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Nov 6, 2010 - Join ACS Publications in Boston for Fall MRS 2018. The Materials Research Society gathers in Boston for their fall meeting later this mo...
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New chemical for you to explore Its n a m e is long, so w e l l mention i t only once: N,N,N\N # -tetrarncthyi-l,3butanediamine. CH3

as a solvent, h u m e c t a n t , and preserva­ tive. It is ideal for dissolving food fla­ vorings and colorings. I n small quan­ tities, it helps packaged foods to retain their freshness a n d taste appeal.


Ν I CH 5 -CH-CH 2 --CH 2 -

CH 3

CH 3 Some of its physical properties are : Boiling point, 760 m m H g 165° C. Freezing point below -100° C. Solubility i n water, 20° C. complete This di-tertiary amine is a colorless, stable liquid, soluble in common or­ ganic solvents. It h a s proved to b e a highly active amine catalyst for polyurethane foams, with fast curing rate, and low odor level, producing soft foams. T h e new compound should be eval­ uated as a catalyst for epoxy resins. Its unique structure suggests applica­ tions i n high energy fuels. You can get this new chemical from CARBIDE i n 55-gallon drums i n LCL or

carload lots. Technical Information Bulletin F-40392 contains data on physical a n d physiological properties. For a copy, please check t h e coupon.

Double life of propylene glycol Propylene glycol, well known for its m a n y important industrial applica­ tions, is also supplied by CARBIDE as "U.S.P. grade." The high purity of this product is important to formulators of medicinals a n d certain food prod­ ucts. Propylene glycol acts as a softening agent, spreader, a n d emollient for cos­ metics a n d salves. Many perfumes, dyes, and medicinal preparations are improved by t h e addition of propylene glycol to their formulas. I t is often preferred as a hygroscopic agent, es­ pecially for m a i n t a i n i n g t h e moisture content of tobacco products. Colorless, odorless, a n d tasteless, propylene glycol U.S.P. is fully misci­ ble with water a n d extensively used

A full description of properties a n d useful applications for propylene gly­ col and CARBIDE'S other glycols is found in t h e 80-page booklet, "Glycols/' Get your copy by checking the coupon.

Because Union Carbide Chemicals Company h a s long supplied monoeth­ anoiamine t o the n a t u r a l gas industry, we are continually engaged i n ex­ tensive research activities designed t o improve gas treating processes. T h e re­ sults of this research are readily avail­ able to the industry t h r o u g h CARBIDE'S Technical Service Department. As a part of t h e service, a comprehensive bibliography of articles devoted to im­ proving g a s sweetening operations i s available. Compiled by CARBIDE, this p u b l i c a t i o n lists a l l m a j o r a r t i c l e s that have been published o n gas sweet­ ening a n d dehydration over a 25-year period. For a copy, checïc the coupon. Tear out this coupon. Check the boxes on which you'd like more information, and mail to Dept. H, Union Carbide Chemicals Company, 30 East 42nd Street. New York 17, Ν. Υ. D Bulletin F-40392. D Glycols. Π Gas Sweetening Bibliography. Name

Gas sweetening with ethanolamines


N a t u r a l gas h a s t a k e n on greatly in­ creased economic value in the past decade because of its rapidly increas­ ing use as a fuel for both h o m e a n d industry. As n a t u r a l gases come o u t of t h e ground, however, some contain traces of corrosive acid gases s u c h as hydrogen sulfide. Before the gas c a n be sent through long distance trans­ mission lines, t h e acid gases m u s t b e removed. Monoethanoiamine reacts with weak acids such as hydrogen sulfide and carbonic acid to form u n s t a b l e compounds. These decompose w h e n heated, liberating t h e acid gases a n d freeing the monoethanoiamine for re­ use. This provides a n economic, con­ tinuous process for removing these undesirable materials from t h e gas stream. Because of this, substantially all gas sweetening i n the United States is accomplished by the ethanolamines. I n some plants, m o n o e t h a n o i a m i n e is used along with diethylene glycol for simultaneous desulfurization a n d dehydration. Besides lowering t h e hy­ drogen, sulfide content, this m i x t u r e also removes water vapor which m i g h t form hydrates a n d thus block trans­ mission lines.


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sales office near you where you c a n obtain t h e services of a CARBIDE Tech­ nical Representative. His wide indus­ try experience is backed both by ex­ tensive chemical training and by Tech­ nical Specialists. "Union Carbide" is a registered trade-mark of Union Carbide Corporation.



^iiliiili^ill I UNION j CARBIDE !


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