Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine - ACS Publications

Edible oils, olive oil, hazelnut oil, wine, tequila, coffee, tea, milk, cheese, milk ... (CAPS) based assay, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), ...
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Chapter 1

Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine

Downloaded by on August 31, 2015 | Publication Date (Web): November 17, 2011 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2011-1081.ch001

Gary R. Takeoka1 and Susan E. Ebeler*,2 1Western Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 800 Buchanan Street, Albany, CA 94710 2Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 *E-mail: [email protected]

Authentication of foods, wines and beverages for varietal, country- (or region-) of-origin, and processing conditions is becoming of increasing concern to consumers and regulators both in the U.S. and internationally. As markets become more globalized and foods and beverages are sourced from many locations outside of the U.S., the need for information on product authenticity is becoming mandated either by legal regulations or by market demand. However, there are significant chemical and analytical challenges faced in confirming food authenticity and determining food adulteration. Here we highlight some recent cases that emphasize the need for improved analytical information that will limit economic fraud and improve food safety.

Introduction As reviewed by Winterhalter (1), adulteration of foods and beverages has been a problem since the beginning of food commerce. As a result, regulations have developed to ensure the safety and integrity of our food supply and there have been concomitant improvements in analytical tools to ensure that food composition is consistent with labeling and consumer expectations. The authenticity of numerous products has been studied (Table I). Details of the authenticity testing for various foods and wines are discussed in the following book chapters. Some methods that have been used for authenticity testing are listed in Table II and have also been discussed in a recent book (2).

© 2011 American Chemical Society In Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine; Ebeler, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

Table I. Examples of products that have been investigated for authentication Edible oils, olive oil, hazelnut oil, wine, tequila, coffee, tea, milk, cheese, milk powder, fruit juices, lemon juices and concentrates, apple juices, blood orange juices, (E)-α(β)-ionone from raspberries, α-ionone, β-ionone from various sources, bitter almond oil, cinnamon oil, natural vanilla flavorings, ginseng, Echinacea root, balsamic vinegar, rice, honey, hazelnuts, fish, anchovy, tuna, sole, sardine, salmon, razor clams, fish oils capsules, mustard oils

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Table II. Examples of methods used for authentication HPLC, GC-MS, electronic nose, MALDI-TOF MS, electrospray ionization (ESI) FT ion cyclotron resonance MS (FT-ICR MS), capillary gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry in the combustion and pyrolysis modes (HRGC-C/P-IRMS), stir bar sorption extraction enantio-multidimensional gas chromatography mass spectrometry (SBSE enantio-MDGC-MS), UV-Vis, FT-Raman, FT-MIR, FT-NIR, front-face fluorescence spectroscopy, site-specific natural isotope fractionation-nuclear magnetic resonance (SNIF-NMR), 1H NMR, polymerase chain reaction-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (PCR-ELISA), sequence tagged site-restriction fragment length polymorphism (STS-RFLP), PCR-RFLP, optical thin-film biosensor chips, lab-on-a-chip capillary electrophoresis (CE), cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) based assay, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), sensory evaluation

