Meeting Calendar
American Chemical Society 92ND MEETING.
Pittsburgh, P a . , Sep-
tember 7 t o 11, 1936. 93RD MEETING. Chapel Hill, N. C , April 12 t o 15, 1937. 94TH MEETING.
Rochester, N . Y. f Sep-
tember 13 t o 17,1937. 95TH MEETING. Dallas, Texas, spring of
MICROBIOLOGY. London, July 25 to August 1,1936. INTERNATIONAL
ton, D . C , September 7 t o 12,
Canadian Chemical Convention
Other Scientific Societies AMERICAN ASSOCIATION O F C E R E A L C H E M -
HE principal executives of t h e member T firms of t h e Institute of Paper Chemistry will gather a t Appleton on J u n e 5 and 6 t o a t t e n d its first executive conference a n d make a thorough inspection of the institute buildings, including t h e new additions, which a r e expected t o b e completed by t h a t time. After going over t h e entire plant a n d equipment t h e officials will attend a series of meetings with a d ministrators a n d staff members of t h e institution, in which its program a n d aims will be reviewed a n d discussed. The institute h a s previously held conferences of t h e technical representatives of member mills, b u t this is t h e first conference specifically planned for executives. The conference will bring together t h e executives of more than fifty nationally known firms engaged in t h e manufacture of paper a n d pulp.
Alpha Chi Sigma Conclave THE Fourteenth Biennial Conclave of Alpha Chi Sigma will take place in Cincinnati, Ohio, J u n e 16 t o 20, with headquarters in t h e Netherland Plaza Hotel. The Alpha Delta chapter a t t h e University of Cincinnati, a n d t h e Cincinnati Professional Chapter, a r e t h e conclave hosts. Reservations or requests for information should be addressed t o t h e Secretary of the General Planning Committee, James C. McFarland, 94 H e n r y Court, F t . Thomas, K y .
ISTS. Adolphus Hotel, Dallas, Texas, June 1 t o 5, 1936.
Program o f Thirteenth Colloid Symposium W a s h i n g t o n University, S t . L o u i s , M o . , J u n e 11 t o 1 3 , 1936 Electronic Analysis of Some Surfaces, Using Slow Speed Electrons. R O B E R T J . M Y E R S AND W. D . H A R K I N S .
Polymolecular Films: Mixed Films of Two or More Components. NEERS. Hotel Pennsylvania, New E . A. H A U S E R . T h e Application of the York, N . Y. t June 12, 1936. SemiSpeed Motion Camera to Surface annual meeting. Baltimore, Md., NoTension Research of Liquids. vember 11 t o 13, 1936. F R A N C E S O. SCHMITT AND LYMAN F O U R T . AMERICAN L E A T H E R CHEMISTS ASSOCIAThe Properties of Unimolecular Films TION. Skytop Lodge, Skytop, Pa., of Nerve Protein. June 10 t o 12, 1936. J . W . WILLIAMS AND C. C . W A T S O N . AMERICAN O I L CHEMISTS' SOCIETY. Electrophoresis of Proteins. Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans, La., J . W . M C B A I N AND W I N I F R E D M C May 28 t o 29.1936. CLATCHIO T H O M A S . Electrolytic MiAMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY. Univergration of Ferric Hydroxide Sol. sity of Washington, Seattle, Wash., SAMUEL L E N H E R AND J . EDWARD SMITH. June 16 t o 20, 1936, joint meeting with A Diffusion Study of D y e s . Pacific Division of A. A. A. S. Uni- P . A. SHAFFER. Catalysis of Ionic Oxidaversity of Rochester, Rochester, N . Y., tion-Reduction Reactions by Dyes and June 22 and 23, 1936. Its Probable Mechanism. AMERICAN P U B L I C H E A L T H ASSOCIATION. I . M . KOLTHOFF. Adsorption on Ionic New Orleans, La., October 2 0 t o 23, Lattices. 1936. H A N S J E N N Y AND W. P . K E L L E Y . The AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR T E S T I N G M A T E Nature of Adsorption Centers on Silicate RIALS. Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, AtlanSurfaces. tic City, N . J., June 29 t o July 3, 1936. EDGAR F A H S SMITH MEMORIAL L E C T U R E .
Houston Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, P a . , M a y 22, 1936. Meeting, 8:15 P . M., "Chemistry and Progress in Medicine," by J . Stieglitz. C O N G R E S S AND E X -
POSITION. Atlantic City, N . J . , October 5 t o 9, 1936.
Ferrocyanide Sol.
R O B E R T J . M O O N AND W . D . H A R K I N S .
Paper a n d P u l p Executives t o Meet
2 3 , 1936.
