Proteomic Applications of Drop Coating Deposition Raman

Aug 2, 2007 - Recent studies have demonstrated that the drop coating deposition Raman (DCDR) method may be used to obtain high quality vibrational ...
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Chapter 5

Proteomic Applications of Drop Coating Deposition Raman Spectroscopy 1




Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on August 6, 2012 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0963.ch005

Corasi Ortiz , Yong Xie , Dongmao Zhang , and Dor Ben-Amotz 1

Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 G E Advanced Materials, Washington, W V 26181 2

Recent studies have demonstrated that the drop coating deposition Raman (DCDR) method may be used to obtain high quality vibrational Raman spectra for the identification and quantitiation of proteins, peptides, glycans, and pharma— ceuticals. Here we demonstrate applications of D C D R to chromatographic detection, and the identification of peptide and protein structural changes induced by phosphorylation, fibrillation and ligand binding. Such results demonstrate the significant promise of normal (as opposed to surface or resonance enhanced) Raman spectroscopy as a proteomic diagnostics, drug screening and chromatographic detection method with exceptional resolution and reproducibility for high performance chemical identification and quantitiation applications.


© 2007 American Chemical Society In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.


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Introduction Although Raman spectroscopy has traditionally been viewed as a method that is primarily applicable to solids and high concentration solutions, new techniques such as the drop coating deposition Raman (DCDR) method have significantly enhanced the utility of Raman in biochemical applications (1-4). Thus, the exceptional structural sensitivity of Raman spectroscopy may now be more broadly applied to the analysis of small quantities of material derived from dilute solutions of relevance to biological, pharmaceutical, environmental and other such applications (5-7). More specifically, the D C D R method facilitates the rapid collection of high quality normal Raman (as opposed to surface or resonance enhanced Raman) spectra of analytes derived from solutions as dilute as 1 μg/mL with volumes as small as 1 nL (8-10). For instance, D C D R Raman spectra have been used to distinguish different conformational and/or posttranslational modification states in proteins and peptides, even when the compounds of interest have very similar structure and/or identical mass (8,9). The key advantages of the D C D R method include its simplicity, rapidity, reproducibility, and high chemical information content (5). In a typical implementation of DCDR, a small volume (in the μί. to nL range) of a dilute protein solution is deposited onto a Teflon-coated highly polished stainless steel substrate and a Raman spectrum is collected from the hydrated protein ring which remains after solvent evaporation (either in air or in a vacuum desiccator) (5,6). Important attributes of a good D C D R substrate include high solvophobicity (to a wide variety of solvents), high optical reflectivity and low substrate Raman background. The enhanced detection limits obtained using D C D R arise from the fact that the substrate leads to the formation of a highly concentrated evaporation residue (11,12). In particular, proteins and peptides usually deposit in a ring around the edge of the deposition region, while more highly soluble compounds tend to deposit in the central region (13). Figure 1 shows typical D C D R spectra of insulin obtained from (a) a 4 m M aqueous solution and (b) a D C D R deposit. The clear similarity of the two spectra suggests that the structure of insulin in the D C D R deposit is very similar to that in an aqueous solution, and thus that the majority of the protein in the deposit remains in a native configuration. More detailed studies have determined that there are about 10-20 water molecules per insulin (6), while other proteins tend to retain a different number of hydration waters in D C D R deposits. Here we present some additional examples of the D C D R method to proteomics, including monitoring protein fibrillation, resolving chromatographic protein bands, and detecting protein-ligand binding events.

Experimental Parameters Insulin, lysozyme, human serum albumin (Sigma-Aldrich) and tyrosine phosphorylated and unphosphorylated peptides (Bachem) were used with out