For example, a wide variety of methods has been used to determine the authenticity of olive oil. Spectroscopic methods such as infrared (IR) (3), near-infrared (NIR) (4), mid-infrared (5), and Raman (6), combined with chemometrics have been employed to detect adulterants in olive oil. Vigli et al. (7) used a combination of 1H NMR and 31P NMR spectroscopy and multivariate statistical analysis to classify 192 samples from 13 types of vegetable oils, namely hazelnut, sunflower, corn, soybean, sesame, walnut, rapeseed, almond, palm, groundnut, safflower, coconut, and virgin olive oils. 1,2-Diglycerides, 1,3-diglycerides, the ratio of 1,2-diglycerides to total diglycerides, acidity, iodine value, and fatty acid composition determined on analysis of the respective 1H NMR and 31P NMR spectra were selected as variables to establish a classification/prediction model by employing discriminant analysis. Fresh virgin olive oils extracted from olives of normal ripeness are characterized by high 1,2-diglycerides to total diglycerides ratio (D ≥ 0.90). Use of fresh virgin olive oil samples (D ≥ 0.90) allowed detection of adulteration as low as 5% w/w with this NMR method. Electrospray ionization (ESI) Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) has been used to resolve and identify thousands of distinct chemical components of commercial canola, olive and soybean oils without prior chromatographic separation (8). In negative-ion ESI FT-ICR MS, the acidic components of soybean oil are easily distinguished from those of canola and olive oil based on relative abundances of C18 fatty acids (the most abundance species in canola and olive oil is C18:1, while in soybean oil it is C18:2), whereas olive oil differs from canola and soybean oil based on relative abundances of tocopherols (β,γ-tocopherol has a high relative abundance in both canola and soybean oil but low relative abundance in olive oil). In positive-ion 4 In Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine; Ebeler, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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ESI FT-ICR MS, the three oils are readily distinguished according to the relative abundances of di- and triacylglycerols with various numbers of double bonds in the fatty acid chains. This technique does not require chemical pretreatment, extraction or chromatographic separation yet provides a new way to characterize vegetable oils and to detect and identify adulterants. Sánchez-Hernández and co-workers (9) developed a capillary electrophoresis method with UV detection for the determination of trigonelline (N-methylnicotinic acid) in seeds and vegetable oils. Trigonelline was determined in soy and sunflower seeds and their respective oils but was not detected in olives or olive oils. Trigonelline was proposed as a novel marker for the detection of olive oil adulteration with vegetable oils such as soy and sunflower oils. There has been a growing interest in the application of DNA-based markers since they are independent from environmental conditions. Specific protocols for DNA isolation from olive oil have been developed (10–13). qRT-PCR is a useful tool in the development of molecular markers for olive oil authentication and it should be used for the optimization of critical parameters such as the amplicon size and the DNA isolation method (14). Plastid based molecular DNA technology has been proposed as a rapid method for the detection of adulterants such as canola and sunflower oils in olive oil (15).

