Protein Adsorption and Layer Formation at the Stainless Steel

Feb 9, 2018 - Interfacial stress (e.g., dilatational or planar compression) may eject particles and/or their nuclei into solution. ...... SVP concentr...
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Protein Adsorption and Layer Formation at the Stainless Steel− Solution Interface Mediates Shear-Induced Particle Formation for an IgG1 Monoclonal Antibody Cavan K. Kalonia,†,‡ Frank Heinrich,§,∥ Joseph E. Curtis,§ Sid Raman,‡ Maria A. Miller,‡ and Steven D. Hudson*,† †

Material Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, United States ‡ Formulation Sciences Department, MedImmune Inc., Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878, United States § NIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, United States ∥ Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Passage of specific protein solutions through certain pumps, tubing, and/or filling nozzles can result in the production of unwanted subvisible protein particles (SVPs). In this work, surface-mediated SVP formation was investigated. Specifically, the effects of different solid interface materials, interfacial shear rates, and protein concentrations on SVP formation were measured for the National Institute of Standards and Technology monoclonal antibody (NISTmAb), a reference IgG1 monoclonal antibody (mAb). A stainless steel rotary piston pump was used to identify formulation and process parameters that affect aggregation, and a flow cell (alumina or stainless steel interface) was used to further investigate the effect of different interface materials and/or interfacial shear rates. SVP particles produced were monitored using flow microscopy or flow cytometry. Neutron reflectometry and a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring were used to characterize adsorption and properties of NISTmAb at the stainless steel interface. Pump/shear cell experiments showed that the NISTmAb concentration and interface material had a significant effect on SVP formation, while the effects of interfacial shear rate and passage number were less important. At the higher NISTmAb concentrations, the adsorbed protein became structurally altered at the stainless steel interface. The primary adsorbed layer remained largely undisturbed during flow, suggesting that SVP formation at high NISTmAb concentration was caused by the disruption of patches and/or secondary interactions. KEYWORDS: monoclonal antibody, protein adsorption, subvisible particles, solid−liquid interface, protein aggregation, bioprocess development

interfaces10−13 have also been studied but remain poorly understood. Such mechanisms, however, are important to understand because solid interfaces that contact solution (e.g., borosilicate glass, alumina, stainless steel) are present after the final filtration step during fill/finish (e.g., filling nozzle and drug product container closure). Thus, aggregates produced by mechanisms involving the solid−liquid interface remain in the drug product. Aggregates and subvisible particles (large aggregates with dimensions between 1 and 100 μm) that form during fill/finish,

INTRODUCTION Throughout biomanufacturing and storage, therapeutic protein solutions encounter many different interfaces (e.g., with air, silicone oil, stainless steel, alumina, and/or borosilicate glass), which can facilitate degradation pathways such as non-native aggregation.1 Non-native aggregation (hereafter referred to as aggregation) mechanisms initiated at the air−solution interface2−5 and the silicone oil−solution interface6−9 have received substantial attention and are often related to compression or physical disruption of the interface. Protein often adsorbs to, and concentrates at, these phase boundaries, which may result in conformational changes and/or clustering of protein at the interface. Interfacial stress (e.g., dilatational or planar compression) may eject particles and/or their nuclei into solution.2,4 Degradation pathways involving solid−liquid © XXXX American Chemical Society

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December 13, 2017 February 5, 2018 February 9, 2018 February 9, 2018 DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.7b01127 Mol. Pharmaceutics XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Molecular Pharmaceutics