Speaker, Edward Mack, Jr., Ohio State University. VIRGINIA. Richmond, Va., June 12,1936. Business meeting.
N o r t h American Cyanamid C o . , L t d . , has invited t h e delegates t o visit its plant. Other industrial trips are being arranged.
GLASS. London and Sheffield, England, July 2 t o 11, 1936.
THE Niagara District Chemical and I n 1 dustrial Association Mill act a s host OKLAHOMA PETROLEUM G R O U P . Hotel Alvin, Tulsa, M a y 23, 1936. Meeting, for t h e Canadian Chemists' Convention 7 p. M., "Fuels for Today's a n d T o - a t Niagara Falls, J u n e 9 t o 11,1936, which morrow's Engines," b y Earl Bartholo- will b e a joint meeting of t h e Canadian Chemical Association and t h e Canadian mew. Institute of Chemistry. T h e General PACIFIC REGIONAL G R O U P O F LOCAL S E C TIONS. Seattle, Wash., June 16 t o 20, Brock Hotel has been chosen a s head1936. Joint meeting with Pacific Divi- quarters and rooms will also be available sion of American Association for t h e there for sectional meetings, a s well a s for t h e general meeting. C. E . K. Mees, of Advancement of Science. t h e Eastman Kodak Co., will give an T H I R T E E N T H COLLOID SYMPOSIUM. Washillustrated lecture o n "Color Photography ington University, St. Louis, Mo., June a n d t h e Kodachrome Process" on t h e 11 t o 13,1936. evening of June 9 . Lewis Blake Duff, historian, will be t h e speaker a t t h e TuesLocal Sections d a y luncheon. D r . Billings, of t h e Hercules Powder Co., will speak on " T h e CALIFORNIA. J u n e 12, 1936. Training of Men for Research." CONNECTICUT VALLEY. Pittsfield, Mass., The Canadian Institute of Chemistry May 2 3 , 1936. Complimentary luncheon by General Electric Co., will hold i t s principal meeting Wednesday. 1 p. M.; meeting, 2:30 p. M., " T h e Role There will be a luncheon which will be of Toxicology in Medico-Legal Autopsy," addressed by an outstanding speaker, by A. O. Gettler, followed by artificial following which the annual business meeting will b e held. A general meeting delightning demonstration. GEORGIA. Georgia School of Technology, voted t o the chemical profession will folAtlanta, May 22,1936. Dinner, 7 p. M. ; low. Interesting divisional programs are bemeeting, 7:45 p. M., " T h e Structure of Rubber and the Mechanism of I t s Elastic ing arranged b y t h e sections on industrial engineering, education, biological chemStretching," by Edward Mack, J r . istry, foods a n d cereals, a n d pure chemN E W YORK. New York Museum of Science and Industry, R . C. A. Building, istry. A dinner dance will be held Wednesday Rockefeller Center, June 5 , 1936. Dinner, 6:15 p . M.; informal meeting, evening, a n d Thursday afternoon t h e 7:30 p. M. ; inspect ion of exhibits, 8 P . M . ; social program, 9:30 p. M. Charge, $1.35. SOUTH
VOL. 14. N O . 10
of M e -
tallic Ammonio Complex Ions b y Silica Gel. B E T T Y R . MOXAGHAN AND H . L . W H I T E .
Factors Influencing Adsorption at Red Cell Surfaces. HARRY B. W E I S E R .
Mechanism of Coagu-
lation of Sols b y Electrolytes:
A Reply t o Verwey. Cathodic Colloids.
W. O. MILLXGAN. T h e Direct Examination of S o b b y X - R a y Diffraction Methods. HENRY
Character of Bituminous Coal. ALFRED J.
BOROUGH. T h e Physical Characterization of Lignin Substances. R. N . T R A X L E R . T h e Colloidal N a t u r e of Asphalt as Shown b y I t s Flow Properties. E . D . B A I L E Y , J . B . N I C H O L S , AND E L M E R
O. KRAEMER. Particle Size a n d Optical Properties of Emulsions. J.
Ultrafiltration through Cellophane of Porosity Adjusted between Colloidal and Molecular Dimensions. E. A. H A U S E R .
New Developments in
the Research on Thixotropic Gels. G. E . CUNNINGHAM. Adsorption of Ions and Physical Character of Precipitates. I I . Ferric Oxide a n d Bentonite Precipitates. P . K O E T S . Coacervation of Amylophosphoric Acid a n d Proteins. A limited number of abstracts of t h e above papers will be available before t h e meeting for those expecting t o attend the symposium. T o secure a copy of t h e abstracts in advance please address Harry B . Weiser, T h e Rice Institute, Houston, Texas.