Program - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Jun 4, 2012 - Program. Anal. Chem. , 1994, 66 (1), pp 54A–56A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00073a732. Publication Date: January 1994. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Ligand Interactions. Jinping Liu, Kevin J. Volk, Mike S. Lee, David Detlefsen, Edward H. Kerns, Ira E. Rosenberg 2:40 Comparison of Free-Solution CE, Electrochromatography, and LC for the Determination of Binding Constants: Application to Inclusion Complexes between Phenols and Cyclodextrins. David M. Goodall Sharron G. Penn, Gaoyuan Liu, Edmund T. Bergstrom 3:00 Analysis of Antibodies Using FITCLabeled Protein G and Protein A as Affinity Ligands in CE. Oscar W. Reif, Ralf Lausch, Ruth Freitag 3:20 Rapid Immunoassays and In Vivo Monitoring by CE. Robert T. Kennedy, Nicole Schultz 3:40 Modulation of Electrophoretic Mobility Using Oligonucleotide Modified Digoxigenin: Application to Digoxin Immunoassay by CE with LIF. Fu-Tai A. Chen, James C. Sternberg

CE/MS 2:00

The 6th International Symposium on High-Performance Capillary Electrophoresis (HPCE '94) will be held Jan. 31-Feb. 3 at the San Diego Princess Resort on Mission Bay in San Diego, CA The scientific program includes 81 oral presentations and more than 220 posters that will address the latest in basic research and analytical applications of electrophoretic separations in capillaries. Presentations will describe how capillary zone electrophoresis, micellar electrokinetic chromatography, capillary gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, and isotachophoresis are being used to isolate and quantify pharmaceuticals, oligonucleotides, proteins, carbohydrates, small ions, and ionic and neutral species of environmental significance. Other topics include advances in the fabrication and performance of polymer- and gelfilled capillaries, advances in open-tubular columns with novel coatings, developments in DNA sequencing, micro and nanoscale sample-handling and separation technologies, and coupling CE to advanced detection systems such as MS and laser-induced fluorescence. In addition to the traditional presentations, four discussion sessions on the principles and applications of HPCE will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday. An exhibit of capillary electrophoresis systems and components will take place on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. 54 A

Analytical Chemistry,

For additional information, contact Shirley E. Schlessinger, Symposium Manager, HPCE '94,400 East Randolph Dr., Suite 1015, Chicago, IL 60601 (312527-2011). The technical program follows.

Program Monday morning Plenary Session 1 8:20 Opening of symposium. Shigeru Terabe 8:30 Keynote lecture. Surface Imprinting: A New Technique of Molecular Template Latex Preparation. Makoto Takagi 9:10 Keynote lecture. Using CE: Where from Here? George M. Whitesides 9:50 Recent Advances in HPCE of Glycoconjugates. Milos V. Novotny, Jan Sudor, Morgan Stefansson Plenary Session 2 10:50 Electrophoretically Mediated Microanalysis with Biological Extracts. Fred E. Régnier, Inkeun Leesang, Bryant J. Harmon 11:20 Recent Advances in Electrokinetic Chromatography. Shigeru Terabe, Hiroto Ozaki, Yoshide Tanaka, Katsuya Hirota 11:50 Recent Progress in the Development and Application of CE Combined with HighPerformance MS. Richard D. Smith, Jon H. Wahl, David C. Gale, Steven A. Hofstadler, Harold R. Udseth

Monday afternoon

Electromigration Methods Coupled with MS. Johann van der Greef 2:20 CE/Electrospray lonization/lon Trap MS. Roswitha S. Ramsey, Douglas E. Goeringer, Gary J. Van Berkel, Scott A. McLuckey 2:40 Effects of the Background Electrolyte/ Liquid Sheath Interactions in CE/Electrospray MS. Frantisek Foret, Toni J. Thompson, Dan Kirby, Paul Vouros, Barry L. Karger 3:00 Characterization of Peptides and Glycoproteins Using CE/lonspray Tandem MS. Kevin J. Volk, Jinping Liu, Mike S. Lee, Edward H. Kerns, Ira E. Rosenberg 3:20 Analysis of Metabolites from the Neuroleptic Agent Haloperidol and the ^-Antagonist Mifentidine by CE/Tandem MS. Linda M. Benson, Andy J. Tomlinson, Stephen Naylor 3:40 Detection of Trace Levels of Peptides Using Postcolumn 35 S Detection in CE. Jonathan V. Sweedler, Scott Tracht, Jeff Jankowski Poster session 1 . Buffer Modifiers and Novel Coatings (4:30-6:00)

