Prospects Unlimited - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Prospects Unlimited! The durability of asphalt is proverbial. What is not generally appreciated is its versatility. Today, in the hands of the research chemists, this 5000-year-old product is proving so adaptable that it must be ranked, with many of the new test tube discoveries in the variety of its "engineered" properties and the scope of its applications. For example, in addition to improved asphalts for. road building, roofing and other familiar purposes, there are now scores of new. Asphalt Specialties with special properties to meet specific demands such as protective surface coatings . . . plastic cements . . . bonding compounds... laminated paper, fibre,and mineral products... enamels with spécial chemical or dielectric properties—and a host of other uses. Produced from an abundant low cost raw material, such specialties are providing the solution to an increasing number of industrial problems. Among the newest and most remarkable Asphalt Specialties are Witco Mastic Export Box Coating

No. 224 and Witco Mastic Bag Sealer N o . 250, both developed in the Witco research laboratories. Used t o provide a perfect waterproof seal for boxes, bags and cartons for overseas shipment, they are timely answers to the insistent demand of the Services to "Packet Right to Reach the Fight" in the shipment of food, equipment and other essentials. And they' . will guarantee4 new ^safety and economy in postwar packaging for all climates,*;weather extremes acid shipping conditions. As the manufacturer p i Pioneer Asphalt .Products, one of the oldest and best known lines in the country, Witco jnaintains two large refineries which supply a ' diversified list' of asphalts, many of them specially .processed to meet customers' individual demands. Also, Witco offers the-services of technologists and 1 engineers trained to give assistance in the selection, use and development of Asphalt Specialties: ' 'This i s one of the many services Witco offers touusers of chemicals, pigments, asphalts and allied materials: MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTA*?




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