stock solution of NISTmAb was diluted to concentrations of (0.1, 10, 25, 50) g/L and sterile filtered. D2O (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories Inc., Andover, Massachusetts) was used to prepare pD 6.0, 25 mmol/L histidine buffer. NISTmAb was exchanged into D2O buffer using 30 kDa NMWL Amicon Ultra-15 centrifugal filter units (EMD Millipore Co, Billerica, Massachusetts). The retentate was exchanged 3× and sterile filtered. The concentration of mAb in the D2O exchanged and diluted H2O solutions was measured using UV−vis absorbance −1 cm−1) and adjusted if spectroscopy (ε0.1% 280 nm = 1.4 L·g necessary. The 60% D2O buffer protein solutions were prepared by mixing protein solutions prepared in D2O and H2O. Silicon wafers coated with stainless steel or alumina (layer ≈ 15 nm thick) were prepared by the NanoFab group, part of the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology at NIST. The 316L stainless steel target was purchased from ACI alloys Inc. (San Jose, California). The quality and reusability of the coated wafers were checked using X-ray reflectivity (see the Supporting Information). Rotary Piston Pump Experiment. A 316L stainless steel rotary piston pump (part # 46240456, Bausch & Ströbel, Ilshofen, Germany) with an FSR1000 rotary piston pump driver (Colanar Inc., Deep River, Connecticut) was used to investigate the effect of NISTmAb concentration on SVP formation during fill/finish unit operations. The pump was set to dispense 1 mL per stroke and was operated at a rate of ∼30 strokes/min. A 25 mL sample reservoir was used to recirculate NISTmAb solution through the pump until the total number of strokes was equal to 1, 5, 10, or 20 passes on a volume-averaged basis. Rotary piston pump experiments were performed for NISTmAb concentrations of 10, 25, 50, and 100 g/L. Flow Cytometry. A customized BD LSRII flow cytometer (BD Biosciences, San Jose, California) with a 488 nm laser was used to count SVPs generated during the rotary piston pump study. SVP were counted using forward and side scattering detectors with a minimal trigger threshold. Sample (150 μL) was added to a 96-well plate, and 50 μL from each well was mixed and injected at a flow rate of 0.5 μL/s. The instrument was washed between samples to prevent carryover. Buffer control experiments were performed to ensure instrument cleanliness. Six measurements were performed for each pump experiment. Uncertainties reported are one standard deviation from the mean of the repeated measurements. Neutron Reflectometry. The CGD-MAGIK off-specular reflectometer at the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) was used for neutron reflectometry experiments.26 Measurements were performed using the standard flow cell configuration available at the NCNR.27 The flow cell was assembled with a silicon wafer that had been sputter-coated using a 316L stainless steel target. Figure 1A is a schematic representation of the experimental neutron reflectometry configuration using the flow cell. Specular reflection was measured over a momentum transfer (Qz) range of 0.008− 0.250 Å−1 with most data points collected between (0.008 and 0.120) Å−1. Counting times for each data point were weighted with respect to Qz (counting times were highest for high Qz values). The total time to collect a single reflectivity curve was approximately 6.5 h. Experiments were sequentially performed using in situ solvent exchanges with pure buffer, 0.1 g/L NISTmAb, 50 g/ L NISTmAb, and 100 g/L NISTmAb. Two isotopic contrasts of 100% H2O buffer and 100% D2O buffer were used for the

storage, shipping, and/or administration could be injected into patients. A commentary published in 2009 by Carpenter et al. asserted that submicron and subvisible particles were particularly important to monitor and control for safety and efficacy reasons.14 Since this time, a number of studies have been published that demonstrate that highly aggregated protein products may enhance immunogenicity compared to native protein products.15−18 These studies, however, also suggest that (1) not all populations of subvisible protein particles (SVPs) elicit or enhance immunogenicity and (2) the numbers of subvisible particles required to elicit or enhance immunogenicity is quite high (e.g., much greater than what is commonly found in marketed products). Despite the uncertain link between SVPs and immunogenicity, regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have increasingly been requesting SVP data from biopharmaceutical companies as part of the application process. Therefore, understanding protein aggregation facilitated by solid−liquid interfaces is of interest to better understand the effects of different control strategies on mitigating such aggregation mechanisms. Protein adsorption to solid interfaces may result in cluster formation (reversibly or irreversibly associated protein) and/or conformational perturbations.19−21 Langdon et al. showed that cluster associations increased for bovine serum albumin on a polyethylene glycol functionalized silica substrate with increasing protein concentration.19 Protein clusters and/or partially unfolded protein molecules are often susceptible to aggregate growth and nucleation mechanisms in bulk solution.22−24 Presumably, such nucleation and growth mechanisms could also occur at the solid interface; however, such mechanisms have not been demonstrated or modeled at the interface. It is also not well understood how additional factors such as flow (shear at the interface) affect interface-mediated protein aggregation and SVP formation. In this work, the effect of monoclonal antibody (mAb) concentration on mAb adsorption to stainless steel was investigated. Additionally, the effect of flow (interfacial shear) past mAb adsorbed to stainless steel on SVP formation was elucidated for solutions of NISTmAb. To investigate the physical properties of the adsorbed mAb including conformation, orientation, layer thickness, and viscoelasticity, we used a combination of a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring and neutron reflectometry. The effects of different interfaces and flows on particle formation were investigated using an in-house shear cell and a stainless steel rotary piston pump. Aggregates generated from the shear/pump studies were characterized using size exclusion chromatography and particle counting techniques. Interface material had a profound effect on SVP formation for this mAb. Additionally, increasing the mAb concentration, shear rate, and/or passage number (in a rotary piston pump or flow cell) also increased the number of SVPs in solution for certain interface materials, suggesting that mAb adsorption at the solid−liquid interface and interfacial shear may play critical roles in SVP formation during biopharmaceutical fill/finish operations.

EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Materials. The NIST monoclonal antibody (NISTmAb), an IgG1 mAb reference material, was provided frozen at −80 °C by NIST at a concentration of 100 g/L in pH 6.0, 25 mmol/L histidine buffer.25 L-histidine and L-histidine hydrochloride (J.T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, New Jersey) were used to prepare additional pH 6.0, 25 mmol/L histidine buffer. The B

DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.7b01127 Mol. Pharmaceutics XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Molecular Pharmaceutics

Figure 1. Neutron reflectivity measured in a flow cell with a stainless steel interface. (Left) Schematic representation of the flow cell and experimental setup. The schematic depicts a collimated neutron beam and reflected neutrons for a single wave vector (Qz). Neutrons reflect from the different interfaces in the system including the Si wafer/stainless steel, stainless steel/mAb, and mAb/solution interfaces. Interference between the neutrons reflected from the different interfaces give rise to oscillations in the reflectivity. (Right) Reflectivity data for a flow cell with a stainless steel interface that was filled with a 0.1 g/mL mAb solution. The circles are experimental data points for 0.1 g/L mAb in a 60/40% blend of D2O/H2O buffers. The blue triangles are experimental data points for 0.1 g/L mAb in a H2O buffer. The red and orange traces are the best simultaneous fit of the data. The fit provides structural information about the adsorbed mAb layer including the thickness and volume fraction.

flow cell was rinsed with buffer. Frequency and dissipation factor values were established for the sensor in a dry flow cell. The sample reservoir was changed to buffer, and the flow rate was set to 50 μL/min. After ∼1 h of continuous buffer flow through the flow cell, the experiment was started. After a ∼5 min acquisition time for the buffer baseline, the sample reservoir was changed to a mAb solution. Upon observing a change in frequency and waiting approximately 60 s, the flow rate was decreased to 10 μL/min. Data for the mAb solution was acquired for approximately 30 min or until the normalized frequency shift changed by less than 1 Hz/10 min. After sufficient data collection for the mAb solution, the sample reservoir was changed to buffer and the flow rate was increased to 500 μL/min. The flow cell was rinsed with buffer for at least 30 min. Experiments were performed with mAb concentrations of 0.1, 10, 50, and 100 g/L for both the stainless steel and alumina coated sensors. The frequency and dissipation values for the quartz oscillator will shift if there is a change in the density or viscosity of the sensor environment (e.g., the solution). Kanazawa et al. have shown this frequency shift to be

specular reflection and background measurements of the substrate. For the mAb solutions, 100% H2O buffer and a 60/40% mixture of D2O and H2O histidine buffers were used. Data reduction was performed using Reductus software ( developed at the NCNR. The neutron reflectivity data was analyzed to obtain a 1D scattering length density profile normal to the substrate surface. Neutron reflectometry averages in planes orthogonal to this direction. A slab model was used to parametrize the substrate to account for the bulk silicon, silicon oxide, and stainless steel layers.28 Parameters for the slab model were the neutron scattering length density (nSLD) and thickness for each layer and global roughness. A Hermite spline was used to parametrize the adsorbed mAb layer(s) in terms of nSLD and thickness.29 Experimental reflectivity data at both isotopic contrasts were simultaneously fit using ga_ref l30 and refl1D software, using a Monte Carlo Markov chain-based global optimizer that yields accurate confidence intervals on all fit parameters.27 Quartz Crystal Microbalance. A Q-Sense E4 (Biolin Scientific Holding AB., Stockholm, Sweden) was used to perform up to four simultaneous quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) measurements. QSoft401 v2.5.20.690 software (Biolin Scientific Holding AB.) was used to monitor the fundamental resonant frequency and dissipation factor of the quartz crystal. Frequency and dissipation factor values were also monitored for the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, and 13th overtones. Experiments were performed using stainless steel (SS2343) or aluminum oxide sensors purchased from Biolin Scientific Holding AB. SS2343 grade stainless steel sensor was used because the composition of SS2343 is nearly identical to the composition of 316L grade stainless steel.31 QCM-D experiments were performed as a series of sequential steps: (1) a buffer baseline was measured, (2) a mAb solution was introduced into the flow cell, and (3) the