In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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54 further purification. Sodium nitrate, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and suramin were also procured at Sigma-Aldrich. High-purity water (Millipore) or J.T. Baker ultrapure water (Malinchrodt Baker) were used to prepare all the solutions with concentrations of 100 μΜ, unless stated otherwise. Lysozyme fibrils were formed by preparing a 2mg/mL lysozyme solution in 90% ethanol. Insulin solutions (2mg/mL) used in the chromatographic studies were prepared using an acidified aqueous solution (0.1% trifluoroacetic acid, TFA). Protein-ligand solutions for the binding studies were prepared at a 1:1 ratio. After the equilibration, 400 μ ί of protein-ligand solution are placed in a previously rinsed microcon YM-10 (Millipore) ultrafiltration tubes (molecular cutoff of 10,000 g/mol) to remove the excess ligand (6). After 30 min of centrifugation at 1300 rpm, 400 \iL of water were added to the ultrafiltration tube and vortexed. The same steps are followed to prepare the control samples. A l l protein deposits were produced by pipetting 3 μ ί of a protein solution onto a spectRIM substrate (Tienta Sciences). The protein deposits were, then, dried in a vacuum descicator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate ( W . A . Hammond Drierite) and connected to a mechanical vacuum pump (model D O Α­ Ι 20-AE, Water Associates). After the samples were visually dry (about 15 min for a 3 \iL deposit), D C D R spectra were obtained from the protein ring deposit. A l l of the D C D R spectra shown in this work were acquired with a homebuilt confocal Raman system equipped with a 632.8 nm, 45 mW, HeNe excitation laser [5]. A lOOx objective (NA 0.95, Olympus) was used to both focus the laser to a spot size of approximately 1 μιη at the protein-coated substrate surface (with about 10 mW of laser power at the sample) and to collect the back-scattered Raman light.

DCDR Spectra of Fibrils The aggregation of protein fibrils in organs is believed to be the cause of several degenerative disorders including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Amyloid fibrils are structures which, regardless of the identity of the protein, share a common cross-p-sheet core structure. Several Raman spectroscopic studies have focused on insulin amyloid fibrils (14-19). We have recently used D C D R to confirm the previously reported results and perform a more detailed difference spectroscopic analysis to quantify the principal Raman spectral features associated with insulin fibrillation (20). The following results demonstrate that very similar D C D R difference spectral features are observed upon fibrillation of lysozyme. Figure 2 shows the D C D R spectra of lysozyme fibrils (a), native lysozyme (b), and their difference spectrum (c). As can be seen in the fibril spectrum, there is a considerable relative intensity increase and shift of the amide I (~ 1660 cm" ) and amide III (~ 1260 cm" ) bands. These blue and red shifts of the amide I and amide III bands, respectively, are consistent with an increase in β-sheet 1


In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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R a m a n Shift, c m "


Figure 1. Normal Raman spectra obtained directly from a 4 mM bovine insulin solution, (b) DCDR spectra of a 10 μΜbovine insulin solution.











R a m a n Shift, c m "

Γ —



Figure 2. The DCDR spectra of (a) 2 mg/ml lysozyme in 90% ethanol and (b) 2 mg/ml lysozyme in aqueous solution. Spectra (a) and (b) are scaled to the same peak intensities at 1003 cm' . Spectrum (c) is the difference between spectra (a) and (b). All spectra are plotted using the same scale offset for clarity. 1

In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

56 content of the structure (14-19). Similar analysis of other proteins (such as insulin and ovalbumin) reveal similar difference spectral features and so suggest that D C D R could be used as a general method for detecting fibril formation.

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Detection of Tyrosine Phosphorylation in Peptides Protein phosphorylation is an important biochemical mechanism used by organisms to control cellular processes. Phosphorylation in eukaryotes occurs predominantly on serine, threonine and tyrosine (which are the only amino acids with hydroxy! groups) (21-23). Thus, several publications report the detection of the sites and the degrees of phosphorylation of different peptides (24-26). These include our recent demonstrations that D C D R may be used to detect sites of phosphorylation in peptides (9,70), as well as a soon to be published demonstration that D C D R may be used to quantify the phosphorylation of acasein proteins (27). As an example of the sensitivity of Raman spectra to tyrosine phosphorylation, Figure 3 presents the D C D R spectra of a pentamer in its (a) unphosphorylated [IYGEF] and (b) phosphorylated [IY(P0 H )GEF] states. Since aromatic residues have very high Raman intensities, they produce many of the prominent bands in a protein and peptide spectra. Thus, it is not surprising that tyrosine phosphorylation will induce significant Raman spectral changes. For instance, the intensity of the band at about 852 cm' from the Fermiresonance tyrosine doublet is reduced considerably. Further spectral changes induced by tyrosine phosphorylation can be seen in other tyrosine bands at around 1610 cm" (ring stretch), and 1250 cm' (ring-0 stretch). Given the important role of tyrosine phosphorylation in cell signaling (28), it is clear that D C D R could offer a promising method for future tyrosine phosphorylation studies (and such studies are in progress by others). 3