Tuesday morning Fundamental Concepts 8:30


9:10 9:30

Affinity CE 2:00 2:20

Vol. 66, No. 1, January

CE for the Characterization of Biomolecular Interactions. Niels H. H. Heegaard, Frank A. Robey Affinity CE Applied to the Studies of Protein-Peptide and Protein-Small Molecule

1, 1994



Controlling and Minimizing Ubiquitous Injection in CE. Harvey A. Fishman, Nabeel M. Amudi, Thomas T. Lee, Richard N. Zare Simulation and Optimization of Peptide Separation by CE. Alejandro Cifuentes, Hans Poppe Packed Fused-Silica Capillaries in Electrochromatography. Th. Eimer, Klaus K. linger Factors Affecting Control of Electroosmotic Flow via Application of External Radial Electric Fields. Nebojsa Avdalovic, Liyuan Bao, Randy M. McCormick Flow Profile in CE Due to External Electric Fields. Tom A. van de Goor, Catherine A. Keely, Robert R. Holloway, Douglass McManigill Recommendations for Terminology and Nomenclature in CE. John H. Knox

Analysis of Pharmaceuticals 8:30 8:50 9:10 9:30

9:50 10:10

Indirect UV and Fluorescence Detection Methods in CE. Wolfgang Beck, Heinz Engelhardt CE of Glycoconjugates. Ziad El Rassl, Yehia Mechref CE as a Tool for Purity Assessment in Drug Discovery. Stephen C. Wetness, Anh K. Duong, James A. Zisek Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatographic Separation of Pharmaceuticals Using an Amine-Coated Capillary. Paul C. Shieh, Dao Hoang, Nelson Cooke CE Separation of Compounds of Biomedi­ cal Interest. Haleem J . Issaq, King C. Chan, Gary M. Muschik, George M. Janini Chemometric Strategies for the Design and Validation of CE-Diode Array Sys­ tems in Drug Analysis. Anthony F. Fell, Brian J. Clark, Robert Sample

Poster session 2. Chiral Separations and Clin­ ical Applications; Proteins, Peptides, and Carbo­ hydrates—I (11:00-1:30)

Tuesday afternoon Clinical Applications 1:30

1:50 2:10




Toxicological Screening and Confirmation by Electrokinetic Capillary Techniques. Wolfgang Thormann, Matthias Schafroth, Paul Wernly Investigation of the Use of SDS and Other Additives for the Direct Injection of Plasma in CE. Hermann WStzig, David K. Lloyd Determination of Nine β-Blockers in Se­ rum by Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography. Pekka Lukkari, Tuula Nyman, Marja-Liisa Riekkola Simultaneous Quantitation of Nucleotides, Nucleosides, and Bases in Biological Samples by CE. David Perrett, Tilman Grune In Vivo Microdialysis Sampling with OnLine CE Separations. Barry Hogan, Susan M. Lunte, John F. Stobaugh, Craig E. Lunte Use of a Flexible Intravenous Microdialysis Probe and CE for the Determination of Drugs and Blood Constituents in Freely Moving Animals. Norberto A. Guzman, Sung-Ae Park, Khurshid Iqbal, Pedro Rada, Luis Hernandez

Chiral Separations 1:30

1:50 2:10


2:50 3:10

Peak Resolution Model for the Separation of the Enantiomers of Weak Electrolytes by CE. Gyula Vlgh, Yasir Y. Rawjee, Ingrid D. Cruzado, Robert L. Williams Charged Cyclodextrins as Chiral Selectors in CE. Thomas Schmltt, Heinz Engelhardt Novel Chiral Selectands for the Separation of Enantiomers by CE. Jeff R. Mazzeo, Edward R. Grover, Michael E. Swartz, Michael Merion, John S. Petersen Chiral Analysis of Drugs of Forensic Inter­ est by CE Using Cyclodextrins Including Mixed-Inclusion Complexing Additives. Ira S. Lurie, Robert F.X. Klein Chiral Separation of Optically Active Drugs and Amino Adds by CE. Andreas Werner, T. Nassauer, P. Kiechle, F. Erni Use of 8-Cyclodextrin Polymer as a Chiral Selector in CE. Salvatore Fanall