Recent Examples The adulteration of coffee with cereals, coffee twigs, brown sugar, etc. is considered to be a serious problem affecting Brazilian coffee quality with corn being considered as the mostly widely used adulterant. In response to this problem, researchers at the National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research in Peoria, IL developed an HPLC method measuring tocopherols to detect coffee adulteration with corn (16). Six coffee varieties were analyzed by HPLC and were found to contain the following percentages of α-, β-, γ-, and δ-tocopherol: 29.0, 61.7, 3.3, and 6.0, respectively. Six roasted corn samples contained the following percentages of α-, γ-, and δ-tocopherol: 3.6, 91.3, and 5.1, respectively. These differences in tocopherol content were applied to detect corn in a pure coffee sample intentionally contaminated with corn with the best result obtained with γ-tocopherol. Using this methodology, the researchers found one coffee sample that was apparently adulterated (8.9%), mostly likely with corn. Though the results were considered preliminary, it appeared that γ-tocopherol fingerprinting has the potential as a marker to detect corn adulteration in coffee. The adulteration of traditional Basmati (TB) rice varieties with evolved Basmati (EB) varieties and long-grain non-Basmati (NB) varieties is performed by unscrupulous traders to earn additional profits. Basmati rice is a highly prized rice on the international market. Originated in the Himalayas, Basmati is a long grain rice with a pleasant and distinct aroma and soft and fluffy texture when cooked. Unfortunately, Basmati also has undesirable traits such as tall stature, low yield and photosensitivity. Attempts since the 1970s to develop high yielding Basmati rice varieties by cross breeding resulted in many high yielding EB varieties. However, they did not match the quality standards of the TB varieties. 5 In Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine; Ebeler, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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TB (i.e., Basmati370, Dehradum, and Taraori) varieties command a higher price ($850/MT) compared to EB varieties (i.e., Pusa Basmati, Mahi Basmati and Super Basmati) ($480-520/MT) while NB varieties (i.e., PR106) have even a lower value ($106/MT) (17). Adulteration is a problem since it is difficult to differentiate between TB, EB and NB rice on the basis of visual observation or physiochemical tests. To solve this problem, Vemireddy and co-workers (17) developed a capillary electrophoresis (CE) based microsatellite DNA profiling protocol which facilitates quick and accurate detection and quantification of the adulteration of Basmati rice. The single-tube assay multiplexes eight microsatellite loci viz., RM1, RM55, RM44, RM348, RM241, RM202, RM72 and RM171 to generate variety specific allele profiles that can detect adulteration from 1% upwards. A recent case of food fraud involved the false labeling of “industrial eggs” (eggs that do not meet the quality requirements of sale to the public but instead can only be used in processed foods once liquefied) and battery eggs (eggs produced by chickens in cages) as free range or organic. Between June 2004 and May 2006, a wholesaler, Keith Owen who ran Heart of England Eggs Unlimited, supplied about 100 million falsely labeled eggs to bigger packing companies which, in turn, provided the majority of eggs to the major supermarkets and numerous small shops. When inspectors checked a selection of Owen’s allegedly free range eggs with UV light they found wire marks that showed that the eggs had been laid on a metal cage, not on a bed of straw. Mr. Owen was sentenced to three years in jail and was also ordered to pay £250,000 in costs and to settle a £3 million confiscation order within 12 months. Wine is commonly sold with labeling information regarding the grape variety used, the appellation or grape growing region, and the vintage or age—and price and consumer expectations are frequently determined based on this information. Two recent, high profile examples highlight the need for improvements in our ability to authenticate the labeling information for any given bottle of wine. In the first instance, concerns have arisen that some high-end, collectible wines sold at auction for thousands of dollars per bottle were actually counterfeit, cheaper wines, bottled to look like their authentic counterparts (18–20). On the other end of the price scale, producers in France have been convicted of replacing Pinot noir wine with cheaper Merlot and Syrah wines; approximately 13.5 million liters of the mislabeled Pinot noir wine was sold to Gallo Winery in the U.S. which was then incorporated into millions of bottles of popular Gallo wine brands (21, 22). In these, like most cases, confirmation of the fraudulent claims is difficult however and often relies on following production records—which may no longer exist or may not be complete in the case of many older collectible wines.

