PROGRESS REPORT - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a comprehensive representat...
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CELLOSIZE HEC effective as surface size for paper Paperboard mills now have an impor­ tant time- and money-saving material in CELLOSIZE hydroxyethyl cellulose. When CELLOSIZE HEC is used as a par­ tial replacement for starch, a tank full of surface size lasts 25 to 50 per cent longer with at least equivalent sizing perform­ ance. Ease of handling and lower cost per pound make CELLOSIZE H E C a clear

SIZE H E C consistent with t h e total solids needed to meet board specifica­ tions should be selected for mill evalu­ ation. If the water box, calender stack, or coater is kept a t elevated temperatures, a considerably higher viscosity grade may be used than a t room temperature. The most viscous grade is recommended for partial replacement of starch. Full information on CELLOSIZE hy­ droxyethyl cellulose is available from your CARBIDE Technical Representa­ tive, or by checking the coupon.

Hydroxyethyl cellulose

Free-flowing CELLOSIZE H E C , a non-

ionic synthetic colloid, dissolves in hot or cold water without cooking, and has exceptional tolerance for dissolved salts, papermaker's alum, gums, and adhesives, including borate-stabilized adhesives. Solutions of CELLOSIZE H E C are not tacky and cause no picking on therolls. CELLOSIZE H E C films are clear, flex­ ible, and virtually insoluble in t h e or­ ganic solvents used in inks and overcoat varnishes—making C E L L O S I Z E H E C

superior as a gloss and ink holdout surface size for paperboard. These same properties suggest the use of CELLOSIZE HEC as a grease-resistant coating for paper and paperboard. CELLOSIZE H E C is available in seven uniform grades covering a wide range of viscosities. In addition, any two grades of CELLOSIZE H E C may be mixed to achieve the optimum total solidsviscosity combination for each mill. The highest viscosity grade of CELLO-


Four NIAX polyethers that reduce the cost of rigid urethane foams NIAX Hexol LS-490, Pentol LA-700, Pentol LA-475, and Triol LK-380 are four polyethers that have demonstrated their effectiveness in providing im­ proved formulations through custom control of urethane properties. These materials give rigid foam manufactur­ ers their broadest opportunity to select the right combination of properties for better, lower-cost urethanes. NIAX Hexol LS-490, a low-viscosity sorbitol adduct, is the newest addition to CARBIDE'S already broad line of poly­ ethers. N I A X LS-490 provides easilyhandled formulations with excellent dimensional stability, and is high in cross-linking action when used in rigid foams. NIAX Pentol LA-700 is an effective amine-based polyol, low in molecular

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D N I A X Polyethers D Low-toxicity Glycol-Ethers

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- N I A X Polyethers I—Low-Toxicity Glycol-Ethers

weight and penta-functional. This polyether is particularly useful as a crosslinker in rigid and semi-rigid foams, as well as sprayable formulations. NIAX Pentol LA-475 is particularly useful in sprayable rigid foam systems. NIAX Triol LK-380 gives rigid foams with excellent humid aging properties, high load-bearing and thermal insula­ tion properties and t h e lowest watervapor permissibility attainable. For more information on NIAX poly­ ethers, ask your CARBIDE Technical Representative, or use the coupon below.

Two low-toxicity glycol-ethers

choice as a cost cutting replacement for anionic materials such as the alginates.

Union Carbide Chemicals Company Div. of Union Carbide Corporation 270 Park Avenue, New York 17, Ν . Υ.


To its family of materials for foodpackaging and cosmetic applications, CARBIDE has added two new and inter­ esting propylene oxide-derived glycolethers— UCAR Solvents L M and 2LM. The LM member is the monomethyl ether of propylene glycol and 2LM is the monomethyl ether of dipropylene glycol. Both of these new materials have combinations of physical, chemical, toxicological, and solubility character­ istics t h a t are useful in a variety of applications. Because of their relatively low tox­ icity, UCAR Solvents LM and 2LM merit consideration for use as solvents and humectants in food-packaging and cosmetic applications, as well as other skin-contact preparations. The quality and purity of these new UCAR Solvents meet all contemporary specifications, with t h e additional ad­ vantages of narrower boiling ranges and lower water content. For more information on UCAR Sol­ vents L M and 2LM—now available in commercial quantities—call your CARBIDE Technical Representative, or check the coupon. CELLOSIZE, N I A X , and UCAR are registered trade


D Physical Properties of Synthetic Organic Chemicals



