp is necessary.

bustible gases and sounds an alarm. It has applications in sewage treatment plants, in solvent monitoring, and on drilling rigs. The sensor can be located as much as 1.5 miles from the controller. Delphian 105

arsenic analysis system calibrated for the range of 10-200 ppb. It can be used to test municipal drinking water and industrial waste, and it provides the optimum wavelength of light for arsenic analysis. Delta Analytical 111

Oil-in-water analysis Model 660 system provides on-line monitoring in ppm of oil contamination in boiler return condensate, recycled cooling water, and wastewater process effluent. The principle used is absorbance by ultraviolet energy. Teledyne Analytical Instruments 106

Acid rain tester The 680-AR test kit instantly measures acid rain and snow, as well as lake or stream water, for pH value. The tester is useful for field, laboratory, or classroom work. It can calculate the dosage of neutralizer needed to bring water back to pH 6.5. Hellige 112

Residual chlorine monitors Residual chlorine monitors can directly sense free or combined chlorine without chemical addition. Measurements are made in effluent channels, eliminating the need for sample pumps. Ranges of 0-1 ppm up to 0-20 ppm are easily accommodated; 4-20 m A output and alarms are standard. Enterra Instrumentation Technologies 107

Particulate remover The CPS-4000 removes particulate metals and other suspended solids from waste streams resulting from metal finishing, printed circuit making, and other industrial operations. It uses a cyclonic principle and is said to meet the most stringent discharge requirements. Environmental Technology (U.S.) 113

Sulfur determination Model 722R/756 continuous on-stream total sulfur analyzer can detect ppb levels of sulfur in aromatic hydrocarbons by a method prescribed under ASTM designation D 4045-81. Accuracy and reproducibility are within + 2 % of fullscale calibration, and maintenance requirements are minimal. Tracor Atlas 108

Oxygen-combustibles analyzer Model 306 analyzer measures excess oxygen and hydrocarbons in flue gas. It is continuously extractive and can be used with computers and recorders. Response time is less than 3 s. Datatest 114

Wastewater neutralization Totally automatic systems can neutralize highly concentrated acidic or caustic wastewater. One is a batch neutralizer with a 100-gal/h capacity; the other is a continuous-flow model featuring automatic dilution and recycling without flow interruption. Systems can be used indoors and outdoors. Tegal Scientific 109 Pollution sampling High-power 6 x beam condenser aids pollution control chemists in microsampling solids and liquids with Fouriertransform infrared spectrophotometers. Input energy density is increased 36 times, and focusing and illumination are trouble free. Spectra-Tech 110 Total arsenic analysis Model AST-10 is a colorimetric total

The OSMO 411 spiral-wound membrane element offers 25% more flow than previous 4-in. models. It can be used with Model 411SR, a reverse osmosis unit that produces 95% (nominal) salt rejection at 2000 gal/d, nominal. The element is 3.93 x 40 in. Osmonics 115 Companies interested in a listing in this department should send their releases directly to Environmental Science & Technology, Attn: Products, 1155 16th St. ,N.W, Washington, D. C. 20036 Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 18. No. 12, 1984
