News of the Week
PROPOSED FEDERAL DUDGET STRONG ON R&D In the budget President Carter sub- I lion; the Department of Agriculture, mitted to Congress last week as one of up 17% to $283 million; and NSF, up Basic research funding up his last official acts, once again he 14% to $868 million. 14% to almost $5.9 billion demonstrated his strong support for One area that received special em% R&D, particularly basic research. phasis in formulating the R&D budchange, get proposal was providing more Total federal obligations for R&D $ Millions 1982* 1981 1981-82 money for construction and/or renofunding, under the budget proposal, Health & $2053 $1887 8.8% vation of R&D facilities, acquisition would soar to $44.2 billion in fiscal Human of major equipment, and construction 1982, 19% more than in fiscal 1981. Services or modification of plants. As a result, Funding for basic research is slated to NSF 14.5 1057 .923 obligations for R&D facilities would rise 14% to $5.9 billion. All of this Energy 20.0 591 710 be up 27% to $2.4 billion. would allow for a real increase in 16.4 Defense 704 605 funding, if the Administration's esPart of the funds are intended to 22.7 NASA 555 681 timate is correct that the overall inupgrade basic research facilities. For Agriculture 14.0 322 367 flation rate, as measured by the GNP instance, according to budget docuInterior 16.5 85 99 deflator, will be 9.3% in fiscal 1982. In ments, they are meant to support 20.4 44 Smithsonian 53 submitting the fiscal 1981 budget, the "initiation of a $75 million NSF pro24.2 33 41 Commerce Administration estimated an inflagram for support of modern scientific Education 33.3 18 24 tion rate of 8.8%. The latest estimate apparatus and instrumentation, at EPA 15 -13.3 13 is that it will hit 10.5%. universities, needed to replace 36.4 Others 44 60 outdated equipment and pursue Overall federal budget authority, or 14.4% TOTAL $5862 $5122 forefront research in many fields of obligations, would rise 6.2% to nearly science and engineering." To that $810 billion. Federal outlays, money a Estimates. Note: Obligations end, NSF's R&D facilities budget actually spent, are estimated at more would be increased 76% to $95 million than $739 billion and receipts at almost $712 billion, leaving a deficit of The only loser would be the Envi- from fiscal 1981. $27.5 billion. This deficit is slightly ronmental Protection Agency, whose Also emphasized in the budget less than half the current estimated R&D budget would drop 5% to $345 proposal are "new and expanded deficit of $55.2 billion for fiscal million. programs in several agencies for the 1981. Following the upward trend of re- economic revitalization of the naNo Administration budget pro- cent years, both obligations and out- tion." The key features of this thrust, posal is ever any more than just lays for basic research would be up according to the Office of Managethat—a proposal—and this one is 14%, which may be enough to provide ment & Budget, are real growth in probably even more indefinite than for some real growth. Largest in- basic research; increased emphasis usual. Congress as always will be creases for basic research are posted through NSF on cooperation in remaking its own changes—adding by the Department of Education, up search by industrial, university, and here, cutting there, changing this or 33% to $24 million; Commerce, up government scientists; increased that program's direction. In addition, 24% to $41 million; and NASA, up support for innovative research in small, high-technology firms; and the incoming President Reagan, who is 23% to $681 million. committed to controlling federal Federal funding of R&D in colleges NSF university equipment upgrading spending, can and will make changes and universities is slated to grow program complemented by an engiin it. Given the time limitations im11.3% to about $5.1 billion. Among neering and computer science posed by the Congressional budget the agencies that would have signifi- training upgrading program as part of process, he will be able to make cantly more money to spend in this NSF's science and engineering edu• changes in a few critical areas, such as area are: DOD, up 21% to $639 mil- cation effort. defense, or perhaps recommend across-the-board reductions in agency funding. CEQ pinpoints future environmental issues Given those caveats, here is an It was a week of frenetic activity for on the heels of "Global Future: Time overview of fiscal 1982 R&D funding President Carter's Council on Envi- to Act," and "Global Energy Futures as it now stands. Overall R&D fundronmental Quality. When the mem- and the Carbon Dioxide Problem," ing for the Department of Defense would be up a whopping 24% to $20.0 bers of the council gathered for their and its emphasis played on the billion, which comes on top of a 16% last time together last Friday, they themes of these two latter reports: the increase in fiscal 1981. The National had released five reports in as many global commons. This annual comdays. On Friday, however, they re- pendium of diverse facts also plucked Aeronautics & Space Administration does just about as well. Its R&D leased their 11th annual report, some new chords—the importance of budget is slated for a 22% rise to $6.6 "Environmental Quality—1980," and biological (and genetic) diversity to two other studies highlighting what assure humans physical and psychobillion. Other big gainers would be the they consider major upcoming envi- logical well-being, and economics. National Science Foundation, up 14% ronmental issues. Never before has the council's anto $1.2 billion, and the Department of The annual report followed close nual report contained a chapter on Commerce, up 13% to $411 million I a
C&EN Jan. 19, 1981