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November/December 1993


Copyright 1993 by the American Chemical Society and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers BIPRET

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EDITOR J E R O M E S. S C H U L T Z Center for Biotechnology and Bioengineering University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261 Phone: (412) 648-7956 Fax: (412) 648-7762 ASSOCIATE EDITOR, REVIEWS M I C H A E L C. F L I C K I N G E R Institute for Advanced Studies in Biological Process Technology University of Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: (612) 624-9706 Fax: (612) 625-1700 ADVISORY BOARD Fredric Bader Auto Immune James Bailey ΕΤΗ, Zurich Kenneth Bischoff University of Delaware Bruce Dale Texas A&M University Elmer Gaden, J r . University of Virginia J o h n Gerlt University of Maryland Juan Hong University of California—Irvine Rakesh Jain Harvard Medical School John Jost Genentech, Inc. A l e x a n d e r Klibanov Massachusetts Institute of Technology Michael Ladisch Purdue University Douglas Lauffenburger University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Daryl Lund Rutgers University Janice Phillips Lehigh University Sharon Shoemaker University of California—Davis Michael Shuler Cornell University Gregory S t e p h a n o p o u l o s Massachusetts Institute of Technology JoAnn Stubbe Massachusetts Institute of Technology James Swartz Genentech, Inc. Elizabeth Theil North Carolina State University K. V e n k a t Phyton Catalytic, Inc H e n r y Wang University of Michigan H o w a r d Weetall National Institute of Science and Technology



Sustaining Protein Synthesis in t h e Absence of Rapid Cell Division: An Investigation of Plasmid-Encoded Protein Expression in Escherichia coli during Very Slow Growth Michael C. F l i c k i n g e r * and Michael P . R o u s e



Comparison of Metabolism of Hybridoma Cells Cultured in Media Supplemented with Whey or Fetal Calf Serum C. Legrand,* J. Capiaumont, F. B e l l e v i l l e , and P . N a b e t


Development of Scale-Down Techniques for Investigation of Recombinant Escherichia coli Fermentations: Acid Metabolites in Shake Flasks and Stirred Bioreactors Mary E l l e n Dahlgren,* A l a n L. P o w e l l , R a n d o l p h L. Greasham, and H u g h A. George


Continuous Production of Cell-Free Recombinant Proteins Using Escherichia coli P e n g Y u and Ka-Yiu S a n *


Copy N u m b e r Modulation in an Autoselection System for Stable Plasmid Maintenance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae C. Compagno, A. T u r a , B . M. Ranzi, L. Alberghina, and E. Martegani*


Growth versus Function in t h e Three-Dimensional Culture of Single and Aggregated Hepatocytes within Collagen Gels P a t r i c i a A. Parsons-Wingerter and W. Mark S a l t z m a n *


Dehalogenation by Cytochrome P-450cam: Effect of Oxygen Level on t h e Decomposition of l,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Gary S. Koe and V i n c e n t L. Vilker*


Growth, Nutrient Consumption, and End-Product Accumulation in Sf-9 and BTI-EAA Insect Cell Cultures: Insights into Growth Limitation and Metabolism Charles Bédard, R o s a n n e Tom, and A m i n e Kamen*


Crossflow Microfiltration of Yeast Suspensions in Tubular Filters Sanjeev G. Redkar and Robert H. D a v i s *


Evaluation of Crude Hydroxypropyl Starch As a Bioseparation Aqueous-Phase-Forming Polymer A r m a n d o V e n â n c i o , J o s é A. Teixeira,* a n d M a n u e l M o t a