222 Red School Lane. Phillipsburg. N.J. 08865. JTBaker. J.T. Baker Chemical Co. 222 Red School Lane. Phillipsburg, New Jersey 08865. Please forward a...
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J. T. Baker Chemical Co. 222 Red School Lane Phillipsburg. N.J. 08865

Books techniques, and statistical analysis. These sections are concise and espe­ cially well suited for the beginner. The last section is also well written but more theoretical than practical. In particular, actual statistical applica­ tions would have enriched this section. In addition, with the increasing em­ phasis on the use of immobilized en­ zymes and ion electrodes, a more updated review would have been ap­ propriate. Section Β of this volume is devoted to biochemical reagents. Its appear­ ance at the beginning of the series is helpful, but it is the opinion of this re­ viewer that the section on enzymes, which is concise and easy to follow, might better have been incorporated into volume 2. For the next edition, the authors might consider incorpo­ rating the section on concentration of metabolites in tissues, which now ap­ pears in volume 4 as another part of the general introduction. Volume 2 includes the methods for the determination of enzyme activity, following the nomenclature system recommended by the Committee on Biochemical Nomenclature (1972). Sufficient information is provided (re­ agents, preparation of solutions, equipment, etc.) so that the worker need have no problem in the use of any method. It would be of some bene­ fit to the reader if the table on nomen­ clature, which appears in the appen­ dix, had been placed at the beginning of the volume. Volumes 3 and 4 cover most of the metabolites which can be determined enzymatically: carbohydrate, citric acid cycle, proteins, polypeptides, amino acids, and finally nucleic acids presented in volume 1; these sections provide a richer background on each of the enzyme systems employed. However, most of the metabolites cov­ ered are not reviewed beyond 1971. On balance, this four-volume series is an excellent addition to any library.

J.T. Baker Chemical Co. 222 Red School Lane Phillipsburg, New Jersey 08865

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This book is translated from the Russian by A. Barouch and the trans­ lation is edited by A. J. Pick. Since the book is intended for chemists inter­ ested in the application of nuclear quadrupole resonance in solving




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