Discussion sessions. Applications of HPCE, Detection (4:00-5:00) Poster session 3 . Fundamental Concepts, Novel Detector Designs (5:00-6:30)



Wednesday morning 2:30

Separation of Proteins 8:30

Studies of Glycosaminoglycans by HPCE. Susumu Honda, Tetsuji Ueno, Shin-ichi Yasueda, Kazuaki Kakehi 8:50 On-Line Sampling, Digestion, and Detec­ tion of Glycoproteins with CE. Werner G. Kuhr, Larry Licklider, John Cullison 9:10 Complementary Studies of Capillary Iso­ electric Focusing in Coated and Uncoated Capillaries: Comparison of Electrophoretic, Electroosmotic, Hydrodynamic, and Counter-Flow Mobilization. Ferenc Kilar 9:30 Effect of Buffer Composition on the Migra­ tion Order and Separation of Histone H-, Subtypes. Herbert Lindner, Bettina Sarg, Christoph Meraner, Arnold Dirschlmayer, Wilfried Helliger 9:50 Two-Dimensional Separation of Recombi­ nant Human Proteins Using HPLC and CE. Κ. Ganzler, I. Mazsaroff, J. Amari, J. Wright 10:10 Application of HPCE to Ultrasensitive Analysis in Analytical Biotechnology. William S. Hancock, John E. Battersby, Derf A. Lewis, Andrew Guzzetta, ShiawLinWu

Analysis of DNA—I 8:30

High-Speed DNA Sequencing in Ultrathin Gels. Lloyd M. Smith 8:50 Use of Fluorescent Deoxynucleotides and Dideoxynucleotides for DNA Sequencing by Capillary Gel Electrophoresis. Norman J. Dovlchi, Jian Zhong Zhang, Heather Starke, John Elliott 9:10 Multicolor Fluorescence Detection DNA Sequencer Using Multiple-Sheathflow Gel Capillary Array Electrophoresis. Hideki Kambara, Satoshi Takahashi, Takashi Anazawa, Katsuhiko Murakami 9:30 High-Speed Parallel Separation of dsDNA Using Capillary Array Electrophoresis. Steven M. Clark, Richard A. Mathies 9:50 Optimization of HPCE for Application to PCR-Amplified DNA Used in Forensic Analysis. Bruce R. McCord, John M. But­ ler, Francisco A. Rivera, Ralph O. Allen 10:10 Practical Approach to Human DNA Analy­ sis by CE. Patrick E. Williams, Michael A. Marino, Susie A. Del Rio, Lisa Turni Poster session 4. Analysis of DNA, Analysis of Pharmaceuticals, Advances in Instrumentation (11:00-1:30)

Wednesday afternoon Novel Coatings and Buffers 1:30

Wall Chemistry in CE: The Importance of Maximal Efficiency in Analytical CE. Ger­ hard Schomburg, Detlev Belder, Martin Gilges, Maria H. Kleemiss, Stephan R. Motsch

2:50 3:10

Preparation and Use of Ion-ExchangeModified Capillaries. Douglas T. GJerde, Leon Yengoyan, Ronald L. Jones, Petr Jandik High-Performance CE of Proteins and Nu­ cleic Acids in Sieving or Nonsleving Solu­ tions of Chemically Modified Polymers Which Suppress Electroosmosis. Mingde Zhu, Chris Siebert HPCE Studies of DNA in Free Solution and in Gels of Modified Agarose. Tasanee Srlchaiyo, Anders Palm, Stellan Hjertén Ion Analyses Employing a ChargeReversed Capillary. William E. Werner, John E. Wiktorowicz Speciation of Heavy Metals by CZE. Carta Vogt

