Protein Purification - American Chemical Society

separation, site-specific proteolysis of fusion proteins, and the use of applied electric fields for downstream processing. Michael R. Ladisch, Editor...
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Protein Purification From Molecular Mechanisms to Large-Scale Processes


his timely new volume gives real exam­ ples of how separation techniques are used in industry with recombinant pro­ teins, and emphasizes which techniques might be more useful than others in real world applications. With contributions from leading experts in the field, this volume covers both academic and industrial interests. It shows how series can be applied to developing strategies and emphasizes appropriate approaches for diffi­ cult protein separation problems. New separation techniques are evaluated for their practicality in connection with recom­ binant proteins on an industrial scale. These include: • adsorption

• extraction • liquid chromatography • centrifugation • electrophoresis Some of the specific topics discussed are adsorptive separations, mechanisms of protein retention in hydrophobic interaction chroma­ tography, radial-flow affinity chromatography for trypsin purification, metal-affinity protein separation, site-specific proteolysis of fusion proteins, and the use of applied electric fields for downstream processing. Michael R. Ladisch, Editor. Purdue University Richard C. Willson, Editor. University of Houston Chih-duen C. Painton, Editor. Mallinckrodt Medical. Inc. Stuart E. Builder, Editor, Genetech, Inc. Developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Biochemical Technology of the American Chemical Society ACS Symposium Series No. 4 2 7 280 pages (1990) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-1790-4 LC 90-35551

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Anaheim, CA. Contact: ISA, 67 Alex­ ander Dr., P.O. Box 12277, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 • Analytical Laboratory Equip­ ment Exposition and Conference. Oct. 29-31. San Jose, CA. Contact: In­ terface Group, 300 First Ave., Needham, MA 02194 (617-449-6600) • Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America. Nov. 3-8. San Jose, CA. Contact: Optical Society of America, 1816 Jefferson PL, N.W., Washington, DC 20036 • Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance: Analysis and Interpre­ tation. Nov. 4-5. San Diego, CA. Con­ tact: John Scully, Sandia National Laboratories, Org. 1834, P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185 (505-8468251) • Eastern Analytical Symposium. Nov. 11-15. Somerset, NJ. Contact: ΕAS, P.O. Box 633, Montchanin, DE 19710 (302-453-0785) • Meeting of the American Associ­ ation of Pharmaceutical Scientists. Nov. 17-21. Washington, DC. Contact: American Assn. of Pharmaceutical Scientists, 601 King St., Alexandria, VA 22314 m Fall Meeting of the Materials Re­ search Society. Dec. 2-7. Boston, MA. Contact: MRS, 9800 McKnight Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15237 (412-367-3003)

Short Courses and Workshops • Workshop on Field-Flow Frac­ tionation. Feb. 2. Salt Lake City, UT. Contact: Julie Westwood, FFF Re­ search Center, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (801-581-5419) • Quality Assurance in Analytical Laboratories. Feb. 4-5. Tallahassee, FL. Contact: Gail Parker, Florida Dept. of Agriculture, 3125 Conner Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32399 • Capillary Electrophoresis, Micro LC, and MS Analysis of Proteins and Peptides. March 26-27. Lincoln, NE. Contact: Joseph Tehrani, Isco, P.O. Box 5347, Lincoln, NE 68505 (402-4640231) • Managing Drug Testing in the Workplace. April 10. San Diego, CA. Contact: Ruth Mclntyre-Birkner, MBA, Inc., 5865 Dovetail Dr., Agoura Hills, CA 91301 (818-707-2583) • Materials Analysis for Problem Solving, QA/QC, and Process Char­ acterization in Industry. April 17 and July 17. Sunnyvale, CA. Contact: Carlo Delumpa, Surface Science Lab­ oratories, 1206 Charleston Rd., Moun­ tain View, CA 94043


• Introduction to Food Chemistry. April 30-May 2. Chicago, IL. Contact: American Assn. of Cereal Chemists, Short Course Program, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121 (612454-7250) • Chromatographic Column Tech­ nology Workshop. May 20-21. Kent, OH. Contact: Roger Gilpin, Dept. of Chemistry, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242 • Short Course on Analysis and Characterization of Polymers. June 1-2. Baltimore, MD. Contact: Judith Watson, Professional Assn. Manage­ ment, 750 Audubon, East Lansing, MI 48823 (517-332-3667) • 7th Annual Workshop on Molec­ ular Microspectroscopy. June 2-6. Oxford, OH. Contact: Molecular Mi­ crospectroscopy Laboratory, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056 (513529-2873) • Principles and Applications of Chemical Sensors. June 11-14. Wildbad Kreuth, Bavaria, Germany. Con­ tact: Mira Josowicz, Institut fur Physik, Universitat derBundeswehrMunchen, D-8014 Neubiberg, Germany m Sample Handling in LC. Sept. 2425. Baden-Baden, Germany. Contact: M. Frei-Hàusler, Postfach 46, CH4123 Allschwil 2, Switzerland For information on the following courses, contact American Industrial Hygiene Association, Continuing Education Dept., P.O. Box 8390, 345 White Pond Dr., Akron, OH 44320 (216-873-2442) • Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene. Feb. 11-15. Orlando, FL • Indoor Air Quality. Feb. 26-28. Salt Lake City, UT For information on the following courses, contact Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute, Centers for Education and Training, UMDNJ/DCHE, 45 Knightsbridge Rd., Brookwood II, Piscataway, ΝJ 08854 (908-463-5062) • Airborne Asbestos Analysis and Round Robin Counting Workshop. Feb. 4 and May 2, Piscataway, NJ • Sampling and Evaluating Air­ borne Asbestos Dust. Feb. 25-28, May 20-23, and Aug. 12-15, Pis­ cataway, NJ; April 8-11 and July 1518, Northport, Long Island, NY • Principles of Industrial Hy­ giene—Part I: Industrial Hygiene Concepts. March 4-6. Piscataway, NJ • Principles of Industrial Hy­ giene—Part II: Industrial Hygiene Sampling. March 7-8. Piscataway, NJ • Polarized Light Microscopy for