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March/April 1995

VOLUME 11, NUMBER 2 Copyright 1995 by the American Chemical Society and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers

BIPRET 11(2) 115-234




EDITOR J E R O M E S. SCHULTZ Center for Biotechnology and Bioengineering University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 Phone: (412) 383-9712 Fax: (412) 383-9710 ASSOCIATE EDITOR, REVIEWS M I C H A E L C. F L I C K I N G E R Institute for Advanced Studies in Biological Process Technology University of Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: (612) 624-9706 Fax: (612) 625-1700 ADVISORY BOARD Fredric Bader Auto Immune J a m e s Bailey ΕΤΗ, Zurich K e n n e t h Bischoff University of Delaware B r u c e Dale Texas A&M University J o h n Gerlt University of Maryland J u a n Hong University of California—Irvine J e n n i f e r C. H u n t e r - C e v e r a Society for Industrial Microbiology Rakesh Jain Harvard Medical School John Jost Genentech, Inc. Alexander Klibanov Massachusetts Institute of Technology Michael Ladisch Purdue University Douglas Lauffenburger University of Illinois, Urbana—Champaign Daryl L u n d Rutgers University J a n i c e Phillips Lehigh University Sharon Shoemaker University of California—Davis Michael S h u l e r Cornell University Gregory Stephanopoulos Massachusetts Institute of Technology JoAnn Stubbe Massachusetts Institute of Technology J a m e s Swartz Genentech, Inc. Elizabeth Theil North Carolina State University K. Venkat Phyton Catalytic, Inc H e n r y Wang University of Michigan H o w a r d Weetall National Institute of Science and Technology



Tissue Engineering of a Bioartificial P a n c r e a s : Modeling t h e Cell E n v i r o n m e n t a n d Device Function Evangelos Tziampazis a n d Athanassios Sambanis* BIOCATALYSTS A N D B I O R E A C T O R D E S I G N


Protective Effects of Polymer Additives on Animal Cells Exposed to Rapidly Falling Liquid Films J i a n y o n g Wu, Andrew J . Daugulis, P e t e r F a u l k n e r , a n d M a t t h e u s F . A. Goosen*


Computer Simulation of Low-Density Lipoprotein Removal in t h e Presence of a Bioreactor Containing Phospholipase A2 Samuel D. Shefer, J o s h u a Breslau, a n d R o b e r t Langer*


Cell D a m a g e a n d Oxygen M a s s Transfer during Cultivation of Nicotiana tabacum in a Stirred-Tank Bioreactor Chung-Han Ho, Kelley A. Henderson, a n d Gregory L. Rorrer*


Batch a n d Semicontinuous Aggregation a n d Sedimentation of Hybridoma Cells by Acoustic Resonance Fields Phylis W. S. P u i , Felix Trampler, Stefan A. Sonderhoff, M a r t i n Groeschl, Douglas G. Kilburn, a n d J a m e s M. Piret*


Microbial Reduction of Sulfur Dioxide with Anaerobically Digested Municipal Sewage Biosolids as Electron Donors Punjai T. Selvaraj a n d Kerry L. Sublette*



Microbial Adaptation to A l u m i n u m Vasu D. Appanna,* J o h n Huang, Elzbieta Prusak-Sochaczewski, a n d Micheal St. P i e r r e


A Simple Model To Predict t h e Effectiveness of Molecules T h a t Block A t t a c h m e n t of H u m a n Rhinoviruses a n d O t h e r Viruses Thomas J . Wickham, Michael L. Shuler, a n d Daniel A. Hammer*


Constitutive Overexpression of Secreted Heterologous Proteins Decreases Extractable BiP a n d Protein Disulfide Isomerase Levels in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Anne Skaja Robinson a n d K. Dane Wittrup*