Δfn = −n1/2fo3/2

ρliq ηliq πρq μq


for a quartz disk initially exposed to a vacuum and then to a viscous liquid.32 Here, Δf n is the frequency shift, n is the overtone number, fo is the fundamental frequency, ρliq is the density of the solution, ηliq is the viscosity of the solution, ρq is the density of quartz (2650 kg/m3), and μq is the elastic modulus of the stiffened quartz (2.947 × 1010 Pa).33 The corresponding dissipation shift for the quartz oscillator is ΔDn = 2n−1/2 C

fo ρliq ηliq πρq μq

(2) DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.7b01127 Mol. Pharmaceutics XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Molecular Pharmaceutics

the layer exhibits more solid-like behavior at the corresponding ω. Viscometry. An m-VROC viscometer (RheoSense, San Ramon, California) was used to measure the viscosity as a function of shear rate. Prior to measurement, the syringe and chip were cleaned using a 1% bleach solution, isopropanol, and water. The viscosity of the 0.1 and 10 g/L NISTmAb solutions was measured using the “B” chip over a range of shear rates from 7000 to 70 000 s−1. The viscosity of 50 and 100 g/L NISTmAb solutions was measured using the “C” chip over the same range of shear rates. A total of three experiments were performed for each protein concentration. Shearing Experiment to Investigate SVP Formation during Flow. The neutron reflectivity flow cell was assembled using either the alumina or stainless steel coated substrates (Figure 1A). The cell was slowly filled with NISTmAb solution and allowed to incubate at room temperature for 30 min. During this time, the inlet and outlet ports were closed to prevent exposure to air. A syringe filled with 1 mL of NISTmAb solution was added to the sample inlet port, and an empty syringe was added to the outlet port. Using the dual syringe setup, the NISTmAb solution was sheared back and forth 3× (one way) at a flow rate of 0.1, 2, or 120 mL/min through the flow cell assembled with the stainless steel substrate with minimal quiescent time (10 g/L NISTmAb concentration were diluted to 10 g/L.38 The reported SVP counts were corrected by a dilution factor.


For calculations using eq 5, we used the third overtone (15 MHz) to calculate the angular frequency. When tan(δ) > 1, the layer exhibits more liquid-like behavior, and when tan(δ) < 1, D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.7b01127 Mol. Pharmaceutics XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Molecular Pharmaceutics

RESULTS Flow- and Interface-Mediated Subvisible Particle Formation. A stainless steel rotary piston pump (SS-RPP) produced SVPs depending on the mAb solution concentration. At low mAb concentration (e.g., 10 g/L), there was a large initial increase in the total SVP concentration after one pump passage (Figure 2). Subsequent passages, however, did not have