Analysis of DMA—II 1:30

Application of Gel HPCE-LIF for Antisense Phosphorothioate DNA Sequencing. Aharon S. Cohen, Alexei Belenkii 1:50 Fast Capillary Gel Electrophoresis of Antisense Oligonucleotides. Aran Paulus, Lendell L. Cummins 2:10 DNAse Fingerprinting and Footprinting by CE. Nancy Bjork, Mickey Williams, John Frenz 2:30 Capillary Affinity Gel Electrophoresis: New Tool for Sequence-Specific Recognition of Biopolymers, Characterization of GeneTargeted Drugs, and DNA Diagnosis. Yoshlnobu Baba, Mitsutomo Tsuhako, Mitsuru Akashi 2:50 Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay on CE for the Detection of Specific DNA Sequences. Aldy W.H.M. Kuypers, Peter C.M. Linssen, Ewald J.B.M. Mensink 3:10 Automated High-Speed DNA Diagnostics in a Capillary Format. Harold Swerdlow, Carl Wittwer, Raymond Gesteland Discussion sessions. Genetic Analysis, Column Design and Chemical Selectivity (4:005:00) Poster session 5. Separations of Small Ions and Molecules (5:00-6:30)

Thursday morning Developments In Instrumentation 8:30

Pre-, Post-, and On-Column Derivatization Schemes for Analysis of Single Cells by CE with Laser Fluorescence. Andrew G. Ewing, S. Douglass Gilman, Paula J. Beyer 8:50 Ultrasensitive Absorbance Detector for CZE Using Laser-Induced Capillary Vibration Effect. Tsuguo Sawada 9:10 Dynamic Real-Time Analysis Using CE and LIF/CCD Detection. Staffan Nilsson, Per-Olof Larsson, Akiyoshi Miyabayahi, Michael Mecklenburg, Jonas Johansson, Sune SvanstrtSm 9:30 Flow Counterbalanced CE. Christopher T. Culbertson, James W. Jorgenson 9:50 Microchip Liquid-Phase Analysis Devices. J. Michael Ramsey, Stephen C. Jacobson, Roland HergenrOder, Lance B. Koutny 10:10 Synchronized Cyclic CE: A Highly Selective Separation Method. Norbert Burggraf, Andreas Manz, Nico F. de Rooij, H. Michael Widmer

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 66, No. 1, January 1, 1994 5 5 A

Meetings Mlcellar Electrokinetic Chromatography 8:30 Structural Selectivity Provided by a Carrier in Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography and by a Stationary Phase in RPLC. Nobuo Tanaka, Takeshi Fukutome, Tetsuya Tanigawa, Ken Hosoya, Kazuhiro Kimata, Takeo Araki, Shigeru Terabe, Klaus K. Unger 8:50 Cascade Polymers as Pseudo-Micellular Phases for Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography. Scott Kuzdzal, Curtis A. Monnig 9:10 Nonaqueous CE. Bing Ye, Morteza G. Khaledi 9:30 Field-Amplified Sample Stacking of Neutral Solutes in Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography Using Electrokinetic Injection. Kurt R. Nielsen, Joe P. Foley



6th International Symposium on Biological and Environmental Reference Materials (BERM-6)



k WÊ

8 t h International F o r u m for P r o cess Analytical Chemistry: Analytical T e c h niques for Process Quality and Control

Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography of Some Series of Peptides. Douglas Westerlund, Ingegerd Beijersten, Margret Thorsteinsdottir 10:10 Comparison of Micellar and Microemulsion Pseudostationary Phases for the Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography of Hop Bitter Acids. Johan Vindevogel, Roman Sziijcs, Pat Sandra

Poster session 6. Electrokinetic Chromatography; Proteins, Peptides, and Carbohydrates—II; Analysis of Foods (11:00-1:30)

Thursday afternoon Plenary Session 3 2:00 Analysis of Single Human Erythrocytes by CE and Laser Fluorescence Detection. Edward S. Yeung, Qifeng Xue

April 17-21. Kona, HI Contact: Wayne R. Wolf, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Nutrient Composition Laboratory, Beltsville, MD 20705 (301-504-8927; fax 301-504-8314) April 19-22. Munich, Germany Contact: Sylvia Pronold, Messe Munchen GmbH, Congress Center, Messegelande, D-80325 Munchen, Germany (49-89-5107461; fax 49-89-5107-180)

3rd International Symposium on Automation, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence Applied to Analytical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine

85th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo

AAAS '94: The AAAS Annual Meeting

Feb. 18-23. San Francisco, CA Contact AAAS Meeting Office, 1333 H St., N.W., Washington, DC 20005 (202-326-6450; fax 202-289-4021) Pittcon '94: 4 5 t h Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry & Applied Spectroscopy

Feb. 27-March 4. Chicago, IL Contact The Pittsburgh Conference, 300 Penn Center Blvd., Suite 332, Pittsburgh, PA 15235-5503 (412-825-3220, 800-825-3221; fax 412-825-3224)