DCDR Detection of Chromatography Fractions Previous studies in our lab have demonstrated that the protein concentration detection limit of the D C D R method is comparable to that of standard U V chromatographic detectors (5,8). For example, D C D R may be used to detect lysozyme at concentrations as low as 0.1 μΜ (with a 5 μΐ. deposition volume), which is too low to be detected using U V absorbance at 280 nm (in a 1 cm cell). D C D R has been used to obtain high quality Raman spectra of two insulin variants purified by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography (RPH P L C ) after direct deposition of the corresponding chromatographic fractions (Figure 4) (5,8).

In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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57 τ












Raman Shift, cm"

Figure 3. Raman spectra of a pentameric peptide which is either (a) unphosphorylated, or (b) phosphorylated at a single tyrosine residue.

Figure 4. Raman spectra obtained after depositing 10 μί of (a) 21 μΜ human insulin and (b) 3 μΜ bovine insulin, each derivedfrom an HPLC fraction (in acetonitrile/water with a 48:52 volume ratio, and using an integration time of1000s).

In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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58 Current efforts in our lab are focused on using D C D R to enhance chromatographic resolution. In other words, we propose to use the different Raman spectral fingerprints of compounds in a chromatographic peak containing multiple poorly resolved species, to deconvolute and quantify the subcomponents. Previous works by Marquardt, et al. and He, et al. have demonstrated the viability of this concept by using conventional Raman and SERS to detect small partially resolved analytes such as alcohols (29,30). However, to our knowledge, no previous such studies have been applied to realistic proteomic mixtures. Figure 5 shows our preliminary D C D R results obtained from sequential H P L C fractions containing two slightly overlapping protein bands. The normalized second derivative D C D R spectra shown in Figure 5 clearly reveal the distinct spectral fingerprints of the two protein sub-bands. D C D R may also be readily combined with reflectance FT-IR and M S performed directly on samples after deposition on a D C D R slide. For example, D C D R may be used in conjunction with standard protein and peptide detection methods such as M A L D I - M S or more recent methods such as DESI-MS (5,31). In order to perform M A L D I - M S , the D C D R deposited protein or peptide samples are simply mixed with a standard M A L D I matrix and directly analyzed using a commercial M A L D I - M S instrument (5). Thus, the D C D R chromatographic detection may be combined with U V , FT-IR and M S to derive more information than could be obtained using any of these methods alone.






Raman Frequency, c m "





Figure 5. DCDR spectra (in normalized second derivative form) obtained from sequential fractions of a single chromatographic elution containing two partially resolved proteins. Note the clear difference between the spectral signatures of the two protein species: insulin and cytochrome C.

In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.


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Protein-Ligand Binding Detection using DCDR Some of the characteristics that make D C D R particularly attractive for the analysis of biologically relevant samples are its relative insensitivity to water interference, as well as its low concentration, small volume and minimal sample preparation requirements. Previous protein-ligand binding Raman studies include several important papers by Callender and coworkers, focused on systems such as the binding of pyruvate to lactate dehydrogenase and other protein-ligand systems (52-55). On the other hand, because these studies were performed prior to the development of the D C D R method, they required high protein concentrations (mM) and a carefully balanced Raman difference measurement apparatus to extract ligand spectra from the solution Raman spectra of protein complexes. Carey and co-workers also reported beautiful single crystal studies of protein-substrate complexes (36,37). The fact that not all proteins have m M solubilities and/or readily form crystals clearly limits the number of systems which could be studied using previous Raman methods. Here we report our recent results obtained using a new variant of the D C D R method which facilitates the wider application of Raman scattering to proteinligand binding studies. The key new feature of this method consists of using ultrafiltration of protein-ligand mixtures, after equilibration at micromolar concentration, followed by D C D R deposition and difference spectral analysis. We thus refer to this new procedure as the ultra-filtration-Raman-difference (UFRD) method (38). The following are representative examples of our preliminary U F R D results pertaining to protein binding processes with various different types of ligands. More specifically, Figures 6 - 8 show U F R D results for three protein-ligand binding systems: i . nitrate ion binding to lysozyme, i i . sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), a protein dénaturant, binding to lysozyme, and i i i . suramin, a drug, binding to human serum albumin. In thé case of the lysozyme-nitrate complex (Figure 6), a readily detectable change in the lysozyme-nitrate spectrum (a), as compared to the lysozyme control spectrum (b), is evidenced by the appearance of rather sharp and intense band at about 1040 cm' . This can be better seen in the difference spectrum (c) which looks remarkably similar to the Raman spectrum a high concentration nitrate solution (d). The major difference between (c) and (d) is the fact that the nitrate band is shifted to lower frequencies which implies that protein-bound nitrate is not fully hydrated. Since Raman is primarily sensitive to primary and secondary structure, the absence of any protein related bands in the lysozyme-nitrate difference spectrum implies that this binding event does not produce significant secondary structure changes (although it may well affect the tertiary structure of the protein). To better illustrate the sensitivity of the U F R D method to secondary structural changes, we have investigated the effects of SDS, a ligand that is known to denature proteins. Figure 7 shows the U F R D spectrum of the lysozyme-SDS complex. The lysozyme-SDS spectrum (a) shows several changes which can 1

