professional service guide - ACS Publications - American Chemical

Agency—William Ε sty Company, In corporated ... Publications. Cable Address: REINPUB NYK ... J. Swanson. San Francisco 5—McDonald-Thompson, 625...
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ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ADVERTISERS Midland Industrial Finishes Co Agency—Western Advertising Agency, Inc. Mine Safety Appliances C o m p a n y . . . . Agency—Ketchum, MacLeod & Grove, Incorporated Nash Engineering Company National Carbon Company, Division Union Carbide Corporation Agency—William Ε sty Company, In­ corporated National Tank Truck Carriers, I n c . . . . Agency— Leslie C. Mitchell Niagara Blower Company Agency—The Moss-Chase Company North American Aviation, Incorpo­ rated Agency—Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, Incorporated Norton Company Agency—Tames Thomas Chirurg Com­ pany, Incorporated Pacific Coast Borax Company Division, U. S. Borax & Chemical Corpora­ tion Agency—Irwin & Associates Ralph M. Parsons Company Agency—Dozier, Eastman & Company Patterson Foundry & Machine Company Agency—Downing Industrial Adver­ tising, Incorporated Chas. Pfizer & Company, Incorporated Agency—MacManus, John & Adams, Incorporated Photovolt Corporation Agency—Leonard Advertising Agency, Incorporated Powell Valves Agency—The Ralph H. Jones Company Pulverizing Machinery Division, Metals Disintegrating Company, Incorpo­ rated Agency—Williams & London Quaker Oats Company Agency—Rogers & Smith

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Union Carbide Corporation, National Carbon Company Division 89 Agency—William Esty Company, In­ corporated Union Carbide Corporation, Union Car­ bide Chemicals Company Division 41:118 Agency—-J. M. Mathes, Incorporated U. S. Borax & Chemical Corporation, Pacific Coast Borax Company Divi­ sion 134 Agency—Irwin & Associates U. S. Industrial Chemicals Company, Division of National Distillers & Chemical Corporation 7 1 , 72 Agency-G. M. Basford Company

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PROFESSIONAL SERVICE G U I D E . . . 135 LaMotte Chemical Products Company Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

Simplified — Portable — Quick ' 'on the spot" readings for (pH, CHLO­ RINE, P H O S P H A T E S and POLY­ P H O S P H A T E S . CHROMATES, B R O M I N E , FLUORIDE), etc. Send for illustrated catalog. Specify your process interests and we will gladly submit appropriate and helpful data at once. We have had more than 35 years ex­ perience in this field


LaMOTTE CHEMICAL PRODUCTS CO. Dept. IE, Chestertown, M d .


Reinhold Publishing Corp 36-37 Agency—The McCarty Company Republic Steel Corporation 90-91 Agency—Meldrum and Fewsmith, In­ corporated

Advertising Management Chemical Society


for the American Publications

Merald Lue, Advertising Sales Manager, American Chemical Society Publications Cable Address: REINPUB NYK

Schaffer Poidometer Company Shell Chemical Corp Agency—J. Walter Thompson Com­ pany Sigmamotor, Incorporated Agency—Melvin F. Hall Advertising Agency, Incorporated T. Shriver and Co., Inc Agency—Spooner & Kriegel Solvay Process Division, Allied Chemi­ cal & Dye Corporation. . . » Agency—Atherton & Currier,. Inc. Spraying Systems Company Agency—Advertising Producers-Associ­ ated, Incorporated Sturtevant Mill Company. Agency—¥, P. Walther, Jr. & Associ­ ates, Incorporated


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Taylor Instrument Companies 78-79 Agency—Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, Incorporated W. A. Taylor & Company 114 Agency—Emery Advertising Corpora­ tion Thermco Laboratories 117 Agency—A pplegate and Associates, Inc. Truland Chemical Co., Inc 131 Agency—Ray Ellis Advertising Turbo-Mixer Division, General Ameri­ can Transportation C o r p o r a t i o n . . . 7 Agency—Edward H. Weiss and Com­ pany

for the FOOD, FEED, DRUG and CHEMICAl INDUSTRIES Analyses, Biological Evaluation, Toxicity Studies, Insecticide Testing and Screening, Flavor Evaluation.








York 22-MUrrayhill 8-8600; District Managers—Charles Richards Stoddard, Jr., John E. Cortissoz, Edmund B. Sullivan Cleveland 1 4 - N B C Bldg., 815 Superior Ave., N.E., PRospect 1-5583; District Man­ ager—Robert Sommer Chicago 2 - 1 1 1 West Washington Street, RAndolph 6-8497; District Manager-Robert J. Swanson San Francisco 5—McDonald-Thompson, 625 Market Street, YUkon 6-0647; Roy M. McDonald Los Angeles 5—McDonald-Thompson, 3727 West Sixth Street, DUnkirk 7-5391; E. T. Thompson Seattle 4—McDonald-Thompson, National Bldg., 1008 Western Ave., ELLiott 3766; Harry Abney Houston 6—McDonald-Thompson, 3217 Mont­ rose Blvd., JAckson 9-6711; Frank N. Vickrey Denver 2—McDonald-Thompson, Colorado Na­ tional Bank Building, KEystone 4-4669; Robert H. Heidersbach Tulsa 4-McDonald-Thompson, 2010 S. Utica, Riverside 3-1981; Ted R. Trautmann Portland 9-McDonald-Thompson, 202 N.W. Twenty-First Ave., Harry Abney London, W . C. 2, England . . . . Butler's Advertising Service Ltd., R. A. Butler, 22 St. Giles High St., TEMple Bar 5905

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