Proposal revamps chemistry curriculum - C&EN Global Enterprise

Accumulated information for chemists has already reached such mammoth proportions that it is impossible to include everything of importance in a colle...
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Proposal revamps chemistry curriculum Three courses-general, structure, and dynamics-integrate organic and inorganic in compact basic program To dissolve the boundaries of traditional college chemistry courses and rearrange the entire undergraduate chemistry curriculum would be a formidable task. But that is just what Dr. George Hammond proposes. The California Institute of Technology chemist points out, "The objectives of chemists, the kinds of fundamental questions that they strive to answer, and their theoretical and experimental capabilities have all changed remarkably during the past two decades. The field as a whole seems to have more forward thrust at this time than it has possessed since the 1920's."

Accumulated information for chemists has already reached such mammoth proportions that it is impossible to include everything of importance in a college curriculum. As information and new ideas proliferate, college curriculums seem to become more inadequate, despite continuous efforts to upgrade courses. Since courses can't grow without limit, incorporation of new material always demands deletion of some subjects that have traditionally been considered indispensable to sound chemical education. One consequence of the changes within established courses is increasing incoher-

ence in the program as a whole. Some subjects are treated in several courses, with little attempt at cross correlation. Other important topics are neglected entirely. The time seems ripe for a change, Dr. Hammond believes, and he suggests a complete overhaul for college chemistry curriculums. He is not expecting ready acceptance of his proposal, although the Westheimer Report (C&EN, Nov. 29, 1965, page 72) in essence seems to agree with his approach. His pessimism is based upon his belief that chemists "have become highly conservative, an attitude that is

The proposed Hammond curriculum New


Traditional courses Analyticali Inorganicl Organic Physical

FIRST YEAR: GENERAL CHEMISTRY Atoms, molecules, bonds

* * * * * *

Elements and bond numbers Names of compounds Structural isomerism Compound structural units Architecture of molecules Electrons and bonds

* * * * * *

States of matter Intermolecular interactions Energy in chemistry Correlation of chemical structure Ionization


* * * *

* *

* *



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* *



Chemical reactions Conservation of mass Rates of chemical reactions Chemical equilibrium

* *

Reactivity relationships Reactivity Variation in reactivity CONSERVATISM. Dr. George Hammond, originator of the proposed curriculum, expresses why he thinks chemists may not readily accept his plan: "Chemists as a group have become highly conservative, an attitude that is inappropriate in any activity designed to produce new knowledge"

48 C&EN NOV. 14, 1966


Synthetic chemistry Objectives of synthetic chemistry

inappropriate in any activity designed to produce new knowledge." Dr. Hammond's proposal to establish a new college curriculum would eliminate the traditional basic chemistry courses ( such as organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry) and integrate material from these areas in a program reflecting a different classification of chemistry. After having redefined the principal fields of chemistry, Dr. Hammond has concluded that it is not feasible to insist that all students receive rigorous training in each field. He believes that a common core of courses should be required of all chemistry majors but that this core should be more compact than is now prevalent. The three core courses he suggests are: general chemistry, structural chemistry, and chemical dynamics. Students would study these three subjects in the first three years of college, with the balance of the curriculum consisting of elective courses. Limitation of the common core to three solid courses would provide a great deal of flexibility in the curricu-

lum. Because of the compact treatment of the various topics, professional competence in any of the subjects would require intensive advanced study. A series of textbooks based on Dr. Hammond's proposed curriculum is planned for publication by W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York City. Since each book would deal with more than one division of chemistry by present standards, it is probable that each book will be written by a team of two or three authors. Dr. Hammond intends to work with the authors in an attempt to achieve coherence among the parts of each book and among the books themselves. Target date for publishing the series is in about five years. Dr. Hammond's proposed freshman chemistry course, general chemistry, differs some from its current counterparts. Today's freshman college courses, sophisticated and challenging as they may be, are not "general chemistry," he says. The courses have included more and more physical

chemistry with almost exclusive emphasis on structural concepts. His proposed course in general chemistry would, he hopes, give the student a picture of the entire field of chemistry, the kinds of problems that it contains, and "various kinds of theory" used to attack problems. In addition, Dr. Hammond believes the course would be more useful to nonchemistry majors than are present introductory courses. The proposed general chemistry course begins, much like present freshman courses, with a discussion of elementary structural concepts—atoms, molecules, and chemical bonds. Next, a discussion of properties of matter in condensed phases helps introduce the student to thermodynamics. This train of thought leads to a discussion of chemical reactions, including stoichiometry problems and equilibrium. An exploration of the periodic table is guided by atomic theory and used to introduce the basic concepts of systematic inorganic and organic chemistry. Near the end of the course, a