In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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R a m a n Shift, c m "




Figure 6. DCDR spectra of the lysozyme-nitrate complex (a) and lysozyme control (b). Spectrum (c) is the difference between (a) and (b) while (d) is the nitrate control spectrum. All spectra are plotted using the same scale and offset for clarity.





R a m a n Shift, c m "




Figure 7. DCDR spectra of the lysozyme-SDS complex (a) and lysozyme control (b). Spectrum (c) is the difference between (a) and (b) while (d) is the SDS control spectrum. All spectra are plotted using the same scale and offset for clarity.

In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

Downloaded by UNIV OF ARIZONA on August 6, 2012 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0963.ch005






Raman Shift, cm"



Figure 8. DCDR spectra of the human serum albumin-suramin complex (a) and human serum albumin control (b). Spectrum (c) is the difference between (a) and (b) while (d) is the suramin control spectrum. All spectra are plotted using the same scale and offset for clarity.

best be seen after subtraction of the lysozyme control (b). The resulting difference spectrum (c) clearly shows features which resemble those of the SDS control (d), as well as additional features indicating a change in protein secondary structure. More specifically, the features in the difference spectrum around 1230 cm' and 1670 cm" (amide III and amide I, respectively), are consistent with secondary structure changes resulting from protein denaturation (39). Another example of protein-ligand binding is shown in Figure 8, which compares the D C D R spectra of the human serum albumin-suramin complex (a) and the human serum albumin control (b). The resulting difference spectrum (c) clearly reveals an intensity increase broad peak at around 1333 cm' as well as other peaks that clearly resemble those of the suramin control sample (d). In this case, as with the lysozyme-nitrate complex, there is again no evidence of significant suramin induced protein secondary structure change. Although, we believe the U F R D technique can be very useful for protein binding studies, it is also important to note that our preliminary results also indicate it is most appropriate for strongly Raman active ligands (such as aromatic compounds) and to systems which have a binding affinity that is 1



In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

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stronger than about 100 μΜ (i.e. a binding constant greater than I x l O M" ). More specifically, we have tested the method using complexes with affinities between 1 μΜ and 100 μΜ (and there is no reason why it should not be applicable to affinities < 1 μΜ). Our ongoing studies are also focused on using a variant of the U F R D methods to quantify the binding constants of protein-ligand complexes.

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Conclusions D C D R has been used to obtain high quality Raman spectra from small volumes of dilute (low concentration) proteins and peptides, as well as other compounds of biochemical and/or pharmaceutical relevance. This technique has significantly extended the concentration and small volume detection limits of Raman spectroscopy, and thus sets the stage for more widespread use of this technique in biomedical research and discovery. The results we have presented illustrate the use of D C D R in the identification of conformational changes associated with fibrillation, denaturation, post-translational modifications and protein-ligand binding. Moreover, we have shown that D C D R may be used as a chromatographic detection method, either alone or in combination with U V , FTIR and M S , and thus the high chemical information content of Raman spectra could be use to enhance the resolution and chemical identification of compounds, and thus extend the capabilities of current separation, detection and quantitation methods.

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In New Approaches in Biomedical Spectroscopy; Kneipp, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.