after the initial passage, however, was much greater than the amount produced by any subsequent pump passage (Figures 2, S1). Figure 2 demonstrates that the effect of mAb solution concentration on pump-induced SVP formation was greatest when increasing from low mAb solution concentrations (e.g., 10 g/L) to intermediate concentrations (e.g., 50 g/L). Increasing from an intermediate mAb solution concentration (e.g., 50 g/L) to a high concentration (e.g., 100 g/L) did not have a substantial effect because one pump passage produced similar numbers of particles for both concentrations. Additionally, subsequent pump passages produced similar numbers of SVPs/passage (approximated using a linear fit) for the 50 and 100 g/L mAb solutions (Figure S1). The SS-RPP represents a complex system with many different factors that could contribute to SVP formation (e.g., grinding of piston against wall, interfacial shear, cavitation, etc.). Therefore, a flow cell was used for all further studies to specifically investigate the effect of interfacial shear and different interface materials on SVP formation for this mAb. In the shearing flow cell, different solid interfaces were tested so that all other process conditions could be compared consistently. To test various hypotheses, 1-tailed t tests with a 0.10 significance level were performed for different concentrations (H1 = increasing concentration produces more particles) and different interfaces (H1 = stainless steel interfaces produce more SVPs than alumina interfaces). After 10 passages at a flow rate of 120 mL/min (interfacial shear rate of 25 000 s−1), the number of particles produced in the flow cell with the stainless steel interface was not significantly different from the alumina interface for the 0.1 g/L mAb solution (Figure 3A). As the mAb concentration was increased, the number of SVPs did not increase much for solutions exposed to the alumina interface and high shear. A linear function was used to quantitatively estimate the effect of protein concentration (ranging from 0.1 to 100 g/L) on SVP formation. The fit of SVP formation after fast flow past the alumina interface (Figure

Figure 2. Concentration of subvisible particles detected after passage of NISTmAb solutions through a stainless steel rotary piston pump. The light red, dark red, light blue, and dark blue bars represent NISTmAb solutions formulated at 10, 25, 50, and 100 g/L, respectively. Uncertainties denote the standard error of the mean calculated from six measurements of the pumped solution. SVPs were counted using flow cytometry.

much effect on the total SVP population (Figure S1). Interestingly, increasing the mAb solution concentration caused more SVP to be produced after the initial pump passage and during subsequent passages. The amount of SVP produced

Figure 3. Concentration of subvisible particles detected after passage of NISTmAb solutions through a flow cell with different interface materials or at different flow rates. The total concentration of SVP ≥ 2 μm in stressed and unstressed NISTmAb solutions was counted using MFI. Error bars denote the standard deviation of three separate experiments. (A) Effect of alumina (red bar) and 316L stainless steel (dark gray bar) interfaces on SVP formation during shear. SVPs were measured after 10× passes through a flow cell at 120 mL/min. Stressed particle numbers were compared to an unstressed control (blue bar). The black diamond points of the dashed black line represent a linear increase in particle formation of 2472 × mAb concentration + 28 000 particles. The black diamond points of the dashed red line represent a linear increase in particle formation of 477 × mAb concentration + 28 000 particles. (B) Effect of different flow rates and number of passages through a flow cell with a 316L stainless steel interface on SVP formation. SVPs were counted for samples recovered after 3× passes through the flow cell at 0.1 (orange bar), 2 (light gray bar), and 120 mL/ min (dark blue bar) flow rates. SVPs were also counted after 10× passes at 120 mL/min (black bar) and for an unstressed control (light blue bar). E

DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.7b01127 Mol. Pharmaceutics XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


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Figure 4. Normalized frequency and dissipation shifts measured using a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring. QCM-D data acquired as a three-step experiment involving (1) flow of buffer to establish a baseline, (2) flow of mAb solution to monitor adsorption, and (3) fast flow of buffer as a rinsing step. Transitions between steps are marked using bold dashed vertical lines. The lighter dotted vertical lines in panels (C) and (D) mark the sharp rise in dissipation associated with a second stage of adsorption, which occurs at high protein concentration. The light orange, orange, red, and dark red traces represent the 13th, 11th, 9th, and 7th overtones of the fundamental dissipation shift, respectively. The blue colors represent the 13th (lightest blue), 11th (light blue), 9th (dark blue), and 7th (darkest blue) overtones of the fundamental frequency shift. Experiments were performed using a stainless steel sensor and (A) 0.1, (B) 10, (C) 50, and (D) 100 g/L mAb solutions.