cuts repetition which exists in traditional chemistry courses New


Traditional courses Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical






CHEMICAL DYNAMICS Elementary kinetic processes

Chemical reactions Determination of composition


Characteristic reactions


Degradation of complex to simple

* *

Synthesis of complex from simple

* * *


* * *

Single-encounter reactions Relaxation processes Reactions—many encounters Reaction—condensed phases

Inference of structure Molecular properties


Composite properties



Traditional courses Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical



* *




* * *






Encounter—energy transfer Fast reactions in liquids Slow reactions in liquids

macroscopic Kinetics of complex reaction

Direct d e t e r m i n a t i o n of structure

Rate laws and mechanisms Diffraction


Systematic analysis— reactivity relationships

Theory of molecular structure Quantum mechanics Atomic orbitals Molecular structures



Controlled variation of structure

* *

* *

* * *

Kinetics and m e c h a n i s m — survey Inorganic chemistry


Organic chemistry


* *

Biological chemistry Rates of heterogeneous reactions Kinetics of reactions at electrodes Heterogeneous catalysts



* * NOV. 14, 1966 C&EN 49

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TEACHING. Dr. Harry Gray (above) and Dr. George Hammond are teaching an experimental first-year chemistry course this semester at Caltech which in­ corporates some of the ideas of the revamped curriculum

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NOV. 14, 1966




brief discussion of synthetic chemistry makes the student aware of the field's existence, objectives, and challenges. The second basic course, structural chemistry, begins with the determina­ tion of structure by experimental means—qualitative, quantitative, and instrumental analysis—and establish­ ment of structure by unambiguous synthesis. The relationship between molecular structure theory and ther­ modynamic properties is presented. This is followed by the introduction of wave mechanics and then by the formal theory of molecular structure, with an emphasis on wave mechanics. Solid foundation for this section must be laid in the first-year course. Chemical dynamics. The third basic course, chemical dynamics, is de­ voted to systematic study of reactions and reactivity. Included in this field is the experimental theory designed to explain reaction rates, with the study of both elementary processes in very dilute gases and complex reactions in condensed phases at interfaces. The course also covers problems in chemi­ cal reactivity, including the boundary conditions defined by the laws of ther­ modynamics. Developed mainly for chemistry majors, the level of presen­ tation of the course is "entirely profes­ sional," Dr. Hammond says. In the three basic courses, there is no mature presentation of chemical synthesis. Dr. Hammond admits that this is an inherent weakness in his pro­ gram, but he maintains that a student could not be expected to do compe­ tent work in synthesis without an un­ derstanding of the basic principles of structure and dynamics. Further-





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more, although synthesis may be the most creative field of chemistry, it is highly sophisticated at the creative level and many successful chemists have virtually no knowledge of the field. So a course in chemical synthesis is not included as a basic course, but is suggested as an advanced elective course. A likely redeeming feature of Dr. Hammond's curriculum is the substantial emphasis on reactions—the tools of synthetic work—in the core courses. Besides a course in synthesis, other probable électives would be, for example, biochemistry, polymer chemistry, and quantum mechanics. Complete integration. The proposed curriculum would deviate most sharply from tradition in its complete integration of organic and inorganic chemistry. This feature of the program is the one most commonly attacked by critics, but Dr. Hammond holds that such criticism "is usually a reflection of their own feelings of inadequacy to teach a combined course. One purpose of our books will be to provide them much needed assistance!" Another significant feature of the proposed curriculum is that thermodynamics is spread throughout the three courses and associated closely with representative applications. Also, quantum mechanics is introduced toward the end of the second course, but presentation of the subject in depth is reserved for elective courses. The three basic courses would require less time than chemistry majors ordinarily spend on specifically required courses at most colleges. The reduction in time is accomplished partly by careful elimination of repetition and partly by omission or contraction of some topics required in most modern programs. The time gained would allow the student more freedom to explore special interests in elective courses. Accompanying the coursework of the proposed curriculum would be the "New Lab." Dr. Charles Wilcox, of Cornell University, is coordinating the laboratory content with the lecture material. His primary objective will be to develop a three-year laboratory program with internal coherence. Dr. Wilcox and Dr. Hammond feel that laboratory instruction in most modern curriculums consists of a series of uncorrelated packages. In the new program, considerable emphasis will be placed on techniques used in chemical research. A recurring theme will be "how to engineer an experiment." Concepts from the lecture courses would guide the laboratory work to some extent. The proposed laboratory program