May 8-12. Atlanta, GA Contact: L J. Williams, AOCS, Education/ Meetings Dept, P.O. Box 3489, Champaign, IL 61826-3489 (217-359-2344; fax 217-3518091) 24th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry

May 16-19. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Contact: M. Malaiyandi, CAEC, Chemistry Dept, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6 (fax 613-788-3749) or J. F. Lawrence, Food Research Div., Banting Research Centre, Health & Welfare Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0L2 (fax 613941-4775) M a t e r i a l s Issues in Art a n d A r c h a e ology IV, C a n c u n 1 9 9 4

May 16-20. Cancun, Mexico Contact: James R. Druzik, The Getty Conservation Institute, 4503 Glencoe Ave., Marina del Rey, CA 90292-7913 (310-822-2299; fax 310-821-9409)

4th International Symposium on A n alytical Techniques for Industrial Process Control


Plenary Session 4 3:45 DNA Analysis by CE. Barry L. Karger, Jan Berka, Marie C. Ruiz-Martinez, Kirstin Hebenbrock, Igor Smirnov, Steve Carson 4:15 Assessment Study on the Use of Pullulan Solutions as the Sieving Media in CE. Eiichi Kogure, Seizo Oishi, Keiichi Kameyama, Toshio Takagl 4:45 Invitation to HPCE '95. Heinz Engelhardt

J o i n t C o n f e r e n c e of t h e I n t e r n a tional Symposium on Microchemical Techniques (ISM '94) and Deauville Conference 1994 Symposium on Analytical Sciences (SAS '94) May 16-20. Montreux, Switzerland Contact: Nicko & C.R.I. Associes, 7 Rue d'Argout, F-75002 Paris, France (33-142334766; fax 33-1-40419241)

Chemistry, Vol. 66, No. 1, January

6th International Conference on Flow Analysis

June 8-11. Toledo, Spain Contact: M. Valcârcel or M. D. Luque De Castro, University of Cordoba, Departamento de Quimica Analitica, Facultad de Ciencias, E-14004 Cordoba, Spain (34-57218616; fax 34-57-218606) 36th Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry

July 31-Aug. 5. Denver, CO Contact: Patricia Sulik, Rocky Mountain Instrumental Laboratories, 456 S. Link Lane, Ft. Collins, CO 80524 (phone/fax 303-5301169) 2nd Changchun International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry (CISAC)

Aug. 2-6. Changchun, P. R. China Contact: Qinhan Jin, Department of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun 130023, P. R. China (86-431-822331 ext. 2433; fax 86-431-823907) 1994 North American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) Conference

Sept. 25-28. Toronto, Ontario, Canada Contact: The Complete Conference, 1540 River Park Dr., #111, Sacramento, CA 958154608 (916-922-7032) 2 1 s t C o n f e r e n c e of t h e F e d e r a t i o n of A n a l y t i c a l C h e m i s t r y a n d S p e c troscopy Societies (FACSS)

April 10-13. Mandelieu La Napoule, France Contact: Elsevier Advanced Technology, Mayfield House, 256 Banbury Rd., Oxford, OX2 7DH, U.K. (44-865-512242; fax 44-865310981) 56 A


Replaceable Molecular-Sieving Gels for Automated HPCE of Proteins and Nucleic Acids. Stellan Hjertén, Tasanee Srichaiyo, Anders Palm Multidimensional Separations by Combined LC/CE. James W. Jorgenson, Alvin W. Moore, John P. Larmann, Anthony V. Lemmo

Analytica '94

Jan. 24-26. Houston Contact InfoScience Services, Inc., Conference Division, 3000 Dundee Rd., Suite 313, Northbrook, IL 60062 (708-291-9161; fax 708-291-0097)

Jan. 25-28. San Diego, CA Contact Scitec Inc., 105 Barksdale Professional Center, Newark, DE 19711 (302-7373045; fax 302-737-7781) or Scitec, Av. de Provence'20, CH-1000 Lausanne 20, Switzerland (41-21-6241533; fax 41-21-6241549)


Oct. 2-7. St. Louis, MO Contact: FACSS, 198 Thomas Johnson Dr., Suite S-2, Frederick, MD 21702-4317 (301846-4797) 1, 1994