Progress in Drug Research. - ACS Publications

(J. R. Gillette), Indole Compounds (R. V. Heinzelman and ,J. rizmuszkovicz), Spectrofluorometry in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. (H. G. Leemann, K. Stich,...
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Science Citation Index. Institute f o r Scientific Inforiii:itiiin, Philadelphia, Pa. 19106. 1961. $700. 1964. 5 Vd. 2600 1111. 24.5 X 30 cin. $1250 for some 1ihr:wies ai111 iiiclividiids. 61950 for others.

This is i i iiiassive undertaliing, :it :I p r i w IIIIIJ-felv indivitlu:ils large libraries \vi11 he iihle to :tflortl, to t:tlie iridivitlu:d i i i trrprrt:ition out of the indesing iirttl t'ie reading o f 1iter:iturr. a1istr:icts. Hg comparing referencm to ii giveii p i p e r i i i virtii:illl. :dl nutjor srientifir journitls of ever\- hue, :isysteni h : ~ siieeit d(,vcloped by 1vhic.h all tiortiers hetucwi dortriiirxs ai-(>tieing criissetl, :tnd t h e reader is given a quickg1anc.e :tt t h e iiiilinct of rrrie :iiit,lii!r'F ivork o n tlie thoughts of other scient,ists. T,cioliirig up, for e\-:tmple, the n:inie :md journal reference t o a given piipt'r. t hc' sr:tri~hcr will find i n the same eritry preceding :irticles ti:. the, sirme :tutlior quoted :is previous a r t , as \vr~lliis tiir p:ipprs h>-:dl other :iuthors wliii h:tve quoted thc: first investig:itrir's \viirl< iii t h c i r I I W I researc,h publicatiiins. Thus. perspec,tive is :itid the, origin:tl reference to he lorjked u p Ijec.ciiiic~iricire wiit :is reflec>tedby t h e ideas it has stiniul:itetl i n others. Hiin \vould you like to look up a paper i n :I jiiiirnal o f dairy s('ienoe : i l l t i tliscwver t h t some physical propert ie o n :I viscosity equatiori developed 53 ;iiidJ furthermorc~.t h a t thr. idea i i f I I :idv:iiii~xl \iy t h e :ipplic:ition of tlicl v:lrietl t v p i c s :is iiitrinsic: veliwity, t h t size :ind sh:ip(~o f ntii~ellc~s, t i l e properties of the protoplitsni of : i t i i i i t ~ h i :~t i, i d t i i t , v : i I i u l : i t i o t i of rrtornic dimensions? No other indexing systeni niakes p:issiIik t h e cri)ss-frrtiliz:ltii~~i o f the scierices as does the present series. In rnedicin:il rheriiistry. where progress c:tn tie acahieved only by :I c~ofluenceof many tlric,trines, this citation index !vi11 he esperially wel(~onie. -4ud fidlj., p:ttmt srarcalies will be facilitated considerably Liy nnc.overiii$ (::tses in iirirelat,ed arras which mag h:ivo :I iiearing oil t h e (~iisei r i qiiestiun. T h r a iii:iiir disadvantage (if' this irides \vork--iipiirt friiin its foriiitldirig i-(1st-is the very fine print which, i r i :I prolorigetl seurc,Ii, \Till make t h e use of a inngnifging glnss imper:itivt~. :inti

Progress in Drug Research. Volunir ii. I.;tlited 1,y F;. J L - C I i E I t . I3irkhiiuser Verlag, Basel, S\\-itzrrl:ind 1963. 17 X 21.6 c n i . 423 pp. Swiss Fr. 10s

It is :L pleasurtl to see the svieritific standards of this iiiiport:int series rise from volume to volunie. T h t present book prtserits four riiono,yraph-type reviews, c~iirnplete,witical, i i i i t l I * : L ~ P fully prqiared. Only t h e fifth cahapter, S e \ v Drugs, kiy \\ . B u n a ret:tins the noncritical attitude ( i f siniiltir previoilj r e v i e w O I I rcxrent drugs. I t is :t i~onlpihtionof nm\-c.linic.:il and eslleririicnt:rl drugs, niaiiy of rr-hicah h : r w i i i i t 11eeri iipproveti for gerieriil p r : i c i ire. the ~ipiriionsof soiiie ~ ~ ~ ~ n i ~riiitn.ithst:iriding. ~:i~iies Tiicl four i~i~tstandirigly g i i ~ ~chapters tl :iw l h i g 3Ietiihcilisiii I. R. Gillette), Iutliile C i i n ~ ~ i i i u ~ (i dRs. V. Heirizelniiiri i i t i t l ,J. zniuszkovicz). Siiec~triifluirro~netr~~ iii Pharni:it~c~utic:ll Chernistr!, ( H . 0.I,eeniaiiii, K. Stich, and 11. T111~tii:t~). :ind 13iologicallv