Challenges The above examples point to an increasing need to develop analytical tools and information that can be used to ensure that foods, wines, and beverages that consumers obtain in the marketplace are consistent with label information and while many successful analytical methods have been developed, several challenges remain. 6 In Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine; Ebeler, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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One of the main challenges for authentication of foods and beverages is the need for accurate reference materials and standards that can be used to ensure proof-of-identity. The difficulties in developing these authentic standards are exemplified in the Chilean wine industry where many vineyard plantings of Merlot grapevines actually turned out to be plantings of Carménère (23, 24). Because of similarities in the visual appearance of these two varieties, the misidentifications were not recognized until the late 1990’s when methods were developed for differentiating different grape cultivars using specific DNA markers. Use of DNA markers has now become one of the most reliable means to confirm species identification of plant and animal materials (25–28) and has also been used to confirm the existence of allergens and GMOs in the food supply (29, 30). Therefore, when possible, DNA markers should be the first method used to confirm species or cultivar identify before further instrumental analyses are developed and applied to differentiate chemical profiles such as cultivar differences in polyphenol composition in grape. In practice, proof-of-identity using DNA markers is limited for many foods since the DNA can be readily degraded during storage and processing, particularly during thermal processing and/or as a result of enzymatic and acidic degradation reactions (31, 32). However, new extraction methods and fragment sequencing procedures are being developed which may make it possible to obtain DNA fragments from highly processed matrices (e.g., wines), for use in PCR-based authentication procedures (33, 34). One area where there has been significant progress is the development of certified standard reference materials for the dietary supplements and botanicals industries where Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) regulations require that manufacturers establish specifications for identity and purity of the supplement and set limits on contaminants and adulterants (35). In the U.S., the National Institute of Standards, in conjunction with the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, and the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research is developing Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) for dietary supplements. These SRMs must meet proof of identity criteria (such as confirmation by DNA markers), have well defined sample characteristics (i.e., ground, dried, sieved to a certain size, etc.), be packaged to ensure chemical and microbial stability, and be analyzed to ensure that the matrix and material represents certified values for active ingredients (36). Development of these and similar commercially available certified materials will be a valuable tool to improve the analytical chemist’s ability to identify unknown botanical products in the future. Along with reference materials, authentic chemical reference standards are needed for accurate quantitation and characterization of food composition. For example, phenolic glycosides and chiral compounds are often used for authentication of foods and essential oils (reviewed in (37)), however, standard chemical reference compounds of known structure and chirality are often unavailable or of insufficient purity to confirm their identification in unknown samples. Del Mar Caja et al. (38) have further demonstrated that ‘natural’ and ‘synthetic’ sources of many chemicals differ in their ™ 13CV-PDB and ™ 2HV-SMOW values therefore accurate sourcing information for many chemicals may be needed if isotope ratio analysis is used for authentication of foods and 7 In Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine; Ebeler, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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essential oil components. When the standards are not readily available or not-well characterized, additional analyses or further purification are needed to determine the identity of compounds in unknown samples, adding significantly to analysis cost and time. Further challenges arise from the natural variation in the chemical composition of most foods and beverages. Because this natural variation can be quite extensive, procedures for authentication of foods and beverages will require creation of large databases of analytical information that represent the range of matrices, analyte concentrations, and processing or storage conditions that might be expected for a given sample type (e.g., to authenticate wines of a given grape variety, wines with a range of residual sugar and alcohol levels should be included in the analytical databases). Creation of these databases will require large numbers of samples and, in most cases, information on multiple analytes (e.g., both volatile and non-volatile analytes). Using powerful statistical tools, the compositional information in the databases can then be used to develop models that will allow unknown samples to be differentiated based on the criteria of interest. For example, although PCA has been widely used as a multivariate statistical tool for authentication studies, Cuny et al. (39) used the recently developed Independent Component Analysis (ICA) technique to process complex data from 1H NMR spectroscopy and showed that ICA was better able to discriminate between orange juice and grapefruit juice samples (and their mixtures) than PCA. In another example, artificial neural networks were successfully used to verify the geographic origin of commercial mineral waters based on the chemical ion composition (40). Finally, two chemometric approaches, principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA), successfully classified different South African wines based on the grape cultivar using combined data from the volatile composition and mid-infrared spectral profiles (41). In summary, while much progress has been made in developments and applications of databases and multivariate statistical tools, most databases to date are still limited to relatively small numbers of related samples or to a small number of analyte profiles. In addition, because blending is allowed for many foods and beverages (e.g., up to 15% of a wine can be of a variety other than that indicated on the label;, more work is needed to develop databases and corresponding statistical models that can identify and distinguish these blends. Finally, in order to obtain the vast compositional information from such large numbers of samples, improved analytical tools that rapidly, accurately, and sensitively profile large numbers of analytes are of increasing interest and are finding wide application for food authentication. Some promising recent analytical approaches have utilized Laboratory-on-a-Chip Capillary Electrophoresis for DNA-based assays (42); multi-chemical sensor arrays including “electronic noses” and “electronic tongues” (43, 44); and rapid MS-based profiling procedures (8, 45, 46) to authenticate a range of foods and beverages. Increasingly analytical instrumentation manufacturers are recognizing the need for development of new high-throughput tools for detecting food adulteration and for addressing authentication issues and we can expect to continue to see advances in this area (47–49). 8 In Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine; Ebeler, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

In summary, while there have been many advances in analytical tools for determining the authenticity of a food or beverage, cases of economic fraud and adulteration still occur and will continue to challenge the analytical chemist. By highlighting the current state-of-the-art as well as emphasizing the need for additional research in this area scientists will play an important role to ensure that our food supply is safe and that consumers will be truly getting what they pay for.


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11 In Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine; Ebeler, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.