Problem # 1








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considers fundamental approaches to the preparation and purification of materials as well as the design of ex­ periments for measuring their chemi­ cal and physical properties. Design of the experiments would include con­ siderable opportunities for the student to choose and make his own decisions. One problem in setting up the New Lab is in finding manufacturers who can provide suitable low-cost equip­ ment. Dr. Hammond believes that his pro­ posal is "consistent with the most ex­ citing trends in chemical research and that students will acquire a realistic and lively image of the living field in the suggested course of study." If the program is developed, he believes an interesting by-product will be the in­ tellectual experience of chemistry teachers as they think through their science within a new frame of refer-

EDUCATION IN BRIEF Fellowship candidates may apply for 1967-68 graduate and regular post­ doctoral fellowships from the National Science Foundation. College seniors, graduate students working toward a degree, postdoctoral students, and others with equivalent training and ex­ perience may apply. Further infor­ mation and application materials may be obtained from the Fellowship Of­ fice, National Academy of SciencesNational Research Council, 2101 Con­ stitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418. Deadline for the receipt of applications for graduate fellow­ ships is Dec. 9 and for regular postdoc­ toral fellowships, Dec. 12. Applications are available for partici­ pation in an institute for theoretical biology to be held at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, June 19 to July 29. Sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and administered by the American In­ stitute of Biological Sciences, the pro­ gram is designed to get undergradu­ ates interested in theoretical biology. Undergraduates in the natural sciences, engineering, mathematics, and philos­ ophy are eligible. For more informa­ tion write Dr. John R. Gregg, Depart­ ment of Zoology, Duke University, Durham, N.C. 27706. Closing date for receipt of applications is Feb. 1. A course will be offered as an introduc­ tion to the theory and interpretation of Mossbauer spectroscopy at Catholic University, Washington, D . C , June 12 to 14. The course will cover such areas as theory, instrumentation, and applications to biology, chemistry, met­ allurgy, nuclear and solid-state phys-

içs. Various types of spectrometers will be available. For further information contact Dr. Leopold May, Department of Chemistry, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. 20017. A superconductivity course is set for Dec. 12 to 16 at Washington University, St. Louis. The work (presented by WU's department of physics and by the Institute for Continuing Education in Engineering and Applied Science) will involve the phenomena, principles, and materials of superconductivity, and their applications in science and technology. For further information, write the institute, Box 1048, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. 63130. . Idaho State will acquire a reactor for its expanding nuclear science and engineering program. Idaho Nuclear Corp. will provide the university at Pocatello with the AGN-201 nuclear unit which was specifically designed for safe use by educational institutions. The reactor, rated at 100 milliwatts (thermal), is fueled with uranium dioxide and moderated with polyethylene. Faculty and students can use the unit as a training device to show the principles of nuclear theory and operation, as well as a laboratory device with which they can perform lowlevel experiments. Dartmouth enrolls Foxboro Co. as the first member of a new kind of industry-education partnership. The program is designed to help industry meet development problems through advanced education which has formerly been available almost exclusively in research areas in which the Government is interested. As a participant in the program, the Foxboro, Mass., firm will send one of its prominent engineers, Thomas Flint, to Dartmouth's Thayer School of Engineering, Hanover, N.H., to teach engineering design and supervise thesis work in product development. The Dartmouth program is limited to about 10 participating companies which are asked to contribute up to $20,000 a year to support the partnership. Kodak will grant $4.2 million under its 1966 educational aid program. The program includes: unrestricted grants for 71 private institutions, research grants for 25 graduate departments, capital improvement or endowment programs for five institutions, special grants for 15 colleges that emphasize the liberal arts, contributions to schools in areas where Kodak has manufacturing facilities, and contributions to organizations that support various phases of advanced learning.


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NOV. 14, 1966 C&EN 55