PROFESSIONAL SIDE—The Man in Chemical Market Research

PROFESSIONAL SIDE—The Man in Chemical Market Research. Richard E. Chaddock. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1958, 50 (5), pp 97A–102A. DOI: 10.1021/ ...
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Complete Cascade System in '/z Normal Space .Costs Substantially Reduced



to power


Lithium Is (he alkali metal wilh the moat-est

........... .

Complete Cascade System in Y2 Normal Space Costs Substantially Reduced 0 . 0

Taylor’s New TRANSCOPE* Plug- in Recorder provides a complete in Cascade System half the space required by other systems

Never before has a complete cascade system been available in one recorder case in a 6” panel cut-out. Complete Cascade System, All switches in one case. Operator performs all start-up and shutdown operations in one recorder. No external switches o r relays. N o extra space needed. Cascade set point always in view.

All Functions in One Case, Master and secondary variables continuously recorded. Master and secondary controller outputs, as well as set points, continuously indicated.



CASE MATES! The Taylor TRANSCOPE Controller and Recorder are companion plug-in instru-

ments. Together they give new standards of process control performance.. unprecedented stability, accuracy and adaptability. Especially suited for the short spans of measurement encountered in present day processing. The TRANSCOPE Controller is insensitive to ambient temperatures, and highly resistant to mechanical shock. Write for Bulletin 98278.


Unique, New Bumpless Transfer. New switching system lets you change from control by secondary to control by master, precisely matching the master output to the secondary control point without comparing gages. Front of Panel Control Settings let you make adjustments easier, quicker and better! You can clearly see what you are doing, and the results, because the record is continuous. Stays on Automatic Control while the recorder is removed. There’s no need to shut down the process for instrument service or adjustments. Substantial Cost Reduction. You save substantially since you need only one case, one chart drive, one panel cut-out, one set point transmitter.

* * * For further information about this revolutionary new Recorder, see your Taylor Field Engineer, o r write for Bulletin 98286. Taylor Instrument Companies, Rochester, N.Y., Toronto, Ontario. *Trade-l\hrk

VOL. 50, NO. 5

MAY 1958

101 A


PILOT P L A N T ROTARY D R Y E R T h e Ruggles-Coles Pilot Plant Dryer is designed especially for laboratory use or for small capacity unit operations requir-

ing a continuous o r intermittent drying step. Each unit:

e Is mounted on a structural steel base. 0

Has removable “knockers.”

0 Provides for easy changing of shell

rotation speed or shell slope.

o Is available in stainless steel or other corrosion-resistant materials.

o Requires only fuel supply and power connections to be placed in operation.


Is easily moved from place to place. It is available in three models:

(1) XH-XF single-shell, direct gas fired dryer. Arranged for either parallel or counter-flow operation. Bulletin AH-471. ( 2 ) XB double-shell, indirect-heat, gasfired dryer f o r drying without contaniination. Volatiles removed with only limited dilution. Bulletin AH-472.


(3) XC steam-tube indirect heat dryer. Can be connected to any available steam supply or furnished with a 3-HP steam generator. Bulletin AH-473, For complete inlormation write Department 12. XC STEAM TUBE


102 A


240 Arch St. Chicago




Main Office and Works Salt Lake City

San Francisco

do the job well and with ease, he will probably be tapped for a promotion that will take him out of direct market research. However, the skills he has acquired in objectivity, open-mindedness, and good judgment will be his forever. With the chemical industry’s innate habit of revolutionary change and progress, the adaptable market researcher is in a n enviable position to advance more rapidly than many. Not always, however, do market researchers use this field as a steppingstone to advancement. There is a nucleus of experienced and very able chemical market researchers who ha7.e become so adept in the field and so dedicated to this artscience that the)- have made careers of it. They are recognized within and outside their respective companies and are undoubtedly so needed T.\here they are that they will continue their careers in this field. They have set high standards of proficiency and through their continued example. speeches, papers, and other contributions are training today’s neophyte. They know better than most that chemical market research is a Topsy that is still gron’ing ; that chemical market research, by its very nature, must continue to grom7 \\ith the industry of which it is an integral part; otherwise, too many executive actions Lvould bog down and many expensive errors would accrue to company stockholders. An individual considering chemical market research as a career can obtain a bird’s-eye view of this field by reading a collection of papers by authorities on the subject available in the volume “Chemical Market Research in Practice” (Reinhold, Kew York). These papers were prepared and given as lectures in 1953 at the Case Institute of Technology, and at the University of Delaware in 1954; but the principles and techniques of chemical market research are unchanged basically since then. The lecturers, under the auspices of the Chemical Market Research Association, contributed their knowledge as a service to the industry and in the hope that more people would understand and enter the field. The scope of chemical market research is broad, and it is both challenging and rewarding.