Protection Afforded by Army Gas Masks against Various Industrial

Methods of Testing Gas Masks and Absorbents. Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry. Fieldner, Oberfell, Teague, Lawrence. 1919 11 (6), pp 519â...
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No. 7

canister a t ','i and distancc from the bottom, respectivcly. In the following tahle of protwtion against various gases "stmriard armv filling" shall refcr t o n i cu. in. of the Go t o 40 per cent mixture of charcoal and soda linic. These tests were made by the methods descrilml i n a previous paper' on "Methods of Testing Gas Mxsks :~nd Absorbents."

1 % ~3-4 .

IN. Srcxss Monraw IN POSITION

Sot only i s the First Gas Regiment well known, but i t s work lias 1xxw so crcelltmt that demands for more gas troops were constantly inrrcasiog iu numbers and insistence. Everywhere

t i spoken of as that of brave and able men, who fc:red no enemy ami ilo hardships, and who stopped only wlicii complete exhaustion ovcipowcred them. Whclhcr thc Clicinical Warfare Scrvice will be continued in peace remains to bc seen. That your work will always be remenrbered mal tliat it will be tlic guiding star ior such work in any rLatilri.war, s i l o u ~ uniortLmeiy, ~~, vilr COUiltryc y ~ ra g ~ i r t liavc t o enter upan om., is absolutely certain. At the time of the signing of the armistice other CAT troops wcre liciiig organized in llic United Slatrs to siq)plemcnt. llie six cc,rnpanies in Fmnoc. C,,,