stainless steel interface caused more SVP formation than the alumina interface as a function of mAb concentration. To further investigate the effects of alumina vs stainless steel interfaces on SVP formation, several experiments were performed to determine whether these interfaces produce small, soluble mAb aggregates or shed interface material into solution (e.g., stainless steel particles). Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) was used to assess whether small aggregates were present in solution, and X-ray reflectivity was used to assess whether the interfaces remained stable (e.g., did not shed stainless steel particles, etc.). Comparing stressed samples with unstressed controls, the SEC results show no difference in the respective levels of soluble aggregates (dimers, trimers, etc.) for the 50 and 100 g/L NISTmAb produced at 20, 400, and 25 000 s−1 (Figure S4). X-ray reflectivity was performed on a stainless steel substrate that had been cleaned with detergent after a set of shearing experiments (Figure S5). The best fit of the data shows that the thickness of the stainless steel remained unchanged and that the density/surface roughness of the surface remained comparable to the original structure. Therefore, NISTmAb adsorption and interfacial shear did not damage the solid interface through the shedding of nm to μm sized particles.

3A) demonstrated that there was no substantial difference between the different concentrations (e.g, particles = 477 × protein concentration (g/L) + 28 000) tested. Despite the small differences between the different concentrations, the results were statistically significant. NISTmAb solutions exposed to stainless steel and high shear, on the other hand, produced substantially more SVPs as the concentration was increased (Figure 3A). As before, a linear function was used to quantitatively estimate the effect of protein concentration on SVP formation. The linear fit of SVP formation after fast flow past the stainless steel interface demonstrated that increasing mAb concentration caused substantially more particles to be produced (particles = 2472 × protein concentration + 28 000). The distribution of SVP size did not appear to be impacted notably by mAb concentration or interface material (Figure S2). Differences in SVP numbers were statistically significant between 0.1 and 50 or 100 g/L mAb solutions. Confidence intervals (95%) for the slope of SVP concentration vs mAb concentration fits for stainless steel and alumina interfaces can be found in Figure S3. These results demonstrate that a substantial portion of SVPs produced during shear are mediated by interactions with the solid interface because the F

DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.7b01127 Mol. Pharmaceutics XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Molecular Pharmaceutics

Figure 5. Viscosity of NISTmAb solutions. (A) Viscosity plotted as a function of shear rate. (B) Newtonian viscosity plotted as a function of NISTmAb concentration. Error bars, representing the standard deviation of three separate experiments, are smaller than the symbols representing the data points.

Different flow rates were used in the shearing flow cell, equipped with the stainless steel interface, to elucidate the effect of interfacial shear on SVP formation. Flow rates of 0.1, 2.0, and 120 mL/min (Figure 3B) corresponding to median interfacial shear rates of 20, 400, and 25 000 s−1 were used for these studies, respectively. As before, a 1-tailed t test with a 0.10 significance level was performed to test whether SVP populations were statistically different (H1 = faster/longer flows produce more particles). In general, differences in SVP populations were not significant for the different flow rate experiments when the passage number was held constant at 3× (the exceptions being between 20 s−1 and 25 000 s−1 at 0.1 and 50 g/L NISTmAb, respectively. Additionally, differences in SVP numbers produced after 3× and 10× passages at 120 mL/min were not significant except at 0.1 g/L mAb with p = 0.066. No significant differences were observed in the SVP size distribution as a function of shear rate (Figure S6). These results suggest that while interfacial shear rate affects SVP formation it is not as important as the other variables investigated (e.g., mAb concentration and solid interface material) for the conditions tested in this study. As there was no significant impact across several orders of magnitude for interfacial shear rate, further intermediate points were not investigated. Interface Properties and mAb Adsorption. The adsorption process was monitored dynamically by QCM-D (Figure 4) for mAb concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 100 g/ L, using a stainless steel sensor to better understand how solution concentration affects interface-mediated SVP formation. A number of features are apparent in light of the various limits and conditions discussed in the Experimental Procedures section. First, at low concentration (0.1 g/L mAb), dissipation is minimal (50 ng/ cm2 mAb was observed to desorb over ∼10 min. The calculated

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was funded in part through a cooperative research and develop agreement (CRADA) between NIST and MedImmune entitled Measurement Development for Manufacturing and Biopharmaceuticals. The authors wish to acknowledge the NIST NanoFab group for preparing the stainless steel and alumina coated substrates. Dr. Kathryn Beers and Dr. Sara Orski from NIST are acknowledged for their support and guidance. Dr. Jai Pathak and Dr. William Leach from MedImmune are also recognized for their helpful discussions and guidance.


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.7b01127 Mol. Pharmaceutics XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX